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Macrosleep? Drunk Thai driver causes three kilometer tailback after falling asleep at Pattaya lights

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45 minutes ago, rooster59 said:

Microsleep is dropping off behind the wheel momentarily and the cause of many accidents. We suggest this might be a new phenomena, macrosleep.

I didn't know they sold beds in Makro?

Perhaps Ikeasleep would be more appropriate.

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21 minutes ago, MadMuhammad said:

What a complete tool. They walk among us 

They also sleep amongst us , maybe some are turning into vampires.   Day light comes , they are driving then at the snap of your fingers go to the land of Nod.

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in California, back in the USA, it use to be a badge of honor to have been hooked up for DUI many years ago.  The fine was so low, and guys at the bars use to celebrate getting hooked up for a 502 as they use to call it.  However, with the stringent laws, and enforcement, now being arrested for a DUI the first time can run a person up to $10,000 USD, that includes court costs, DUI related courses, and the increase in insurance, plus the driver license suspension.  As a retired LEO (No not beer) with the CHP, our DUI stats are still through the roof, even money does not detour this act as people still drive drunk, even without licenses.  The new tool is an ignition interlock device that is mandatorily installed after your DUI conviction.  Of course some one from those companies got a big payout.  That system itself is the equivalent of a having a breathalyzer in your car and it must be blown into before the car can be started, any alcohol in the machine and the user is locked out of starting the car, however, there are other ways to defeat that system.  If someone wishes to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol there is nothing to stop them anywhere in the world.  Culture and morals are the only thing.  Loss of face does not come into play as driving while impaired is never admitted.  Deaths around the world occur needlessly, and there are more wrong way drivers out there because of it.  Everyone looses...…….

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Little Mr P in Bangkok will be angry he begged them a few days ago not to drive drunk on the roads. Today I noted a sedan parked outside our mooh baan thats was totaled front and back. The neighbour said the owner was a policeman, he was drunk , still in hospital with injuries. Karma strikes!

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Macrosleep? Drunk Thai driver causes three kilometer tailback after falling asleep at Pattaya lights

Why do you call it "microsleep"? The boy had a real sleep, luckily with the car stopped!

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7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Microsleep is dropping off behind the wheel momentarily and the cause of many accidents. We suggest this might be a new phenomena, macrosleep.

Passing out whilst drunk is a countless generations phenomena

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If anybody has the idea there might be a cheap Mitsubishi Triton pickup for sale shortly, forget it; Kiatisak will still be driving and microsleeping next week.


Some things will never change here.

8 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Police suspected drunkenness and so it proved - he was taken away to face DUI charges with a reading of 215 milligrams of alcohol in his blood. 

Some people just don't get it!!!!


This is so common here in Thailand people have no idea!  Let's back track a bit, was he drinking by himself?  Where are his friends who were drinking with him? guess they were all so <deleted> they didn't bother to ask others are you O.K.


Lucky he didn't hurt anyone prior to the light and fell asleep, 19 where are his parents might want to have a good talk with them too!


He is one of many who drink drive. But every country has drink drivers but at least most countries are trying their hardest to stamp it out but you never will Its like prostitituion. Like i said the Pm begged them not to drink drive was like telling the scarecrow from wizard of oz(No Brains)  Well I wonder what his punishment will be? 500 baht fine and a wai or just tell him to pick the car up when he sobers up and drive again. He was mighty drunk but nothing changes and those cops sitting in those tents playing with their phones are really doing a good job. It is really deterring guys like this one as you all can see. They should be getting off their backsides and getting out amongst the traffic and start laying down the law like they mean business. Ooops sorry I meantioned work So sorry.


Slightly off topic but the carnage has begun already. My Mrs was showing me a Thai TV news report of a large coach which had lost control and gone into a HGV up in Chiang Mai yesterday. I believe she said 43 dead.... we have a few more days and more to come. 

2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Slightly off topic but the carnage has begun already. My Mrs was showing me a Thai TV news report of a large coach which had lost control and gone into a HGV up in Chiang Mai yesterday. I believe she said 43 dead.... we have a few more days and more to come. 

It's not made the news yet.  Stats are saying 'only' 43 dead on Day 1.


The legal limit for people who drink is 50... it’s 25 for a person who has been granted the privilege to drive for up to five years... this guy is 19!  and he tests over 200!!  Two hundred.  I’m glad he received his license when he was thirteen; that’ll help reduce his fine and any other penalties...????

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On 12/28/2019 at 1:55 PM, 30la said:

Why do you call it "microsleep"? The boy had a real sleep, luckily with the car stopped!

Read it again!

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