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Is Thai Immigration Open May 1?

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5 minutes ago, GordyS said:


My friend must get a married to a Thai extension on May 1.  Current extension expires May 1 and he must have 12 months of bank deposits to extend as married and the 12 months must be the 12 months PRIOR to the month he applies.  April is his 12th month.


And May 1 is Labor Day.

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3 minutes ago, jimmjam said:

He should go before that then, go the week before.

He cannot.  His 12th month is April so in April he will not have 12 PRIOR months of deposits before the day he applies  He already tried to extend yesterday and was told no.

Edited by mojaco
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Thanks ubonjoe.  If May 1 Immigration is closed can he apply on the next day open (May 5?) without penalty or being on overstay?


Or as he is changing from his retirement extension to married can he get 60 days "visit Thai wife" then do his married extension?

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29 minutes ago, mojaco said:

If May 1 Immigration is closed can he apply on the next day open (May 5?) without penalty or being on overstay?

No overstay fine if he applies on the 5th. After that day he will fined for everyday of overstay.

29 minutes ago, mojaco said:

Or as he is changing from his retirement extension to married can he get 60 days "visit Thai wife" then do his married extension?

He could apply for the 60 day extension and then near the end of it apply for the extension based upon marriage to a Thai.

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If you need Aprils transfers to be included to complete the twelve months, make your application on the 30th April and go to your bank first and ask for a bank statement to cover the whole of April (plus update your bank book at the same time). That will include your April transfers and give you the twelve months required.


When I applied for my marriage extension in mid February I supplied twelve months statements to cover 1st February 2019 to 31st January 2020. Long story but, due to the IO's stubbornness, she wouldn't look at my application until 28th February (with her boss in attendance). As it was the end of the month, the IO insisted I must also show February's transfers. The boss was happy to see the transfers on my phone's banking app but the IO argued that, for the application to be complete, I must provide a paper copy. No problem, I drove the two minutes to my bank and got them to print off a statement for February. A smiling boss agreed that was acceptable and instructed a scowling IO to complete the application. After the thirty days under consideration my marriage extension was stamped in my passport on the 27th March.  

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49 minutes ago, allane said:

May 1 (Labour Day) is a holiday for only the private sector. Immigration will be open.

Not sure about that. They have closed before on May 1st.

Banks are also closed. From the list of bank holidays.

Friday 1 May National Labour Day


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1 hour ago, allane said:

May 1 (Labour Day) is a holiday for only the private sector. Immigration will be open.

Source: Wikipedia - Public Holidays in Thailand.

I could bet that I noticed that last year when I unsuccessfully wanted to visit the post office (closed) and later on passed by the busy open DLT (vehicle office).

Seems like Thailand post is "private"/"laborers" while DLT is (government) official.

May 1 is one of these holiday mysteries.

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This is a screenshot from Khon Kaen immigration website.

Note that they actually updated/cancelled the Songkran holidays!


(the list is scroll-able to the end of the year, of course they don't know yet when the Songkran substitute will be)



Edited by KhunBENQ
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Thank you to ubonjoe and everyone!  It looks like it will be open but if not he has two other options.


And once again, regarding the issue he has, is that even though he has 12 months  of deposits made already including April our Immigration requires 12 PRIOR months of deposits  PRIOR to the day one applies.  So he cannot apply even on April 30.  He has to wait until May.


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1 hour ago, mojaco said:

Thank you to ubonjoe and everyone!  It looks like it will be open but if not he has two other options.


And once again, regarding the issue he has, is that even though he has 12 months  of deposits made already including April our Immigration requires 12 PRIOR months of deposits  PRIOR to the day one applies.  So he cannot apply even on April 30.  He has to wait until May.



Current extension expires May 1


You said his current extension expires on May 1st. He doesn't have to wait till May 1st to renew that, he can apply up to 30 days in advance.  So by going on April 30th he can use Aprils bank statement as his twelfth monthly transfer.



He already tried to extend yesterday and was told no.

When he applied yesterday (the 3rd?) had he already transferred April's income and was it recorded in his Thai Bank account.


It was the boss at Immigration that told me on the 28th Feb that they needed Feb's bank statement (even though I had already supplied twelve month's statements (Feb 19-Jan 20) because February 2020 was the most recent month, and accepted it when I got it from my Bank an hour later.. 

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Yes he got his April deposit in the bank April 2 and the local Bangkok officer himself produced a 12 month report including the April payment.  It is very clear that because he did not have a deposit for each month April 2019 through March 2020 he could npt renew yet.  His first deposit was May 2019.  His 12th month was April 2020.  12 months but NOT 12 PRIOR months to the month in which he was applying.


In your case it seems they wanted 13 deposits.  12 prior months and also the current month?

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1 hour ago, mojaco said:

12 PRIOR months to the month in which he was applying.


In your case it seems they wanted 13 deposits.  12 prior months and also the current month?

No, they wanted twelve months but it had to include the most recent month and, as 28th Feb completed that month I had to show Feb 2020 and they ignored Feb 2019.


Did your friend include April's Transfer on the bank statement he supplied?


Phone 1178 and ask them to clarify. That's what I did.

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18 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

Not sure about that. They have closed before on May 1st.

Banks are also closed. From the list of bank holidays.

Friday 1 May National Labour Day


I agree.

May 1st is a national bank holiday so they will not be open nor will other government offices.

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35 minutes ago, essox essox said:

why not call them and ask?? I would say CLOSED as it is labour day.....

In the end: if the date is critical/important one should check with them ahead.


I stand firm to what I wrote above: May 1 ("Labor Day") is not a national/public holiday.

It's not a holiday for government officials (which are not laborers/unionists etc.).

Banks are basically private institutions controlled by the BOT.

Major branches closed, micro branches open anyway.

The calendar of KK immigration is also shown at other immigration office sites.

Other sources in Thai language reflect this too.

One site clearly says: it is a bank holiday but not an official holiday.

(PM if interested to see)


Only implication: if an office request same day bank letter/book update you might have a problem.

I'll be back here on May 2.



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1 hour ago, essox essox said:

why not call them and ask?? I would say CLOSED as it is labour day.....

Or post here to ask and get an answer,,,, Seems churlish to suggest to call then supply an answer.

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1 hour ago, KhunBENQ said:

In the end: if the date is critical/important one should check with them ahead.


I stand firm to what I wrote above: May 1 ("Labor Day") is not a national/public holiday.

It's not a holiday for government officials (which are not laborers/unionists etc.).

Banks are basically private institutions controlled by the BOT.

Major branches closed, micro branches open anyway.

The calendar of KK immigration is also shown at other immigration office sites.

Other sources in Thai language reflect this too.

One site clearly says: it is a bank holiday but not an official holiday.

(PM if interested to see)


Only implication: if an office request same day bank letter/book update you might have a problem.

I'll be back here on May 2.



Thank you for this verification.  As for bank letter our local Immigration allows up to 6 day old letters, so at least that us not a problem.

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