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Udon Thani: Father warns parents after teen dies while playing computer games

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Udon Thani: Father warns parents after teen dies while playing computer games



Picture: Spring News


Police and rescue services were called to a house in Udon Thani where a 17 year old boy was found slumped in front of a computer. 


"Ek"from Mark Khaeng, a first year college student, was pronounced dead at the scene.


His father said he had been addicted to computer games since he was a little kid. 


He had tried to get him to stop and consider his studies but had failed. 


He said he was a clever boy but just immersed himself in computer games all day. 


The authorities believe he had a heart attack. 


His father urged parents to spend more time with their children, to take them out and not just let them live in front of a screen all day. 


Source: Spring News


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2019-11-06
  • Like 2
  • Confused 1
19 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

A 17 year old that died of a heart attack had an underlying medical condition. To blame his death on game addiction is kind of silly. 

Agree, but it's one the kids at home don't need to know about, e.g. kids, did you hear what happened to this kid, keep playing those games for prolonged times and you could end up like him....lol

  • Like 2
2 hours ago, mercman24 said:

just tell the boys if you keep playing games on the computer your dick will fall off, that will stop them lol

Yeah remember the good old days when 17 year old boys used their computers for something more … productive? 


OK, boomer. 

  • Haha 1

" He had tried to get him to stop and consider his studies but had failed. "

Message to parents in similar situation: try harder, or better take Yoda's advice: "Do, or do not. There is no "try"."

6 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Smart phones are turning the world into brain dead zombies. The Thais now have been infected . The plot to turn the world into empty headed zombies is going as planned. No one is home. I refuse to use the smart phones. I plan to be Earth's last surviving human with a working brain.


Thais not only infected, I read an article months ago saying that Thailand was the "World Leader" (yet again) in average time spent on their phones. Sad ????

7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

A 17 year old that died of a heart attack had an underlying medical condition. To blame his death on game addiction is kind of silly. 

going down, in a sedentary situation shows the games were irelevant...

here or there; it was always going to be Game Over Player One

1 hour ago, Mitkof Island said:

Good for you. Many Thais and foreigners are raising humans with the brain power and common sense of a brick

Yep, we see it day in, day out, we don't allow the kids to mingle with the other kids outside of school, because we know most of them are dead beats, and the wife is concerned because of Thai law, e.g. if your kid is with another kid in possession, he is also considered guilty, and we have heard of some of their friends being caught in possession, no dealing for the cops, mind boggling stuff for me to comprehend, that said, when in Thailand, I listen to the wiser wife.


We want to give our kids a head start, we don't spoil them, reward them from time to time, they will get the discipline they require here to fit into the real world, once they leave the nest, it's up to them.


Hopefully we wouldn't have damaged them mentally or emotionally, but if they had my or my wife's dad, then that would be harsher punishment ????

10 hours ago, webfact said:

His father urged parents to spend more time with their children, to take them out and not just let them live in front of a screen all day. 

So why didn't he do what he preaches? Easy solution, pull the plug out of the wall !

8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

A 17 year old that died of a heart attack had an underlying medical condition. To blame his death on game addiction is kind of silly. 

Why? The Zombies they hammer the computer /and/or phone from the time they wake up (midday or later) go to work or school for a couple hrs (if they go )than when they ride home they're on the phone while riding home or to the game shop. than IF they come home they hammer the Keyboard till next morning or later Maybe sleep or keep on playing till they maybe go to work/school. Same <deleted> every day.

Now, don't say it ain't . Couse I Know a Few Zombies in our village.

1 hour ago, Redline said:

So he could not control or teach his son as a child?  Very sad~this is a child culture with no discipline or accountability

Thais do not do discipline, whether it be responsible parenting or the police refusing to tackle helmet and other motorbike violations. Both require confrontation, and that is frowned upon in Thailand. One of many cultural problems that the country has.

  • Like 1
10 hours ago, Jingthing said:

A 17 year old that died of a heart attack had an underlying medical condition. To blame his death on game addiction is kind of silly. 

His  inactivity may have contributed to the heart attack .

To what degree will have to be ascertained by the medics

9 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

So sad.....


We have 4 kids and we monitor/CONTROL the use of mobiles, tablet and iPad, i.e. the teenage boys get 1 hour in the evening on their mobiles between 8pm-9pm of which they do their social media thing and calls, slightly earlier if they have done all their chores & homework, weekends it's 1 hour in the morning and 2 hours in the evening, but NEVER before their chores are done.


The girls who are 10 and under that use the tablet and iPad, get an hour a day after school homework is done, and if any of them try to throw a hissy, they don't get it the next day, same applies to the boys, once upon a time, lip service was given to mum from one of the boys, enter dad with hammer and two mobiles, sit, see these mobiles boys, they are the property of Papa, talk to Mamma like that again, this hammer will fall on both mobiles, and there won't be any replacements, not a word since, they also can access the computer on weekends starting Friday night for two hours to watch Netflix movies, but if they ever tried to venture to social media on the computer, they would lose the use of it.


We run a tight household, call it military if you like, but you won't see our kids walking down the street playing on or texting on a mobile, no zombies here, just mum and dad from all the hard work that goes into raising kids properly, or at least we think we are ???? 

Well, good for you..

3 hours ago, Mitkof Island said:

Good for you. Many Thais and foreigners are raising humans with the brain power and common sense of a brick

I was raised with computers, played loads of games my IQ test varied between 123 and 134 So much for your theory. 

2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Yep, we see it day in, day out, we don't allow the kids to mingle with the other kids outside of school, because we know most of them are dead beats, and the wife is concerned because of Thai law, e.g. if your kid is with another kid in possession, he is also considered guilty, and we have heard of some of their friends being caught in possession, no dealing for the cops, mind boggling stuff for me to comprehend, that said, when in Thailand, I listen to the wiser wife.


We want to give our kids a head start, we don't spoil them, reward them from time to time, they will get the discipline they require here to fit into the real world, once they leave the nest, it's up to them.


Hopefully we wouldn't have damaged them mentally or emotionally, but if they had my or my wife's dad, then that would be harsher punishment ????

I understand your concern but i feel your quite harsh and your limiting their emotional development by not allowing them contact with other kids outside of school.


But these are your kids, i do understand your concerns. 


Just to clarify you lock your kids up after school or you dont allow them to play with kids that are not on the same school ?


I wandered down to the beach this evening to watch the sunset. Many Thais were already there - but clearly not to enjoy the beauty of the sunset. Most had their noses glued to their smartphones. Some were actually yacking into them or taking selfies while standing in the sea.


I felt sorry for Mother Nature, wasting her artistry on such an unworthy audience. But even more so for the smartphone zombies trapped in their narcissistic little digital worlds.

  • Like 1

His father urged parents to spend more time with their children, to take them out and not just let them live in front of a screen all day. 


In other words, BE A PARENT. That is what you signed up for. So, act like one! There is alot of responsibility that comes with having a child. It does not end with feeding them and clothing them.


And leaving them with the grandparents for years at a time is not parenting! 


Get it together. Man up. Do your job. If you cannot deal with taking care of your kid, do the world a favor and do not have them to begin with! Surely the world does not need more kids. 

  • Thanks 1
10 hours ago, robblok said:

I understand your concern but i feel your quite harsh and your limiting their emotional development by not allowing them contact with other kids outside of school.


But these are your kids, i do understand your concerns. 


Just to clarify you lock your kids up after school or you dont allow them to play with kids that are not on the same school ?

Just to clarify, we don't lock them up after school, they have chores to do around the house after homework, if they could get a part time job straight after school as I used to, e.g. pump petrol from 4pm to 9pm that would be a blessing, not for the money, but to prepare them for what is instal for them later in life, as opposed to thinking Mama married a Farang who has money, and them knowing that the hard road as opposed to wanting to sit around and play on the mobile, computer games and or waste time on social media, i.e. if they had the chance. It serves no purpose, it develops nothing except kills brain cells IMO.


Their school is 25km from home of which we drive them to everyday, it's a private Catholic school, we are not religious, but it is better than the dead beat public school in the village were they wouldn't learn half as much.


If they want to go and play basketball up the road opposite the grandparents house where they can go to in case of trouble or if their mum wants her parents to look out for them, you see we saw first hand what trouble they were heading for about 4 years ago, i.e. at age 11 on speeding motorbikes ridden by kids the same age as them at the time who were drinking Chang, they are my wife's sons, but I am the only father they have known, to put it mildly, she belted the <deleted> out of them, and warned them if they ever did it again, the front gate would be their prison, a week later, same thing happened, and they got the <deleted> belted out of them again, I had to intervene, not out of fear she would get locked up for beating her sons, wouldn't happen here, but in fear she would kill them, so the front gate is the prison gate.


We have seen the change in them and they don't want to go and hang with the local kids/gangs as they have heard a couple have died on the bikes they were speeding on, others put into homes in other provinces for selling drugs, others expelled from schools for not turning up.


I agree we may seem harsh, but they have a roof over their heads, food on the table, loving parents who see what they don't see, given the change we have seen in them/installed in them, we are confident in time they will be able to mix with other kids outside of school, but it's hard as their school is 25km away and the village life mixing with others is not of quality kids so we don't want to undo all of that work, perhaps when they are old enough to get a riders license, car license they can borrow our bike/car as I used to when I was old enough and had developed a brain to know better. 

59 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Just to clarify, we don't lock them up after school, they have chores to do around the house after homework, if they could get a part time job straight after school as I used to, e.g. pump petrol from 4pm to 9pm that would be a blessing, not for the money, but to prepare them for what is instal for them later in life, as opposed to thinking Mama married a Farang who has money, and them knowing that the hard road as opposed to wanting to sit around and play on the mobile, computer games and or waste time on social media, i.e. if they had the chance. It serves no purpose, it develops nothing except kills brain cells IMO.


Their school is 25km from home of which we drive them to everyday, it's a private Catholic school, we are not religious, but it is better than the dead beat public school in the village were they wouldn't learn half as much.


If they want to go and play basketball up the road opposite the grandparents house where they can go to in case of trouble or if their mum wants her parents to look out for them, you see we saw first hand what trouble they were heading for about 4 years ago, i.e. at age 11 on speeding motorbikes ridden by kids the same age as them at the time who were drinking Chang, they are my wife's sons, but I am the only father they have known, to put it mildly, she belted the <deleted> out of them, and warned them if they ever did it again, the front gate would be their prison, a week later, same thing happened, and they got the <deleted> belted out of them again, I had to intervene, not out of fear she would get locked up for beating her sons, wouldn't happen here, but in fear she would kill them, so the front gate is the prison gate.


We have seen the change in them and they don't want to go and hang with the local kids/gangs as they have heard a couple have died on the bikes they were speeding on, others put into homes in other provinces for selling drugs, others expelled from schools for not turning up.


I agree we may seem harsh, but they have a roof over their heads, food on the table, loving parents who see what they don't see, given the change we have seen in them/installed in them, we are confident in time they will be able to mix with other kids outside of school, but it's hard as their school is 25km away and the village life mixing with others is not of quality kids so we don't want to undo all of that work, perhaps when they are old enough to get a riders license, car license they can borrow our bike/car as I used to when I was old enough and had developed a brain to know better. 

Given the problem and that belting did not help you probably did the right thing. However i still find it harsh. But at the same time I cant think of an other solution. So your solution might be right. If they were already drinking and driving speeding motorcycles at 11 and now they are 15 then it was right.


However you do realize you cant do this much longer. I dont think i wasted time playing computer games it taught me a lot about computers and helped me a lot later in life the reason I can stay full time in Thailand is for a large part because I so good with computers. 


But the time is ticking for you, but maybe those 4 years have already shaped them better so they wont fall back in their old habits. 


But from experience I can tell you that its bad to not go to the same school as all the other kids. I went to a public non religious school in the next village as it was better then the catholic one in our village (my parents are not catholics). But I missed out on a lot of friends and social contacts in my village. 


But in Holland we usually (ok i moved away) stay in our own village when we grow up. So i missed a lot of those kids and contacts. I had contacts n the other village but not too many in my own. Not a perfect situation. But i turned out good. But I did mess around a lot with computers and learned a lot from it. But in those days playing computer games also meant you needed to learn about computers and how things works. (fix them and so on). Now computers with games are still useful as they teach you how settings work for programs and how to do things online as all follows a same kind of layout. My dad is super smart and great with his hands (Marine Engineer and for a long time had quite a few people working for him in a fertilizer factory) still has problems with setting in computers and phones. I intuitivity know most programs. I think this is something that is needed this day and age.

9 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

I wandered down to the beach this evening to watch the sunset. Many Thais were already there - but clearly not to enjoy the beauty of the sunset. Most had their noses glued to their smartphones. Some were actually yacking into them or taking selfies while standing in the sea.


I felt sorry for Mother Nature, wasting her artistry on such an unworthy audience. But even more so for the smartphone zombies trapped in their narcissistic little digital worlds.

Strang that you think its an binary thing, maybe its your age. 


I can yap in my smart phone enjoy it on the beach (and I will on my holdiday) while at other times I will be in the ocean snorkeling or watching things. Its not as if you need to watch a sunset for hours. 


Maybe you like watching paint dry too. 

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