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Diary of a farang in Isaan

owl sees all

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23 minutes ago, HighPriority said:

Hope MiL is ok and Mrs Owl is distracted enough that you can carry out your cunning plan Owl.

Thanks for the best wishes HP. The MinL went to the hospital for a routine visit in the morning on Thursday morning, and whilst trying to get from the car to the wheel-chair; fell. She stayed in hospital for one night. Came home yesterday. Seems OK now.


My cunning plan!? Like a game of chess. Must plan ahead and move carefully before executing the 'Check Mate'. Or agreeing a draw, or, resigning in defeat of course.


Started my urine therapy yesterday. Went OK; but so far only executing Amandha's phase two.  Will report on progress.

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16 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:

Might a collar with a bell help?

Mildred did put a collar on Poo. It had a bell attached. She said Poo didn't like it so she cut it off.

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15 minutes ago, HighPriority said:

Of course Poo didn’t like it… ????

Mildred says she was hurting her paw trying to remove it. I'm not keen on collars for cats myself.





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1 hour ago, HighPriority said:

Of course Poo didn’t like it… ????

Of course the answer is to educate/train your cat. Cats can learn like other animals; or people.


I'll suggest to Mrs Owl that every morning there is no rat, lizard, chick or bird Poo should get extra nice food. If she brings a prezzie home; she gets only biscuit.


Poo will learn; just like I had to.

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9 minutes ago, owl sees all said:

Of course the answer is to educate/train your cat. Cats can learn like other animals; or people.


Poo will learn; just like I had to.

Edited by HighPriority
Forking site is playing up and I can’t type my comment in the text body area !!
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One should swing cats before throwing them, as in throwing the discus. Cat lovers quote their ability to keep rats at bay to justify their blatant laziness and whining for food, akin to a useless brother-in-law of mine, (substitute lao khao for food), but there are ways to cull the rat population that don't involve cats..

Been digging out banana trees infected with the deadly Panama disease, rotting bases of the stems. A piece of cake in the rainy season as the soil is loose and the rotting stem easily disintegrates under the blows of the trusted 'jorb' 

However, there is one drawback, the army of tiny ants feasting off the rotting vegetation. They're minute but they bite well above their weight and they're in their thousands, marching up your Wellington boots to the legs, etc 

Not a stinging sensation like red/ black ants but a vigorous itch that requires bathing the affected area to relieve the irritation.

I wonder what these ants are called 


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10 hours ago, bannork said:

One should swing cats before throwing them, as in throwing the discus. Cat lovers quote their ability to keep rats at bay to justify their blatant laziness and whining for food, akin to a useless brother-in-law of mine, (substitute lao khao for food), but there are ways to cull the rat population that don't involve cats..

Been digging out banana trees infected with the deadly Panama disease, rotting bases of the stems. A piece of cake in the rainy season as the soil is loose and the rotting stem easily disintegrates under the blows of the trusted 'jorb' 

However, there is one drawback, the army of tiny ants feasting off the rotting vegetation. They're minute but they bite well above their weight and they're in their thousands, marching up your Wellington boots to the legs, etc 

Not a stinging sensation like red/ black ants but a vigorous itch that requires bathing the affected area to relieve the irritation.

I wonder what these ants are called 


If I make it sound like an everyday occurrence I opologize. Mrs Owl has only thrown one cat at me, I think it was more like a shot-put than a discus-throw., That was a few years ago now. Got me on the chest. I didn't have a shirt on and got a couple of scratches.


What is the problem with the banana trees? Do the roots get water-logged and rot?


Ants! If I had a baht for every bite I've had (from ants) I'd have enough to buy Mrs Owl a whole load of designer handbags. The ant that seems to get me every time I walk round at the farm is the big red ant. Some Thais call them 'Lemon' ants; 'cause they taste like lemon I guess. There are also the little red ones that attack in big numbers. But there is one little black one that I'm fond of. They seem harmless enough and can they run?! Wow! I worked it out that if I could move as fast, I'd be able to get to Udon (55kms away) in just 13 minutes.



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3 hours ago, HighPriority said:

They sound a bit like an introduced ant here in Darwin, Ginger or Fire Ants, they have a way of getting one moving…

That fire ant I believe is native to Central America, The Mexican drug people use then as a torture They just tie someone up naked, and tip a tin of ants on them. They soon spill the beans. Didn't Ali G mention them once when he was interviewing a CIA big cheese? I'll try to find the clip.

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2 hours ago, GarryP said:

Yeah, gingers always cause trouble.????

There is one in the H of C at the present time. Don't know if she is troublesome though.


Have three cats to care for at present; Jack, Poo and Ginger.

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I love the rainy season, verdant green run rampant everywhere upcountry, but out here in the fields there is one fly/ mosquito/ hornet in the ointment.

Strimmers/ bushwhackers run rampant. From every direction the revved up, grating sound of strimmers echoes across the landscape, disturbing the tranquility of birds calling each other and dogs barking in the distance.

Still, there is one consolation, come November, the strimmers will fall silent.

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A fellow teacher at my school in Bangkok was a football fanatic, a Liverpool fan. He suffered severe withdrawal symptoms from May to August and would watch anything remotely resembling sport, darts, for example.

Anyway, he ran an online football gambling page. He would offer predictions on all Premier League games. If he was correct he kept 20% of your winnings, if wrong he returned a percentage of your money.

He became head of the English Programme on 100,000 baht a month but said he made more from the gambling consultancy.

COVID killed the teaching job though. The school closed down 


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2 hours ago, DJ54 said:

Glad it’s your Urine Challenge… I can’t drink enough alcohol to attempt it… 555. Mildreds doing good with her art,,, Cheers

The are different phases. I'm still on phase one. Not drinking any yet.


When I was in special forces we were always told not to drink the pee. But when you are in the desert sun, you don't pee much anyway. When you do it is a deep gold colour; and not at all appetising.


The third phase is the most interesting one. To do it properly you have to get a kit. I'll have a look on Lazada for one. I've not looked that far forward as yet though. Still on phase one.

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1 hour ago, bannork said:

A fellow teacher at my school in Bangkok was a football fanatic, a Liverpool fan. He suffered severe withdrawal symptoms from May to August and would watch anything remotely resembling sport, darts, for example.

Anyway, he ran an online football gambling page. He would offer predictions on all Premier League games. If he was correct he kept 20% of your winnings, if wrong he returned a percentage of your money.

He became head of the English Programme on 100,000 baht a month but said he made more from the gambling consultancy.

COVID killed the teaching job though. The school closed down 


I love footy. Not just English either. I like a couple of Scottish teams too. Hamilton, Cove and Banks O'dee. Played myself at quite a good level until retiring at 42.


Like a wager too. I'm not alone in this. It is estimated that 7/8% of footy supporters in England like a punt. No good at the week-end; but I have my moments.


Mildred likes the number '4'. On the way home from Ban Dung on Thursday she pointed out the time on the dash at 4.44. That sealed it. On Friday I went to the village boss' house to get a Thai Lottery ticket. Lucky to get one; 444469. Couldn't lose. But no luck on the Saturday draw. Got four of the 6 million jackpot number (484669), and one winning number was 444448. So on the right track. But what would I do with such riches? Put it in trust for Mildred I guess.

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