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Thailand road carnage: NINETY reported dead on Monday - year total surpasses 3,000


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Yet the world is freakin' freakin' out and shutting down over the Corvid scare. Same in the past with SARS, Swine, Bird and others so-called "pandemics". ????


The world loves every new drama...yet disregards and takes in stride road deaths (3700/day), seasonal flu deaths (500,000/yr), smoking related deaths (19,000/DAY), mosquito disease deaths (7000/day). 

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The Thais are "number one" or close to it in so many categories - Motorcycle deaths, horrific 2.5 PM air pollution, time spent online, blatant corruption etc. etc. etc.. It's incredible what one small country can achieve. ????


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1 hour ago, keystonecoppers2 said:



                    Stargrazer!    I`m all with you on this one, where people

                    come from (fairly) safe driving European countries, as well from 

                    America, knowing how to behave mainly because we have a good

                    education when learning to drive. And then coming here and throw all

                    safety overboard, with no helmets, not even for their kids!

                    I see it everyday and I`m just thinking: Jeez!!


                   And could anybody, ANYBODY please educate people how to behave

                   in a roundabout!!                








Roundabouts , good grief , there is one in Maechan where I live , perhaps 1 in 10 know what to do when they come to it. When I reach it it is hand on the horn , you just know it means total confusion to the locals ,  imagine doing away with U turns and having roundabouts instead , panic would appear , mental erase would set in , this is why there are so few roundabouts , they make no sense to the locals.

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Not sure why everyone blames the Government for the road toll.  If you want a nanny Government to take care of all your needs and responsibilities then you should stay in your western country.  This is a cultural problem that can be solved with education in the home.  I always make my kids wear seat belts in the car in Thailand, they hate me for it, but stiff.  Though when they grow up and have children in Thailand they will also make their kids wear seat belts.  The problem can be solved at home with education.  Perhaps wealthy car companies could help with more advertising regarding road safety.

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                             Toofarnorth:   I have 5 Roundabouts close to where I live, and one

                             have to approach with care, every time. Nothing wrong with that,

                             but back home the traffic is floating through without much of

                             a problem, everyone knows how it works. But here, everybody

                             approaching seems to be guessing, and many stops inside the

                             "rondel", with a possibility of clogging it up!






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9 hours ago, JCP108 said:

Jing jing?

Don't you know how to say, or even write, "Really?"

I'm sure you are a wonderful and eloquent speaker of the Thai language.....

But this is an English speaking forum.

We don't need a lesson in transliterated Thai either!

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1 hour ago, Plstandby said:

Have they thought about driving course to get a license or you know giving ticket for crossing full line or reckless driving ????????????

They do have a driving course and a driving test; both theory and practical. The practical is somewhat expedited but my driving school was very thorough and professional. The theory is out of 50 and I think you have to get 47 to pass, I got 50 so I wouldn't know what a fail was 5555. There is a 4hr video you are forced to watch before the theory test. I think the problem lies with drivers who passed their test before this 4hr video and theory test was implemented. Thai's are skilled enough to be able to drive properly and safely; it is just for a long period they didn't have the western standardised theory and test ???? 

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Just now, Yadon Toploy said:


I don't think you understand what I mean. They are no less capable of learning how to drive properly if there is a proper training system in place; which there is now! You will probably fin most of these accidents are caused by drivers who passed their tests before the current theory test and video was introduced. I drive everyday around Bangkok and most weekends I drive long distances into the provinces; I can assure you a lot of Thai's are perfectly good at driving. It is usually the older generation I see being reckless and that is down to having never been properly schooled on how to drive. 

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I am surprised, that the carnage is not much much higher - given the way they handle licenses and their extensions!

I've passed an European driving license 43 years ago and have been renewing my Thai license for the sixth 5-years cycle last week - in beautiful Nong Khai.

The procedure of extending this license is nothing short of a first class Monty Python act. While I can level with the ability of distinguishing different colours, the reaction test borders at absolute idiocy. 

To top it off, one then has to sit into a two hours video lesson which starts  with the different categories of vehicles from TukTuk to ten wheelers and army vehicles.

Following suit there is an excursion into the listing of various fines - which is a blunt joke as well as fines are usually settled in cash without receipt on location.

Then the entire range of signs is described in a most infantile way. A blue round sign with an arrow turning left means that here you have to turn left; a blue round sign with an arrow turning right ..... etc. 

Nobody explains unattended railway crossings nor the purpose of the yellow box at an intersection which is self-explanatory.
No damage done here though as absolutely everybody was texting around on their mobile phones, taking a nap and another guy feasted on some taken-away fried chicken. 

Two hours pass, when the little spinster, who introduced herself as "Call me Khun Mae" whisks everyone downstairs to pay the B555 and get the picture taken. We all will be back in five years for yet another pristine example of governmental stupidity of the finest order! Pathetic, complete and utter waste of time on all sides! 

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16 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

I am surprised, that the carnage is not much much higher - given the way they handle licenses and their extensions!

I've passed an European driving license 43 years ago and have been renewing my Thai license for the sixth 5-years cycle last week - in beautiful Nong Khai.

The procedure of extending this license is nothing short of a first class Monty Python act. While I can level with the ability of distinguishing different colours, the reaction test borders at absolute idiocy. 

To top it off, one then has to sit into a two hours video lesson which starts  with the different categories of vehicles from TukTuk to ten wheelers and army vehicles.

Following suit there is an excursion into the listing of various fines - which is a blunt joke as well as fines are usually settled in cash without receipt on location.

Then the entire range of signs is described in a most infantile way. A blue round sign with an arrow turning left means that here you have to turn left; a blue round sign with an arrow turning right ..... etc. 

Nobody explains unattended railway crossings nor the purpose of the yellow box at an intersection which is self-explanatory.
No damage done here though as absolutely everybody was texting around on their mobile phones, taking a nap and another guy feasted on some taken-away fried chicken. 

Two hours pass, when the little spinster, who introduced herself as "Call me Khun Mae" whisks everyone downstairs to pay the B555 and get the picture taken. We all will be back in five years for yet another pristine example of governmental stupidity of the finest order! Pathetic, complete and utter waste of time on all sides! 

I don't think it is the fault of the gov that people do not pay attention to the theory video. Maybe you should have to take and pass the theory test again every 5 years. Maybe those who have never taken the theory test should be required to do so next time they go in for renewal. 

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11 hours ago, webfact said:


Well first of all congratulations to the Daily News for their campaign to "keep the damning issue in the public eye" and also for recognising that the statistics do not account for people who die away from but as a cause of an accident.  I wish them every success.  However isn't it just as damning that they, not the government nor the police have to take the lead on this.  Its shocking!

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Every day I see people driving on the wrong side of the road going around blind corners. How is this an education issue that governments can fix? I don't believe for a second if I told those people what they're doing is dangerous they would stop. The must be doing a cost/risk analysis and decided it was worth the risk.

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12 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:
12 hours ago, petedk said:

it is strange that the government make no real effort to publicize these figures or do anything about these terrible figures. 

Not so strange, as there is nothing they can do.


They could turn it around on a dime if they'd just enforce traffic regulations and impose meaningful fines, a point system and insurance rates that reflect those points.  There's nothing like hitting someone in the pocketbook to get their attention.  And the high probability of a fine is a much better deterrent than the low (but real) probability of having an accident do the teaching. 


Not to mention the lessons where people die are much too expensive and wasteful.  Cop cars with radar and pulling people over for doing stupid things are a much more effective deterrent.  And more humane than videos of scraping them off the highway after a crash.


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Have you ever watch someone take their driving test here in Thailand it's an absolute joke, they don't go near a road. A competent driver of which Thailand has nil would complete the course in 3 minutes. Then they are let loose in their on the knock Chelsea Tractors to maim all and sundry. A friend of mine a full British license holder took his Thai test a few years back, did his reverse parking on the first attempt and received a standing ovation from the examiners they had never seen it happen before. These are the clowns you are dealing with.

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23 minutes ago, genericptr said:

Every day I see people driving on the wrong side of the road going around blind corners. How is this an education issue that governments can fix? I don't believe for a second if I told those people what they're doing is dangerous they would stop. The must be doing a cost/risk analysis and decided it was worth the risk.


They get away with it 10,000 times in a row, and it becomes habit.  Then, the 10,001st time, it kills them. 


Back home, they'd put a state trooper with radar and a chase car on that bend in the road.  Every 3rd or 4th time, they'd get caught and have to pay a hefty fine, get points on their DL and watch their insurance rates skyrocket.  So they never get to that 10,001st time...


You're right.  Education is great, but it doesn't come close to enforcement for instilling safe driving habits.


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14 hours ago, Henryford said:

It amuses me to see Thais riding around wearing masks but are happy not to wear helmets. Road accidents kill far more than Corona but no one cares.

Or safety belts in the cars.

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20 hours ago, Henryford said:

It amuses me to see Thais riding around wearing masks but are happy not to wear helmets. Road accidents kill far more than Corona but no one cares.

..they all think it's the other guy who is gonna be killed in a accident, they have BUDDHA & their "lucky charm" to protect them..

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16 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

When they get into their cars, they suddenly have this anonymous unaccountable freedom they just don't have outside the tinted windowed car, within Thai society. 

I think it stems largely from being able to buy a car, drive it on the road with no driving tuition what-so-ever.

As for a driving licence, [if you actually bother to get one] you show up at the office in the morning, watch a video, complete a written test, sit in a chair and press a pedal watching some lights, then go outside and if you can get the car into gear and move-it in a straight line you then qualify to buy your licence.

All in one day?

Hence the highest number of roads deaths in the world.

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