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Trump considers reopening U.S. economy despite coronavirus spread


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1 hour ago, johnnybangkok said:

But, but Obama!!!!

The simple truth is Trump has had more than enough time to put measures in place to mitigate this pandemic. His own administration declared a public health emergency back in January but it took Trump until the 13th of March before he declared a national emergency. Even now there is mass confusion as matters that should be mandated at a national level are still left to individual states, creating lots of different scenarios where only 9 states have ordered residence to stay at home and only 31 states have finacial recompense in place. This is of course now growing but it's surely a case of locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Initially Trump brushed it all off with a it's 'just the flu' and basically called fears of the virus 'a hoax'. He has constantly undermined his own experts (and WHO advice) and has personally exposed others when he himself could have had the virus. He takes no personal responsibility for closing down the pandemic office or for the lack of testing available. He even lied about a new Google app. that said it would show all Covid-19 outbreaks.

His party is now trying to push a $2 trillion stimulas package wherein $500 billion is for 'discretionary spending' where they don't even have to say where the money is going. Fortunately the Dems are all over this and refusing to let it pass but in turn are being branded un-American for blocking what is obviously a slush fund for him and his cronies. 

His gross mishandling of this crisis will result in more deaths than is absolutley neccessary and this clown of a president just keeps adding fuel to an already blazing fire. He should resign for his serious mishandling of this, but with such a sychophantic following who feels he can do no wrong and defend him at every turn (especially on this forum), this is highly unlikely. 

The only hope now is the American people do not forget his incompetance come November and get rid of this stain on American democracy once and for all. 

Wow, quite a bit of hyperbole and biased opinions here, sprinkled with the obvious emotional outrage and virtue signaling. 


Well done. 


Do you have a vote in November? 

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52 minutes ago, Opl said:

"Kushner has counseled Trump that the crisis isn’t as bad as the media is portraying. Two sources said Vice President Mike Pence has complained to Trump about Kushner’s meddling in the work of the coronavirus task force. "


That's Beto's favorite rag.

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31 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Fortunately I am unmoved by the relative merits of the US media. Fox News does however appear (From a safe distance wearing a hazmat suit) to be a Covid 19 of the brain which has destroyed the grey matter of a significant proportion of the boomer generation, and others aside. 


The reality has dawned on many countries as you say, and reflects the best information and reasoned views of 10s of 1000s of professionals in medical, economic, and social disciplines. That it is discounted by a sad fraud of a man who is only interested in re-election to avoid jail, is hardly surprising. Par for the course as he would say. I cannot imagine that he cares how many lives have to be sacrificed to maintain the hollow fantasy of his mountainous ego.


This is a world crisis, which is being underplayed by many that it suits to do so. It looks pretty clear that the US has much worse to come yet, delusions of American exceptionalism notwithstanding. Attempting to get the economy back to normal at this stage is way way beyond idiotic. It is a bit like putting on full sail when the storm is still strengthening. The economy should be cautiously stimulated again when the medics say it is safe to do so, otherwise the death toll will be too high a price to pay even for the most ardent capitalist. 

 It will, going by reading on other such major incidents, have a big effect on the world economy for years. However we did recover from 2008 eventually. My deep regret is that we did not eliminate - with maximum prejudice - a large proportion of the bankers who gave us credit default swaps, and similar instruments of financial disaster. Will we ever learn?


Sorry, I am not going to lose any sleep over the decreased value of TV members share portfolios. As we say in Scotland, "There are nae pockets in a shroud".

Ah yes, the large portion of jocks still hoping for the socialist utopian dream while whinging about corporate greed without a clue about why employees require employers. 

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5 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

Listen to the doctors, spend some more money on healthcare and social security and less on the army. It ain't rocket science.

Humm...wonder how N Korea...with their fascination with all things military...are handling the virus?

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15 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Wrong there as it happens, I was an employer for near on 30 years. A small manufacturing business, nothing fancy. I tried to take good care of my employees, and appreciated the work that they did for the business.

My dream is an independent anarcho-socialist republic of Scotland, utopias don't exist. You are right about the corporate greed though, round the hedge fund managers up, and send them to the front!!

Scotland could never make it as a sovereign nation. But they would go begging to join the EU, but couldn't meet the financial obligations that other countries lied about to get in. 


But you can keep dreaming of the socialist dream that never delivers. 

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19 minutes ago, Logosone said:



Let's hope Trump has the strength to follow through with this and sets an example for everyone else.


Larry Kudlow is right, the cure can't be worse than the disease.





well you will know at 12:30 PM on Fox when a virtual Town Hall with the Pres will go on. Submit your questions. 


That should be good for ratings. More and more people everyday falling for the mesmerizing Fox Propaganda, oooooooooeeeeeeooooooooozipzipzip. Soon the entire population will be us FoxMorons, save 1/2 of the folks who watch CNN (about 400,000 when you take out the Aiports) who will still be crying their truth into the darkness.




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3 minutes ago, EricTh said:

If the economy is bad this year, the chances of Trump being re-elected will be lower.

Seems the public likes his leadership. And who ya gonna get to fix the economy, Joe Biden?

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2 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

But, but Obama!!!!

The simple truth is Trump has had more than enough time to put measures in place to mitigate this pandemic. His own administration declared a public health emergency back in January but it took Trump until the 13th of March before he declared a national emergency. Even now there is mass confusion as matters that should be mandated at a national level are still left to individual states, creating lots of different scenarios where only 9 states have ordered residence to stay at home and only 31 states have finacial recompense in place. This is of course now growing but it's surely a case of locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.

Initially Trump brushed it all off with a it's 'just the flu' and basically called fears of the virus 'a hoax'. He has constantly undermined his own experts (and WHO advice) and has personally exposed others when he himself could have had the virus. He takes no personal responsibility for closing down the pandemic office or for the lack of testing available. He even lied about a new Google app. that said it would show all Covid-19 outbreaks.

His party is now trying to push a $2 trillion stimulas package wherein $500 billion is for 'discretionary spending' where they don't even have to say where the money is going. Fortunately the Dems are all over this and refusing to let it pass but in turn are being branded un-American for blocking what is obviously a slush fund for him and his cronies. 

His gross mishandling of this crisis will result in more deaths than is absolutley neccessary and this clown of a president just keeps adding fuel to an already blazing fire. He should resign for his serious mishandling of this, but with such a sychophantic following who feels he can do no wrong and defend him at every turn (especially on this forum), this is highly unlikely. 

The only hope now is the American people do not forget his incompetance come November and get rid of this stain on American democracy once and for all. 

You need to watch less CNN and stop reading WAPO and NYT.  IMO your 'truth' are a load of fake news.  But lets leave politics out of this. The People will decide in November - and I will accept that decision, because there is no right or wrong in political elections - it is what the People decide.  If they decide Trump then that is their decision. If they decide Biden then that is their decision. That is how an election works - the People decide who they want to be POTUS.

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16 minutes ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Robert Koch Institute's warnings about a coronavirus pandemic. ...........pretty smart people to not only warn of a pandemic (Many scientists have done that, sooner or later it was inevitable.) but to actually know it was going to be a corona virus specifically, ok maybe they had the 2nd sight.


Let's hope Trump .....sets an example for everyone else. 5555555555 best joke on here for a long time.

Well, it was because of SARS, another coronavirus, which seemed the most likely to stretch a health service to the limit, hence the Robert Koch Institute picked coronavirus for the pandemic risk analysis.


Merkel did nothing despite the bleak forecast:





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