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How Many People on This Forum Have the Flu or a Cold Now?


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One of the next days I have to do my 90-days report, to apply for an extension of stay and for a multiple re-entry.

Though I'm not panicking at all I don't feel comfortable by the idea spending hours in such a crowded place as Jomtien Immigration uses to be. I confess I thought for a minute using an agent this time

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Been crook for a few days,wake up with throat full of gunk feel rough definitely not flu,some sort of sinus thing "head cold" resting up during the day and flushing salt water up the nose,starting to feel better but not going to bars and drinking.Good TV in my guest house.

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14 hours ago, ukrules said:

I had one a few weeks ago, it was pretty mild and only lasted a couple of days but it left a lingering bronchial congestion thing that's only just about cleared up right now.




Sounds exactly like what I've got. I get this every year about this time. I feel fine, except for the congestion. I was hoping it wouldn't last for 2 more weeks. It's kinda cutting into my golf game(s).  Plus the wifey isn't happy having me around the house all the time either.

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14 hours ago, ukrules said:

I had one a few weeks ago, it was pretty mild and only lasted a couple of days but it left a lingering bronchial congestion thing that's only just about cleared up right now.




same here, the cough is a nuisance.

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I’ve had a runny nose and cough up phelm in the morning for two weeks now. I’ve been to see the doctor & he gave me three different types of pills& I’ve finished the course but the cold I just can’t shake it off. This is just a cold given to me by the grandchildren, & the rest of the family aren’t concerned. but I have to travel to Blighty soon. I really don’t want to get picked out of the crowd at Swampy  and forced into quarantine just for a runny nose, there’s no fever. I’m 100% certain it’s not more than that, because of my location no tourists no Chinese. The locals don’t wear masks Where we live either.

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1 hour ago, JustAnotherHun said:

Thank god you don't have a silicon allergy

The second photo is more to my liking, although what possesses them to disfigure themselves with tattoos is beyond my understanding.

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7 hours ago, cooked said:

A small study indicated that ASIANS that smoke or that have smoked in the past are more vulnerable to the effects of the virus.

That's funny because they were saying the exact opposite when SARS was around years ago, smokers were less commonly infected.


If you don't believe this then spend 2 minutes on goolge searching for "sars outbreak smokers protected" - these were the headlines back in 2003, I remember reading them as they were published, this doesn't mean they were true and confirmed as it was ongoing at the time, much like the current situation is but for some reason smokers appeared to be less affected.


I also remember reading that it was somehow related to an inflammatory response, ie - the smokers bodies were primed because they're already fighting the smoke.....


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2 hours ago, JustAnotherHun said:

Thank god you don't have a silicon allergy

You assume there is silicone....I assume there is milk inside that needs to be consumed LOL...who knows but would like to find out...

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Must be because I had the flu this Christmas
And I'm not feeling up to par
And increases my paranoia
Like looking in my mirror and seeing a police car
But I'm not, I'm not giving in an inch to fear
'Cause I've promised myself this year
I feel oh, like I owe it, to someone
When I get myself together
I'm gonna get down in that sunny southern weather, yeah
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Since I came to Thailand about 14 years ago, I have only had the odd sore throat and very slight cough, never had flu, unlike back in the UK.

I would say I have only had the flu about 5 times in my adult lifetime.

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I returned from the UK Sunday night. Already had symptoms of a cold starting a day before my return; occasional sneezing, blocked nose.

Must have picked it up in London. Made me feel a bit self conscious on the flight back, with all the asians wearing masks. But I made prodigious use of alcohol wet wipes.

Stuck at home with the aircon on as I need to acclimatise to the hot weather again. ????

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use homeopathy as much as you can.....and if you hit on the right formula and mainly on the dosage that suits you....it can work miracles and strengthen your immune system for the usual common colds, fever and stomach issues.....the toughest challenge here however is to find a honest doctor in homeopathy...that is a doctor a real one...and then to find a apothek that sells genuine and reliable homeopathic pills....

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Not currently suffering, but about 6 weeks ago had a really dry cough, runny beak and felt really run down. Right as rain now, but you’ve got to wonder if it was more than just seasonal flu. ( didn’t have a flu shot for this season either). Anyway hope Yours it is just regular seasonal flu. Take care.

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