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Thailand to screen arrivals from China as tally of virus infections hits 14

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2 hours ago, mrfill said:

Its all a bit shock horror. 106 deaths in a week, all in China, is hardly a world epidemic. Less than 2 days carnage on Thai roads.

About every 5 years we get a major panic about another deadly virus and we're all going to die. Ebola, H1N1, bird flu etc.

But you forgot to include: 'the sky is falling'....???? 

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There have been no deaths outside of China and many of the confirmed cases have already recovered or are recovering.

Most people will recover with no treatment.  Masks are only effective in preventing the spread from people already affected just the same as 'flu or colds.  Medical staff wear them to prevent their own bacteria from infecting patients, not the other way round.


The mortality rate is still very low at 3% or less.  Almost all fatalities to date (with a couple of exceptions) are people who are already vulnerable due to age, ill health etc.


'Flu is much more serious but doesn't have a cool name like 2019-nCoV so doesn't get the headlines!


Currently, if infected, you have a 97% chance of recovery (around a week) and if you're a healthy individual then you are close to 100% recovery.

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19 hours ago, toenail said:

??? Money from tourism is more important than dealing with an uncontrollable epidemic.  You know the “Thai way”... react after it is a big problem. 

How about the American, Australian or even the European way which all have a much high mortality rate for virus based deaths than anyone else. America, Australia and Europe have not been able to control the common flu virus that has been around for years and kills thousands every year but no one is jumping up and down about that. Everyone is only interested in this virus from China. Who is to say that someone from America, Australia or Europe didn't travel to China infected with the common flu virus and it mutated there into the virus that is there now. Viruses are the most infectious diseases in the world. The worst viruses with the highest mortality rate is in the western world where they have not been able to control it for many years, even with the vaccine that they have and no one from those infected countries is screened at any border crossings anywhere in the world and the people from those countries are allow to travel freely without any restrictions. Why are Americans (which has the highest mortality rate in the world for virus related infections) allowed to travel freely to which ever country they like to, to spread these viruses? It is going to be interesting in what the replies are going to be about my statement, it will show who are honest and who are just bigots against China

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1 hour ago, Dukeleto said:

Yes it’s seems like that now on the surface but factor in what you can’t see which is the underreporting by China and others. Travellers from infected areas are still travelling, hospitals at ground zero already overwhelmed and refusing new patients. If you were in one of these cities you would want to escape by any means without knowing you were already infected. I see this one as the big one and I hope to God I am wrong. If this had kicked off in the US or even HK I may have been less pessimistic but I think history will confirm my theory that this pandemic coming from the middle of China prior to the Chinese Lunar New Year has created the perfect storm to spread this virus everywhere and make it the Pandemic of this century. If that happens there is no way hospitals everywhere will cope and you will simply have to take your chances on self recovery. “Brace yourself Shiela”

You are too late because the pandemic has been around for years with the US having the highest mortality rate for virus related disease and has had this for many years. Why are Americans allowed to travel?


Australia has developed this strain of corona virus in one of its labs and has sent samples to WHO as well as other world labs to develop a vaccine, china has had it in their lab from the start but refused to give WHO or anyone else a sample, they sent pics of the virus only, have to wonder why and if there is any truth it started in their lab doing chemical weapon research

8 minutes ago, khunpa said:

Why don’t you go to China and tell them that they are just overreacting?


Do you really think a country like China close down huge cities for fun? Just think about the impact of doing so.


Something has forced leaders in China to make this huge decision. And I doubt they did it just because they thought it could be fun to try.


Another thing is mutation. The more infected the higher chance of this. And in this case it might not only be “some” that will die. Maybe that is why they have taken drastic steps.

Where did I mention China?


Why are there no cases in Africa? I guess Ebola is waiting at the airport and saying like: "Corona? You think your bad? You pesky little thing!".


Thailand is definitely desperate to allow Chinese to visit here. This is a very dangerous situation

to deal with. Well over 100 people have died already in China.

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, Moo 2 said:

Thailand is definitely desperate to allow Chinese to visit here. This is a very dangerous situation

to deal with. Well over 100 people have died already in China.

How many people have died in America so far this flu season from flu virus infections? The answer is a lot more than have died around the world from this virus but the flu virus in America is not being controlled and Americans are allowed to travel freely to any country in the world spreading their virus. Be honest with yourself and have a good look at all the viruses around the world and look how different countries have tried unsuccessfully to contain them. There are vaccines for these viruses and yet these viruses still thrive and mutate even in countries like America, Australia and Europe.


I think that Thailand is just showing it's ability to adapt to, and to solve problems better then the others. ...


Australia is still letting them in, and not even screening them all at all I think ? Just "Monitoring" them .... Still the few that they have found, have also been VERY Cooperative. ... Like voluntarily quarantining them selves until they unfortunately started to feel sick, ...... Maybe we will see a Tribute to Humanity occur here ??? ... (As Opposed to other Political Developments around the world) ....


There are just too many People in China any way ! right ! ? Har Har ...

21 minutes ago, seajae said:

Australia has developed this strain of corona virus in one of its labs and has sent samples to WHO as well as other world labs to develop a vaccine, china has had it in their lab from the start but refused to give WHO or anyone else a sample, they sent pics of the virus only, have to wonder why and if there is any truth it started in their lab doing chemical weapon research

What complete garbage.....How can Australia develop a strain of Corona Virus which was unknown.....

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2 minutes ago, Surasak said:

So, GREED overrides common sense and the countries health and well-being. Nothing changes!

I am glad that you made that statement because it means that countries like America, Australia and Europe have allowed GREED to override common sense and the countries health and well being because America has the highest mortality rate from virus related infections of all other countries in the world followed by Australia and Europe. Thailand is way down the list.


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20 hours ago, Ireland32 said:

Why are they being allowed to enter , Malaysia saying CANNOT 

government greed no other way of putting it

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19 hours ago, MaxLee said:

More brown envelopes on the way under the table to protect Tourism of Thailand.....

If only Malaysia denies entry in SE Asia and no countries in Europe (and the US) does it, why do you demand Thailand to deny Chinese tourists entry? When closing borders the recommendations normally comes from the UN. If dead bodies starts piling up, then it's another story. 

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6 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

What complete garbage.....How can Australia develop a strain of Corona Virus which was unknown.....

Try reading REAL news. They developed it based on the virus information received from Chinese laboratories who ALSO developed it. It will enable the work towards a treatment to proceed more rapidly.


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33 minutes ago, seajae said:

Australia has developed this strain of corona virus in one of its labs and has sent samples to WHO as well as other world labs to develop a vaccine, china has had it in their lab from the start but refused to give WHO or anyone else a sample, they sent pics of the virus only, have to wonder why and if there is any truth it started in their lab doing chemical weapon research

Simply not true.


Jan 26 Reuters:

“Chinese scientists were able to quickly identify the genetic sequence of the new coronavirus and officials posted it publicly within a few days, allowing scientific research teams to get to work right away. With the genetic code in hand, scientists can start vaccine development work without needing a sample of the virus.”



There is no indication that this is a biological weapon. Had it been, China would not have shared the genetic code.


Furthermore an effective bio-weapon must have a death rate of at least 33% to be considered possibly viable. This virus so far has a death rate under 3% and has a full recovery time of 2 to 3 weeks which is the same for most flu epidemics.


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9 minutes ago, smutcakes said:

What complete garbage.....How can Australia develop a strain of Corona Virus which was unknown.....

You should keep up with the news instead of calling things that you don't know about as rubbish. The  Peter Doherty Institute in Melbourne, Australia HAS developed a lab-grown version of the coronavirus and it is currently being shared with the WHO and other institutes around the world to work on developing a vaccine.

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56 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

How about the American, Australian or even the European way which all have a much high mortality rate for virus based deaths than anyone else. America, Australia and Europe have not been able to control the common flu virus that has been around for years and kills thousands every year but no one is jumping up and down about that. Everyone is only interested in this virus from China. Who is to say that someone from America, Australia or Europe didn't travel to China infected with the common flu virus and it mutated there into the virus that is there now. Viruses are the most infectious diseases in the world. The worst viruses with the highest mortality rate is in the western world where they have not been able to control it for many years, even with the vaccine that they have and no one from those infected countries is screened at any border crossings anywhere in the world and the people from those countries are allow to travel freely without any restrictions. Why are Americans (which has the highest mortality rate in the world for virus related infections) allowed to travel freely to which ever country they like to, to spread these viruses? It is going to be interesting in what the replies are going to be about my statement, it will show who are honest and who are just bigots against China

The influenza you speak of has a mortality rate of 0.1% - at the moment this virus has one of around 15%. It was around 3% but that has recently been amended to 15% 

2 minutes ago, ExpatLife said:

The influenza you speak of has a mortality rate of 0.1% - at the moment this virus has one of around 15%. It was around 3% but that has recently been amended to 15% 

Don't try to down play the severity of any virus by using percentages, use actual number of lives lost. America fatalities from virus related illnesses since the start of the American flu season which is only a couple of months is over 14000 and that is from CDC. The facts are that people from western countries are travelling abroad infected by the common flu virus and nobody is jumping up and down about it but everyone is jumping up and down about a virus from China. A virus is the most infectious diseases of any type of disease and people are only worrying about this virus from China and they want borders closed to try and stop the spread of this virus but to allow all the other viruses to free travel to other countries

  • Confused 1

If the country has so many chinese visitors they should start the 100% checks as soon as the brakeout , not only visitors from wuhan , but from every chinese city. and now it's to late for that, they should check visitors from every flight coming in because it spread al over the world . 




Now its been confirmed by Thailand's own Health Minister, and he admits they are not able to stop the spread of the Coronavirus.  This article from the USA.  It also indicates more than 22,000 Chines from Wuhan entered the country in January.


Germany now also is reporting a human to human spread, and not from anyone who came from China......

18 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

If the country has so many chinese visitors they should start the 100% checks as soon as the brakeout , not only visitors from wuhan , but from every chinese city. and now it's to late for that, they should check visitors from every flight coming in because it spread al over the world . 

Your system would not work and it did not work with the SARS virus. I was stationed at Tullamarine Airport in Melbourne assisting the health department doing the screening of incoming passengers and all the screening does is record the body temperature and anyone can have a high body temperature for many different reasons that are not virus related. The only successful way of doing this is to go back in time  to when every person that was coming into a country had to go directly to a quarantine station and live there for a set period of time before being able to enter the country. Keep all incoming people in quarantine stations for 7 days and if they do not show signs of any illness at the end of 7 days then let then into the country, but that must be for every person, no matter where there are coming from. A logistical nightmare from back in the dark ages is the only sure way of containing this and any other virus from around the world

21 hours ago, Ireland32 said:

Why are they being allowed to enter , Malaysia saying CANNOT 

I’m in Sri Lanka - noooo, they don’t want them either. 

My driver says - why do they need to eat snakes and dogs - why not eat curry rice like us.

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