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Pattaya: Locals sell their houses after being driven away by trash


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4 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

Couldn't the residents join together, a few 100 Baht each, to solve the issue? Surely wouldn't be that difficult to find someone to remove the trash for cash. Where they eventually will deposit the garbage is another issue...

I have seen people throwing their garbage over a fence on other people vacant land. One day a blue sewage truck backed up to someone's property, Gov or private, and emptied their truck. Of course it was on a road with few cars passing by to see them.

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4 minutes ago, baansgr said:

Old pictures posted months ago

Yes, I post them. My photo. 

Is raining now. I lazy to get new one.

do one for you now ok.....with name for you sir.



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18 minutes ago, kiouma said:

Nobody wants to live in a place like that, but if that's the case, then to whom are they selling the houses. Just a bit puzzled here !


16 minutes ago, Ireland32 said:

Who buy ??? All that Filth, Lowball Prices, hmmm

The link talk about the old local people there, now sell because this people so dirty.

maybe the builder buy there land for make more new one.

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11 minutes ago, poohy said:

when grass along road is cut by the local government it shows all the rubbish that has been dumped they sweep up the grass but leave the rubbish!!

Yes I hate that way. Look better just long grass. 


But our orbortor in the south not do that way. The man cut the grass and usually woman team behind get the rubbish.


like my photo. Can see the grass cut AND collect the plastic. Zoom and will see.


education and community.


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What's the problem, at least some of it gets picked up?  Try and imagine living near where they dump it and set it on fire. If you lived there, you'd gladly change places with the people (villagers) who have to breath toxic fumes and live in smoke that makes you puke.  They have no choice.  So, yes, sell your homes and move on, at least you can. 

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the problem is plastic, a few generations ago in thailand most rubbish was organic so its ok to dump it anywhere, it just goes back in the soil. education is the answer, even 50 years ago the west still had this problem, but hopefully the planet will cut back on plastic usage soon. in the meantime I would just hire a bulldozer and shift that rubbish to somewhere nearby where the city is forced to remove it, like the road

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4 hours ago, Yinn said:

I blame the community. The people who live there. Up to them. 

Who live Pattaya?


I blame the local governing body. Isnt it the government who should collect the trash since they are paid for that in taxes?


Shouldn't the government be questioned about this?

Edited by NightSky
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4 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

Are you blaming the foreigners ? That's quite funny :smile:

He is Thai. That is what they do. Blame the foreigners for all of their troubles. Thais are perfect people, don't you know. 

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2 hours ago, Yinn said:

I read on TVF “Thais stupid, dirty” everyday. Talk about me.

should say “some Thais” like some farang.


This OP about pattaya, famous farang and sex worker city. 

Is not my life, not my city.

this where I live, not same Pattaya, cleaner than farang country place in #48.


Just because you say something, not mean you right, I wrong. 


I post this already. All “Thais” not the same. If you live  sex tourist and sex worker city, I think it will be dirty. Is not thailand, just one place. 

Different community is different. Thai people not all same each other!

opposite pattaya













Inthefantasyofyourmind do they need 'dangerous rubbish' bins in the parks.  Or is that the only bin you could find to construct this photo.


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5 hours ago, happy chappie said:

Up here in the sticks of udon we pay 40b a month and the rubbish is collected twice a week.we also have a public tip a few miles away.

where there's muck there's money but as usual thais can't get it together and sort a deal out.

i see 1.280 houses that could pay up to 60b a month.thats nearly 80,000 to run a truck and 4 salaried men maybe mon,wed,Friday and that's just one estate.

the only problem I can see is getting paid by the residents.for 60b a month most would rather fly tip it.

Spoiled on Samui coz they collect Mon-Sat at our road ... the council have it sussed perfectly

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Curious? Who is responsible for trash collection and contracting the services?

Local Government - House Owner - Estate Management Company - Rubbish Collection Company

Or is it different at every location, everywhere in Thailand?

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The trash is not being dealt with correctly, probably because the residents think the removal of the trash is a free gratis service, and are refusing to pay for it.

Some blame for this issue should rest with the Moo Ban management Committee, who are all probably Thai Nationals, as Farang are not allowed onto the Committees.

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I've seen situations like this before in northern Baja.  Some local citizen with some juice wants that land, and I assume from the article that most of the houses are owned by foreigners, just like I saw in Mexico.  The only way they're going to get it is to take steps to get the current tenants out, by hook or by crook. 


I believe the next phase will involve, if it's anything like what I saw in Mexico, a bulldozer showing up and putting up a berm so the people can't drive in, but have to walk and climb to get to their property.  If that happens, no amount of money will get the garbage picked up, because the trucks won't be able to get in.  Also, opening up the abandoned houses to degenerate drug addicts is a tried and true strategy. 


All these steps turn the foreigner's flight into a flood.  This 'sale' is just the beginning.  They won't be able to sell, and they won't be able to stand being there, and the sharks will win.  But what's new about that?  The sharks always win. 

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