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Frenchman tells Thai government to lock down country - says foreigners are taking virus more seriously than Thais


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"I am french... and I do not approve this message"




Using a ridiculous "pseudo", talking like a textbook... The guy is on the payroll.


Have you noticed ? Suddendly, thai "doctors" and "tourists" are telling us that the situation is very bad in Thailand, blablabla.


It's propaganda.

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2 hours ago, ParkerN said:

They're not going to like losing a few tourist dollars, are they?


Surprised the taxi drivers don't demand the government get out and collar some foreigners...

Will we soon see the usual TAT style report of a taxi driver who found a suitcase full of US Dollars?

Only this time accompanied by a photo of officials in full hazmat suits cautiously removing the filthy foreign currency to be laundered destroyed, with A-nut-in the background looking on.

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42 minutes ago, Moonlover said:


An isolated and, as yet unconfirmed case of C19. Hardly 'dropping like flies in the streets is it'.

What the hell is wrong with you people on TVF? You all look for the slightest opportunity to disparage someone elses post. I said it's STARTING!!!!

<deleted> - you must be a bloody nightmare to live with.  Yuur thai gf must be pulling her hair out.

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1 hour ago, decca60 said:

 Dear Mr Pierre Jean ( Peter John in french)


If you do really exist, please go back to France where face masks and  gel are even less available than Thailand, where your unbelievely good government did not see anything coming, where local elections are proceeded while the day after your very exeptional President giving lessons to the entire world announced a lock up of the country and where cops in the street are requested not to wear the minimun protection (masks and gloves) while policing the political decisions, where some sick people are transfered by the army from Mulhouse to Toulon hospitals because the local system is overhelmed by the number of very serious health conditions including young "healthy" people. etc.... etc....


If you do really exist, please go back there and please make sure that everything is implemented and respected (including by yourself) regarding your good principles. I'm not saying they are wrong but I'm fed up with this "I know everything" attitude.


By the way I'm french living here in Thailand and I have the same concerns than most of the people with a bit of brain in this very very disturbing period. Good luck to you "mate"



Jeez. Take a chill pill dude. Where's your sense of humour gorn?



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9 hours ago, tifino said:

they're not gunna like hearing this... 

 - maybe the whole country will sue him?


Thailand and Thais generally don't take well to foreigners giving them advice or passing judgment on their failings....


Hope the guy gets back home safely before getting arrested.


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2 hours ago, nightfox said:

Thailand will close their boarders. They will just wait until they reach France numbers before they pull the trigger. We call that Thai style. 

Thailand will close its borders after every other country bans anyone coming from thailand. So they wont be able to leave anyway.

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7 hours ago, alex8912 said:

Exactly. I’m surprised this wasn’t from the Washington Post but they usually are making their articles 10x more of the super scare mongering type. 


No, they're not... And I can say that, because I actually read the WaPo along with quite a lot of other reputable news outlets.

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9 hours ago, baansgr said:

Have to be careful of fake news and I can't get the link but my daughter has just told me it's being widely shared on Thai FB groups that staff at Lotus Thepperasit, 7/11 in Kao Talo and a mini Big C in Nong Yao have all tested positive for Corona...what to believe.

"Have to be careful of fake news..."

You're not being very careful re your own warning about sharing fake news, are you?

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Let's see.  One person in Thailand has died whose death was attributed to the coronavirus.  They never locked their borders for the regular flu whose death statistics would far outnumber this.  Nor do they lock their borders against alcohol, which is known to be largely responsible for Thailand having the most road fatalities of any country in the world. But, sure, let's not let any Lao, Burmese, etc. into Thailand even though they don't have coronavirus.  That is the most sensible course of action, right?  No, closing the borders will only damage an already hurting economy.  Irreparably.

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10 hours ago, CraigInBangkok said:

just more useless lazy journalism ... who cares what one random man thinks 

Particularly anyone with any say on what is best for Thailand. 

Just useless (trying to) attention seeking by the media. 

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11 hours ago, ICELANDMAN said:

Everyone knows that the French are famous for criticizing everyone and everything, nothing new under the mask, return to France to criticize your Macron that you have chosen

Didn't you just do that?

OMG ...you must be French 

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