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Diary of a farang in Isaan

owl sees all

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3 hours ago, owl sees all said:


Is that rain?


Looks like the ground is wet.


It's raining here too. Just been out the shut the gate. Enough to stop a game of cricket; just. Very disappointing.

But has yours been officially declared fake by the TMD ?, if not I don't believe you and you could be done under several laws as I know you are fully aware, computer crime for one, Thailand's mighty anti fake news department for another, boy are you in trouble ????????

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10 hours ago, owl sees all said:


Is that rain?


Looks like the ground is wet.


It's raining here too. Just been out the shut the gate. Enough to stop a game of cricket; just. Very disappointing.

Yes there was definitely a stoppage here which would have been shown in to other photo had error 522 not interceded.I don't even have the option of loading a photo for this post.

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10 hours ago, owl sees all said:


Is that rain?


Looks like the ground is wet.


It's raining here too. Just been out the shut the gate. Enough to stop a game of cricket; just. Very disappointing.

Yes there was definitely a stoppage here which would have been shown in the other photo had error 522 not interceded.I don't even have the option of loading a photo for this post.

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12 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

But has yours been officially declared fake by the TMD ?, if not I don't believe you and you could be done under several laws as I know you are fully aware, computer crime for one, Thailand's mighty anti fake news department for another, boy are you in trouble ????????

TBH GT, I don't even know what TMD is.


As for being 'done' under several laws; a bit like supporting Manchester United, if you like blue (sorry TBL). Or having a cat thrown at you because you liked the colour of the hat some lady was wearing. And! Talking of hats; I'll get along to the 'Natural Health' shop this afternoon to see what's on offer.


Anyway! I've measured the rain in the last week and it's just a couple of mms. Too little to be of any real use.

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37 minutes ago, owl sees all said:



As for being 'done' under several laws; a bit like supporting Manchester United, if you like blue (sorry TBL). Or having a cat thrown at you because you liked the colour of the hat some lady was wearing. And! Talking of hats; I'll get along to the 'Natural Health' shop this afternoon to see what's on offer.


Anyway! I've measured the rain in the last week and it's just a couple of mms. Too little to be of any real use.

Sorry Owl, Thai Meteorological Department.


Anyway, I had a nice surprise when I checked the footy scores earlier, well done my Fulham ????

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47 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Sorry Owl, Thai Meteorological Department.


Anyway, I had a nice surprise when I checked the footy scores earlier, well done my Fulham ????

Listened to the commentary for the first half. Very well deserved.


Liverpool are in a very poor run of form. Only Saints, Geordies and Brom have taken less points from their last 10 games.


Well done Fulham.

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38 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Just heard.

I'll try to get more info and get long to visit him.

Don't forget to take a phone charger!I've just sent a PM reminding him to not go out without one.Where does he live?


Ok I see he's in Udon.

Edited by FarFlungFalang
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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Don't forget to take a phone charger !I've just sent a PM reminding him to not go out without one. Where does he live?

I'm sure his lady will take him a charger. But I'll check Saturday morning, before setting off.

He lives just off the Udon ring road. So not far from the hospital.

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9 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

As he posts on this thread and is a friend of all of us ( except TBL maybe ???? ) thought I would bring this to your notice .

A few words of sympathy on the attached thread wouldn’t go amiss.



That's bad news, get well soon BlueSofa. Hope you're OK matey.

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1 hour ago, owl sees all said:

Bluesofa is doing OK. Strapped to a stiff bamboo at the mo.

He is being well looked after and although his cycle is damaged the upside is that he can now carry it about in a suitcase.

He is in good spirits, and I hope to see him this w/e. Will report.

So they have strapped bamboo to his stiff?Was his member bent?Was his member that badly damaged?Or are they trying to straighten the bamboo?I'm slightly confused,Ok very confused.Who smuggled in the spirits?Oh I get it his partner brought in some amulets and good spirits to rid him of the bad spirits not some Johnny Walker!

Sounds like he's lucky they're not carrying him around in a suitcase.

Any way drive carefully Mr Owl and I look forward to the report.

I like this new version of TV only had 1 or 2 error messages none of which were error 522.

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7 hours ago, owl sees all said:

Owl Log - 13-02-2021 - Saturday evening

Mrs Owl went to the croc buddha again today. The really busy day is the day before lottery day, so quiet, and the Mrs got a few pics.


Little croc getting all the attention.


Great trees.


The big croc still unfinished.



Passed a school that had taken on solar panels. Don't know what they gain; apart from gradually recouping the installation dosh.

Clean school. Had a drive around.


Actually the school where I made a complete c--t of myself many moons ago.


In with the new. But keep the old.


Had a visitor in the week.


Fully 75mm long. Biggest grasshopper I've ever seen. Let is get out after pics.


Just along from us; some lovely flowers.




Been a bit under the weather this last week. Bad belly, pains in face, sniffles and sore right eye. All I can put it down to was that on Monday afternoon Mrs Owl sprayed the house with mozzie killer. I didn't know and got a couple of lung-fulls after bring Mildred home from school. Think that set me off. But OK now.

Gonna see bluesofa tomorrow. He is home, but in a bamboo cage. His lady will keep it locked for sure!

Weather getting normalised. March still catching up on itself. Only one fan on in the bedroom at the mo. Last March had two on the go at night for most of the month.

To day watched Sonia Poulton interview with Sue Noman (Stuart Lubbock's ex-wife). Heart wrenching! 20 years ago this month.

Bye y'all


Dunblane massacre-25 Years ago today.641312085_Screenshot2021-03-13at20_19_16.thumb.png.75e740628cffc5995e403c8e099f19a2.png

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9 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

This is just by way of an experiment to see if I can upload a photo-which I have been unable to do over the past week.

It is the end of a very wet summer and things are looking remarkably green..almost "Englishy"-like something out of 'The Shire'????

My regards to Bluesofa.



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8 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Mr Blue has made it home and says he was on his bicycle when he was rammed up the rear end says he will get back to us shortly.

Many thanks for that info..

I am glad that he has made it home....at the risk of sounding like a prig I found that the Thai driver's propensity to smash into everything in sight on the roads was alarming indeed.

It was the one thing that I truly disliked about Thailand.

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