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60 new COVID-19 cases in Thailand, total cases now at 272

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31 minutes ago, Senior Player said:

You know nothing. You're not a medical expert. Thailand did nothing to halt the spread as it continued to keep its borders open and unchecked to China for the past four months. I'd rather give credit to Laos and Vietnam for closing their borders the moment they became aware of this serious situation. If you'd been paying any attention at all since this story first leaked from China, you'd know that it has been circulating in China as far back as late November, and that means outside as well. 


You're one of those people that seems to takes great delight at wagging his finger at other countries for not doing enough, without wanting to look closer to home as to why this was allowed to spread globally. If you're actually living (or staying) in Thailand then you know that the Thai government was saying that it wouldn't spread in their country due to their hot climate and strong winds. Basically, they buried their heads in the sand, worried that their economy would suffer due to a lack of tourism, nor did they want to offend their Chinese tourists that were bringing in lots of holiday cash. Meanwhile, plenty of tourists from China have been intermingling with tourists from across the globe in that giant petri dish you call Thailand since December, right up to only a few days ago when Thailand finally stopped its flight to and from China. Think about that for a minute. 


No country can do enough now because the virus wasn't contained within China. On January 29, when Italy detected and isolated its first coronavirus cases – from two Chinese tourists – authorities were sure they had put together the safest protection system in Europe. The following day, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte immediately declared a state of emergency for six months, and made Italy the first country to block flights from China. Scientists believe that the virus had been circulating unnoticed in the country from at least mid-January – thriving because so many of the infected had no symptoms at all, or only mild symptoms like a cough and a mild temperature. This is consistent with recent research suggesting that the virus can be spread by people who do not yet show any symptoms.


Look, I could post lots of info on the "whys" and "how" it spread so easily. Yeah, I'm looking at you WHO and China, but it's not going to alter the here and now. Some of you are of the mindset that this is only a little blip, an unnecessary inconvenience that only requires a simple lockdown lasting only for a few weeks or months and this will all go away. Clearly you haven't understood the scientific models that have come out of the Imperial College London the past few days where the numbers and available data were crunched and the best and worse case scenarios have all been calculated. It doesn't make pretty reading, grim would be a better word. The upshot is you're going to have to be in continually lockdown until a vaccine has been developed and rolled out worldwide, otherwise as soon as you lift a temporary lockdown, the virus will start-up again and each country will be back to square one with thousands of more deaths. That means every country will have to lock its borders and cities for the unforeseeable future and not just for a few weeks or months. A year minimum would probably be a more accurate figure, unless this virus burns itself out naturally and death rates fall by their own accord. Trouble is this is a novel virus, so nobody knows the real longevity or outcome as of yet. 


Put it this way, I'd rather be in the UK now, who at least have expert virologist advisors to their government than in Thailand where ignorance is bliss. Each country is going to have to handle things differently due to the size of its population, healthcare system and economy. The EU is in turmoil right now as they have no system put in place for locked borders, so supplies are not getting through across its Schengen Area Member States but snarling up at their borders instead. Nothing is clear-cut or straight forward as you paint it.


Anyway, I'm done with the "orange man bad" idiots here and armchair critics that don't understand what's really happening around them. Good luck, my fellow farrangs living in LOS, you're going to need it. May your god, or whatever belief system you have, be with you. 


With any luck, I'll be back in LOS in 18 months when this is all hopefully over and the world opens its borders again.


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1 hour ago, khunpa said:

What happened to the heat killing this virus?

Virus went to sauna and developed immunity. It was just a theory and probably has some merit in delaying the outbreaks. I was predicting in late January/early February we'd be in current situation 2-3 weeks earlier than we are. But it's still coming, just later.

Edited by DrTuner
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3 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Virus went to sauna and developed immunity. It was just a theory and probably has some merit in delaying the outbreaks. I was predicting in late January/early February we'd be in current situation 2-3 weeks earlier than we are. But it's still coming, just later.

Totally agree. It is coming and it is spreading, even in the heat.



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2 hours ago, Chazar said:

look  on the bright side, soon infections  will equal road deaths daily, out  driving today witnessed the two Thai behind me both with masks  on while  driving, both with no seatbelts

A mandatory quarantine might help... no it won't, somchais will drive completele plastered virus or not.

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2 hours ago, Tapster said:

Yup, Stage 3 is probably here.

Still, Thailand is doing better than some First World countries (I'm talking about you, United Kingdom!).


We're self-quarantining, because my wife was critically ill with pneumonia two years ago. She's at high risk.

Makro in Rawai, Phuket wasn't going crazy two days ago. Hopefully, Buddhist Thai's won't panic like stupid, spineless westerners.

Go well!!


Good luck with that went to mackro a few days ago and I left no parking, thais are human like anyone else

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1 hour ago, Antonymous said:

OK, thanks for the update. So in summary now we have:


272 confirmed cases of WuFlu

1 confirmed dead

30,000,000 cases of people losing their minds


The rest of us are keeping calm and carrying on.


...and if you believe these numbers, probably to rationalise your own agenda, you gonna be sorely disappointed, Kid.


They be bunk....as in major bunk.


Educate yourself on the virus, how it spreads and what infection and caseload every other has country experienced. 

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

The tracker is only good if they report it.


We had a 25 year old male come to visit his parents after being to the boxing stadium at BKK, he even bragged about shaking some superstars hands. All at the boxing stadium were told to report to authorities, this guy went to work for a day and then told his boss he was going to visit his parents.


Was here for 3-4 days eating with his big family as they do in Isaan from the same big plate with their hands and he went out with friends drinking every night, a couple of friends asked him if he got checked because he was bragging that he went to the stadium and he sprayed them with his saliva laughing saying don't be stupid I have nothing.


The police came to his parents house a few days ago with hospital staff who tested him, he tested positive as of last night, this village is in between Udon Thani and Sakon Nakhon, yet I see nothing on the tracker, and my wife is a member of a Thai forum and people have been saying the same thing, e.g. they have people in their villages who have tested positive, now multiply that by x amount of villages around Thailand and you would have far more than 272 reported by the government, but then again we all know that. 

There are 2-3 on the tracker around udon Thani that mention going to stadium and testing positive, so presume that puts the guy in the 272



Edited by Peterw42
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1 hour ago, Kadilo said:

You accuse him of not being a medical expert then go on to tell people how long they will locked down for like you are. ......and please don’t tell me the experts have said a year because they haven’t. 


you're right the current estimate is at least 18 months


spanish flu rolled on for 3 years but with a credible vaccine they could half it


Edited by GeorgeCross
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17 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

There are 2-3 on the tracker around udon Thani that mention going to stadium and testing positive, so presume that puts the guy in the 272



No those are at Khon Kaen and Kalasin. Nothing between Udon Thani and Sakon Nakhon.


Latest is he has been quarantined with his family to remain indoors for 14 days, they came back again today to do another blood test, because they have to be sure and this is the way it's done ?


This might have something to do with it not being reported, I don't know, but will keep my ear on the ground and if I hear he tested positive again will check the app to see if it is as good as they say it is.


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2 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Nationality breakdown from yesterday's DDC report when the confirmed case tally was 212:


Chinese 26, Thai 169, Italian 2, English 1, Singapore 1, Japan 3, French Guinea 1, Denmark 3, American 1, Belgium 1, France 1, Canada 1, Pakistan 1, unknown 1.


Thai - 169

Chinese - 26

Other - 17


Given that most of the farang cases only have been confirmed in recent days, I'd say it's pretty safe to assume that most of the CV import to Thailand came originally either from Chinese tourists visiting Thailand, who were the earliest confirmed cases, along with Thai nationals who returned from trips abroad to China, Japan, other Asian countries. And from there it spread.




Yesterday's report (as of the end of the 18th) also listed 3051 PUI as being hospitalized, so now that number has cracked 3000 for the first time.  1664 in govt. hospitals and 1387 in private hospitals.


That number grew from 2233 hospitalized PUI on March 15, up 818 in just three days. The govt. hospitals PUI tally doubled from 832 to 1664 in those same 3 days.


I wonder how many of the 120,000 Hospital beds in Thailand could be made available for Corona patients?

Adding 500 a day, we will soon enough find out.

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3 hours ago, DLock said:

Still like to know how many tests constituted this kind of result.


This is not surprising at all, and it will grow significantly when they have a proper, affordable, efficient and timely testing procedure...if they do.


Until then, the virus multiples. Over to you Cha Cha...what you gonna do...that you should have done 6 weeks ago?

Would be nice to know what districts or provinces that we are dealings with these positive cases,any one know if there listed on any sites

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1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

Except it's not getting updated correctly. Nothing for Pattaya as an example

Maybe virus does want to go to Pattaya, too bad reputation. Other diseases have all seats reserved, no free ones left. 

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3 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

43 cases of community spread


come on, man up, stage 3 is here



272 ... That has to be the biggest global joke there is ... We hit that Stage 3 easily 10 days ago ... Global the virus doubles every 4 days ... In Thailand it’s 3 every 2 weeks ... Fantastic ... Reason being is because they stopped visas to dirty falangs but some slipped through

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14 minutes ago, bluedoc said:

A rather stupid comment for a so called advanced member. Retard would be a better description for your status. 

Totally agree Bluedoc ... That comment was made by someone who probably has stocked up with toilet paper ... His name should be changed to Richard Cranium

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10 minutes ago, Hoppyone said:

Would be nice to know what districts or provinces that we are dealings with these positive cases,any one know if there listed on any sites

I think Thai Visa has been found wanting in informing expats to what is happening ... They should be translating and showing properly what the government is doing ... Drop the <deleted> stories and protect by giving help to expats ... don’t be a CNN or BBC who just gives us total honesty or give your reporters a slap to get it organised and wake up

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