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Leading Thai doctor in dire warning: Deadly Italian strain of Covid-19 now set to wreak havoc in Thailand


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How this statistic works???? if you test only the ones that have strong symptoms, and then calculate death ratio this way, it will always give you high % comparing to other places where tests were done on vast amount of the population where most were not exhibiting any symptoms.

That way you catch the the ones infected that will not exhibit much symptom, hence your ratio is completely different.

Then if you calculate death ratio taking only the one already in intensive care, figure will be a lot worst.

May be it is time to learn how to compare what is comparable and learn how to make interpretation when ground for testing are so, so different.


Then, where this Italian strain comes from??? A Thai discovery????

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3 hours ago, Chazar said:

confirmation the dirty Farang brought it here

the chinese didnt do it it was those italians . they are to blame .  i dont buy it..........that the chinese are innocent and the italians are at fault. something is fishy here

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56 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

There are no reports that the " strain " of Covid 19, is any different than the original " strain " from Wuhan that was first reported by the Chinese Authorities.

Why, are even these prominent Thais saying, and actually believing, that this Corona Virus is different than that of CHINESE ORIGIN.

Since the Virus touched the shores of European Nations, Thailand has gone to great lengths to try and apportion the whole cause of the Corona Virus upon the Western World.

We have had the insane, and sick public rants of the Health Minister calling Farang Dirty Etc, and now this guy.

Thailand can say whatever it wishes to say about the cause of Corona Virus, but the whole World knows where it originated, and in case the Authorities are reading this post, the Virus originated in CHINA, IN A WET MARKET IN THE CITY OF WUHAN


WuFlu it is and always shall be.

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The worrying thing is that the genome of the Wuhan virus was already sequenced a month ago, and all the work being done on developing a vaccine is based on that genome. If and when they have a vaccine for that virus, will it also work against the new strains? From what I've read of the flu virus, no it won't.

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Wow so many here still in denial.... there are more than 2 strains already and ALL are mutating and going to..... either they become more or less deadly and viral. With millions infected and continuing to be the odds AND risks of mutation going either or BOTH ways increases....  its going to get real ugly as, if it wasnt already. 

Edited by englishoak
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1 minute ago, Guderian said:

The worrying thing is that the genome of the Wuhan virus was already sequenced a month ago, and all the work being done on developing a vaccine is based on that genome. If and when they have a vaccine for that virus, will it also work against the new strains? From what I've read of the flu virus, no it won't.

It is true of flu but the different strains are very different from each other.  On the other hand there are vaccines for some other RNA pathogens like small pox and polio that have remained effective for decades with no change to the formulations.  Viruses also often mutate to less severe forms.  If they immobilise or kill all their hosts they can't spread to other hosts so easily,

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2 hours ago, frodo77 said:

This doctor should be jailed for fear-mongering.

Is n't that what the local police said to the doctor in Wuhan that tried to raise the alarm ?


Even if he is wrong about a new strain of the virus, at least he might wake some members of the government out of their complacency.

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As simple it can be: italy reacted too late with everything.  And yes, italy is quite similar to thais. Sanuk first, dolce vita first. So why not get the "iralian strain" into thailand, imported from a thai! Isn't that logic?

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2 hours ago, timendres said:

I read that doctors have been noticing a uptake of old people dying in Lombardy Italy since November with the same symptoms of CD19. That’s before the virus hit Wuhan in mid December. A lot we not aware. 

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4 minutes ago, englishoak said:


Unfortunately your one of those in denial. its already happened. 

Unfortunately you are completely wrong. The chinese research postulating two strains, one more violent than the other has been comprehensively debunked.


A paper published by Lu Jian of Peking University and colleagues on 3 March in the journal National Science Review analyzed 103 virus genomes and argued that they fell into one of two distinct types, named S and L, distinguished by two mutations. Because 70% of sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes belong to L, the newer type, the authors concluded that virus has evolved to become more aggressive and to spread faster.

But they lack evidence, Rambaut says. “What they’ve done is basically seen these two branches and said, ‘That one is bigger, [so that virus] must be more virulent or more transmissible,’” he says. However, just because a virus is exported and leads to a large outbreak elsewhere does not mean it is behaving differently: “One of these lineages is going to be bigger than the other just by chance.” Some researchers have called for the paper to be retracted. “The claims made in it are clearly unfounded and risk spreading dangerous misinformation at a crucial time in the outbreak,” four scientists at the University of Glasgow wrote in a response published on www.virological.org."



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There is no foundation to such claims. Italy has the 2nd oldest population in the world after Japan and therefore there are so many deaths. Doctor should be put in isolation, since he didn't has any proof of what he's talking about

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

I read that doctors have been noticing a uptake of old people dying in Lombardy Italy since November with the same symptoms of CD19. That’s before the virus hit Wuhan in mid December. A lot we not aware. 

read where? link please.

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Just now, expat1010 said:

OK show me the article in the mainstream scientific literature. 

Mainstream literature is 2 - 3 months late in publishing... go read some white papers for yourself, im sure you know how to research, im not your tutor. 


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1 minute ago, MasterBaker said:

There is no foundation to such claims. Italy has the 2nd oldest population in the world after Japan and therefore there are so many deaths. Doctor should be put in isolation, since he didn't has any proof of what he's talking about

Germany has an older population than Italy.

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