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Condemnation after men dress as Nazis at Bangkok mall festive event


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Gotta give it to Hugo Boss.  Has there ever been a spifier uniform?   


Not sure how many hundreds of years the world is supposed to be outraged by a garment or symbol.   However perhaps were these things treated as just a part of history, the attraction to using them as symbols of white supremacy would be less.

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With all due respect to the victims of the Nazi's including Jews I think that 2 guys dressed in Nazi military uniforms is not a big deal.


They are actually quite good looking to wear I think. A part of the attraction to a Thai I'd think.


Now if they had been promoting Nazi ideology that would be different.


But it must be remembered that in Europe and in the USA people are actively anti-semitic. Even in the US Congress.


That is a real crime in my opinion.

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3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Thailand has never been big on teaching about the history or geography of the world, the emphasis is on Thai history, monarchy etc.

For decades it's been the conclusion of the education ministry that's it's not in the childrens best interests to learn about the outside world.
It's only in the last decade or so that they realised that there is an outside world.

Open a world atlas and ask any school child to point out Thailand and most would fail, ask them where another country is & you'll most likely get a blank look!

Ask about world history or events you might as well ask the brick wall.

in what way is that any different then asking a usa child,

apart from the history and geography revolving around their country ?

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It is a case of lack of education.  It's okay for people to dress up as Nazi's and admire Hitler, IF they understood what they were doing.  In general, they don't have a clue.

History is sadly lacking in the system here.  Maybe it should be compulsory to watch the many documentaries of the slaughter and some films.  Oskar Schindler's contribution in 'Schindler's List' is a perfect example and a true story.


As regard the Japs invasion.  Yes the Thais fought briefly against a superior power before forming an alliance with Japan.  How many people know that Thailand formally declared war on both the US and Britain.


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1 minute ago, HHTel said:

It is a case of lack of education.  It's okay for people to dress up as Nazi's and admire Hitler, IF they understood what they were doing.  In general, they don't have a clue.

History is sadly lacking in the system here.  Maybe it should be compulsory to watch the many documentaries of the slaughter and some films.  Oskar Schindler's contribution in 'Schindler's List' is a perfect example and a true story.


As regard the Japs invasion.  Yes the Thais fought briefly against a superior power before forming an alliance with Japan.  How many people know that Thailand formally declared war on both the US and Britain.


England, 1950/60's, for me at school, not a word about WW2....Fact..

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5 hours ago, mickey rat said:

99.9% of the locals have no idea who Pol Pot was, much less Hitler. 

Right. They know perhaps a little bit about the WW2, but only the Asian part. But ask students in Europe, USA, Australia, etc. what they know about Pol Pot. I guess the answer is 99%: "who?"

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1 hour ago, Bob12345 said:

They dressed as German soldiers from that era, not as nazis. A nazi was a member of the NSDAP and not all soldiers were members.


Seems like the writers arent that knowledgeble about the subject either.

It is to do with the Whermacht,  with around 18 million.  This was Hitler's army and committed most of the atrocities in Germany.  I agree that many in the 'regular army' did not agree with Hitler's philosophy many more fell under his spell. i.e. Brainwashed to believing is was for the greater good.



The German army themselves have had to apologise recently for displaying uniforms of the Nazi era.


Seems we all need a bit of education.

Edited by Rimmer
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Turns out "Netizens", yep, here they come again,  are angry at criticism of Nazi dressers for doing this. Where have I heard that before?! 




This from the same crowd who became "ENRAGED" at French people wearing socks with French national colors, in France, (which happen to be the same as Thailand's), Shock, Gasp, Horror. ????

Merry Xmas Netizens



Edited by LomSak27
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2 hours ago, brokenbone said:

in what way is that any different then asking a usa child,

apart from the history and geography revolving around their country ?

In many ways they're very similar but for different reasons.

USA thinks it's the only country in the world, so doesn't need to study about others.
Thailand learns only about Thailand because the masters don't want children educated and asking difficult questions from their peers.

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4 hours ago, tgw said:

well, these aren't Nazi uniforms, they are German WW2 army uniforms.

Nitpicking, any branch of the German armed forces at the time were doing the work of the Nazi party. Any modern representation of German uniforms would automatically be considered Nazi.

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4 hours ago, LetsCleanUpTHAILAND said:

Why should they know about it? Why relevant to Thais? Do people in your country know about the raping of Thai women by Japanese WW2 solider?  Should your country know about that? Just food for thought ????

Do you honestly think that’s comparable? You make yourself look very silly with that kind of comment 

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2 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

They dressed as German soldiers from that era, not as nazis. A nazi was a member of the NSDAP and not all soldiers were members.


Seems like the writers arent that knowledgeble about the subject either.

Nonsense. You might as well say the Nazis had no control over the armed forces. ANY German military uniform of the era is seen as a Nazi uniform. The technicalities are not relevant.

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13 minutes ago, hotchilli said:
2 hours ago, brokenbone said:

in what way is that any different then asking a usa child,

apart from the history and geography revolving around their country ?

In many ways they're very similar but for different reasons.

USA thinks it's the only country in the world, so doesn't need to study about others.
Thailand learns only about Thailand because the masters don't want children educated and asking difficult questions from their peers.


This news is about Thailand,  not the USA. Lets not lose the plot & degenerate into  "whataboutery tangents & deflections", so early on Xmas. Best wait until you get sloe gin & eggnog slobbery, for that :thumbsup:

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