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70-80 Thai workers returning from South Korea 'have fled quarantine'

Jonathan Fairfield

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22 minutes ago, Card said:

When in Rome......... be a hypocrite?

If you don't drive like Thais then you are going to get hurt... badly hurt... you know this, we all do, you are FORCED to fit in, it is the Thai way, submit to their way or else.

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6 minutes ago, hobobo said:

A Thai friend tried to explain to me the average Thai's sense of responsibility... "I know I'm not feeling well, but I can't do the stupid quarantine... if I get worse, I can always go to a hospital later on..."  Never would one consider other scenarios, like... "I feel I could well have the virus, and that I could potentially infect and kill dozens and more... I must take this quarantine seriously". Sad!

My wife puts it this way, they need to go to work, they need to go to shop, they need to etc etc etc.... who can argue with that "logic."

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13 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

An please tell me how other countries are doing better?  America letting the cruise ship passengers infected back, Air force base worker where plane landed gets infected.  People returning from Italy let back in, now America has highest death percentage from infected.

So first world countries are failing in controlling the spread of virus. 

And somehow you expect better containment from a third world country? 

Good luck with that attitude.



It is unfortunate that you are unable to comprehend the data. The USA does not have the highest death percentage because the number of actual cases is unconfirmed due to the testing only  getting started now.    All of the 21 US fatalities except for 3  have been in Washington state. Most of the Washington State  deaths are associated with a seniors care facility. A worker imported the illness.  2  fatalities were in Florida and relate  to 2 seniors who  traveled  overseas and believed to have been infected there. The 1 fatality is related to the current cruise ship that will be docking in Oakland. The person was on the previous leg of that ship's voyage. Crew were infected and have contaminated passengers. 


Yes, it is appropriate to bring back the cruise ship passengers. The Japanese cruise ship fiasco has demonstrated that quarantining the cruise ship is a failed strategy as it results in  many more infections. By bringing the passengers back, they can be isolated in an appropriate facility. Foreigners will take  special charters back to their own countries. This strategy has been proven successful  in canada which has successfully repatriated cruise ship and other travelers and placed them in isolation centers. To date there are no fatalities in Canada despite a lack of intensive screening. Where the USA failed was in its testing. It did not test people and bungled the distribution of the test kits. Canada has been testing any suspected  person and this has allowed  immediate intervention. The issue in Washington state was that no one was tested for weeks.


The issue in Thailand is one of non compliance. The Thai authorities should have stopped these  labourers from fleeing, and used lethal force if need be. There can be no half measures as the failure to maintain the quarantines will  result in the deaths of innocent people. The Thai government must start an information campaign. This is a SARS virus and it is deadly. Many people still do not get it.


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Some posters say they would do a runner like the 70 to 80 Thais, so are they as

thoughtless, ignorant, self centered, as these Thai runners. The workers fled Korea because

they knew Korea was a hot zone, they were likely advised that they were being quarantined

so they would not spread the virus, so why would they run away. I doubt that any of them went straight home to stay there for the 2 weeks. My Thai wife says that a lot of

people today have a me me me first, attitude and don't think about their families or

friends.  Perhaps some posters have that attitude as well. My opinion anyway.


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16 hours ago, sirineou said:

I don't understand


I thought we were talking about the Coronavirus.

The supposition is that the Thai authorities have been keen to keep Coronavirus cases and deaths low.

There appears to be a spike in viral pneumonia cases and subsequent deaths , hence the possible connection.

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23 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

Pure supposition based on believing official Thai figures. They lie and distort facts constantly so why would you trust what they say this time ?

You don't know the figures, do you? You have only seen the headline figures, haven't you.

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10 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


You seem to be obsessed with pictograms. You  should not use these  types of charts because they change every few hours and are not reliable. Some countries  have been extensively testing and even 1 positive test, will result in a  presumption of infection (e..g. South Korea).The United States has 544 cases and 21 fatalities. This brings its rate down to 3.8%. By the end of the week it should have 2000 as testing gets under way. The USA fatalities are almost all elderly and 18  are linked to a seniors care facility. These are very different characteristics than some other countries. Italy's fatalities are clustered in elderly infirm people and we will see inflated numbers because  the population is one of the oldest in Europe.  


The sad reality is that Thailand has not been widely  testing patients and has not been effectively isolating suspected cases. In contrast, Canada has  been zealously testing and  isolating suspected cases. Sometimes it is self isolation and other times with the foreign infections putting hundreds of people up in hotels. The self isolation has  a 100% compliance. Even one of the original Chinese importations  who was a university student self reported and isolated herself. This is very different than what we are seeing in Thailand: No testing, non compliant isolation and a lack of social responsibility to protect the society. There is an absence of public education and proper government messaging. Look at Vietnam with its PSA's and  public briefings to see the difference.

The Thai government needs to  show some leadership and explain to the people what  needs to be done. If the government does not explain and does not educate, then Thailand  could see itself shunned.  China  has now reported no local transmissions in Hubei province. Now consider the implications if Chinese visitors bring back the infection from Thailand. Tourism will be dead.



Thailand has not been widely testing patients? That comment is based on what? A pictogram? Or some invention of your own? Because you are wrong. Thailand has tested thousands ... 

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36 minutes ago, joecoolfrog said:

It is obvious from the current clown show that the Thai authorities are either clueless or have deliberately been misrepresenting the true figures. The graph above simply demonstrates that other countries have been far more honest and transparent. Given the huge numbers of Chinese visitors to Thailand it is inconceivable that there are not far more victims reported at this point.

Wuhan/Hubei infected area accounts for 4% of the Chinese population.

Hence, It is very conceivable that the Chinese visitors are not infected, since 96% are not infected.  

Make sense?


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Deputy Public Health Minister Sathit Pitutaecha did not give details of how the returnees managed to escape

Maybe it was through the same "open door" that the Chinese use to come in??

Just an idea.

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1 hour ago, todlad said:

No, that is not his point. His point is that TV keyboard warriors like yourself seem to be dreaming, even hoping, that Thailand will collapse under the weight of coronavirus deaths so that you can all say, keystone cops, who knew ... we told you so.


The reality is that, so far, the death rate here is exceptionally low and in spite of all of the absolute tripe written here, there are thousands and thousands of Thais and foreigners in Thailand who have been tested. You only know the headline figures and extrapolate from there.

I cant find firm details of actual numbers of tests. Can you please provide a link as that would be informative.

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18 hours ago, BobbyL said:

The only rule people do seem to 'follow' should have been abolished generations ago. 

Thailand has gazzilions of laws, but close to zero enforcement. We're always on about enforcement leading to compliance. Funny that the one rule strongly enforced is generally complied with. Now imagine enforcing traffic laws with the same vigor...

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They would rather pick the <deleted> out of a Farang for some minute thing , but 70 to 80 Thais breaching a quarantine order and Facility get a slap on the hand if they ever catch them absolutely pathetic so much for Thailand wanting to be in charge of Security when they joined the ANSUZ Group of Nations.

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18 hours ago, sirineou said:

All deaths are investigated as to "cause of death" but not all illnesses are investigated.

So it is fair to assume that a lot of mild cases do not even require treatment so are not reported and counted, and that do to a shortage in test kits and political reasons , a lot of more severe cases are not tested, ( test kit availability varies for country to country) .

  I am willing to bet that when the dust settles the mortality rate will be somewhere between 1-1.5%  remove from that the elderly with underlying  medical conditions, and the mortality rate decreases considerably. 

  So, Not time to panic yet. 

Hm, so you mean that eldery people and or sick people who die should not been recon as dead. Is this some new inventionof reincarnation?

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9 minutes ago, Skallywag said:

Wuhan/Hubei infected area accounts for 4% of the Chinese population.

Hence, It is very conceivable that the Chinese visitors are not infected, since 96% are not infected.  

Make sense?


Sure but its basicly a numbers game and the more visitors from the original host country , likely the most cases . The fact is that countries that have had far fewer Chinese visitors have had far more reported victims , logically that doesn't add up.

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1 minute ago, joecoolfrog said:

Sure but its basicly a numbers game and the more visitors from the original host country , likely the most cases . The fact is that countries that have had far fewer Chinese visitors have had far more reported victims , logically that doesn't add up.

I don't think there is much doubt that Thailand is significantly under-reporting the number of caes.

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They flee because they don't trust the authorities. Can anybody blame them?


Neither Thais nor farangs like or trust the Thai Authorities one bit.


And that is because Thai authorities are mainly cretins.

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