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Restricting non-residents from a condo


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Im looking after my friends apartment because he has gone back to England none residents not allowed and you cant get in without a key card we got an email the other day if anybody is staying there to notify the Jurassic person

I went a couple of days ago and surprisingly the car park was almost full so there must be a few residents staying and not gone home.

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31 minutes ago, alyx said:

Again, it is not what you want, or feel is common sense, which is at stake.

The juristic has not right  to bar the residents or their guests from entering the premises (of course if one has symptoms ...this is a different matter and I absolutely do not know what should be done ).

Of course, if there are evidences that parties are going on or endangering behavior is taking place, then one could resort to take the matter to the Police.

One thing is legal: forbid entering (and exiting I guess) the premises to anyone during curfew.


I am not arguing wether you are correct or mistaken: Just answering the question by the OP

Decisions have to be made individually for the greater good of the People but....as you know, human beings  tend to be selfish (understatement and definitely not exhaustive a list ???? ) especially in times of crisis



Personal Agendas have no place during this time where everyone should be doing their best to keep this from becoming more of an issue.  With the way things are, should they get worse, then I would envision more stringent measures, but even then someone will find fault and say it is against the law also.  So do yourself a favor, do some research, find the specific laws that are being broken, and not something from TV that has been posted unless it can be verified, and file that frivolous law suit to prove your a caring individual for all the people you see as being oppressed.  Become a champion of rights, and I hope it all works out for you.......

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1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

Personal Agendas have no place during this time where everyone should be doing their best to keep this from becoming more of an issue.  With the way things are, should they get worse, then I would envision more stringent measures, but even then someone will find fault and say it is against the law also.  So do yourself a favor, do some research, find the specific laws that are being broken, and not something from TV that has been posted unless it can be verified, and file that frivolous law suit to prove your a caring individual for all the people you see as being oppressed.  Become a champion of rights, and I hope it all works out for you.......

OMG...I think that your comments are not worth answering as you are going of on a tangent ....

ooops...that is an answer 

(take care) 

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I am not sure what the legal situation is with regard to this issue. I do know the PM has given himself wide ranging emergency powers meaning what he says goes. If anyone wants to challenge that, then rather you than me.

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3 hours ago, alyx said:

hum...I think that I would put it this way: it is not because you haven't heard of it or because it hasn't been enforced, that it makes it untrue. (sorry about the double negative, I know some of you hate it ???? )

I believe Ezra is right (


We have been through this with both immigration and the work permit office. Foreigners should not take on the Juristic Person position, since this is generally a paid position. However, a committee is deemed as "taking care of one's house", and both agencies did not have an issue with foreigner taking on this role without a work permit.

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6 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

We have been through this with both immigration and the work permit office. Foreigners should not take on the Juristic Person position, since this is generally a paid position. However, a committee is deemed as "taking care of one's house", and both agencies did not have an issue with foreigner taking on this role without a work permit.

Noted with thanks 

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21 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

as of the beginning of March Non Residents were not allowed into the building I live in.  Only Residents, and every time we leave and then re-enter our temperatures are checked.  We must also wear a mask when outside of our units, and the elevator floors have been taped and broken into 4 quadrants for you to stand in, 1 per quadrant.  Each elevator also has two bottles of hand sanitizer inside on opposite walls, and at the separation line for those quadrants. Deliveries are taken at the front steps for the condo, which has a table set up, this is for all items, mail and such, including food deliveries.  The juristic office then takes control of the mail and such while the grab rider or food panda driver or Big C, or Tesco, or well you get it, wait for us to meet them and pick up our orders.  The issue at hand, as it was explained to all of us, is that they do not know these people and for the safety of the other residents it is not the right time to have non-residents visit

3 hours ago, alyx said:

it is illegal

That is quite a broad statement. 


There is a clause (36.2) in the condo act that gives fairly broad powers to the Manager to ensure the safety of the building:


2)     In the case of necessity and urgency, the Manager shall have the power by his own initiative to carry out the business for the safety of the building as a prudent person should do to his own property.


Given that the WHO has declared a pandemic, and the Thai government has issued an emergency decree and curfew, (and the upcoming Pattaya lockdown), our position is that this clause is invocable under the circumstances. Any home owner should not be allowing (most) visitors into their home to maintain self-isolation, and this should also enforced at the condominium level.


Under normal circumstances, we would never even consider restricting any visitors to the building, but these are not normal circumstances.

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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

plenty of water tanks on the roof in storage rooms,

Actually in this drought I would not be so sure. PWA has been throttling the water in the pipes. Only way to know is to go there and ping the tanks with your knuckle. You'll be able to hear where the water level is. Regardless, good idea to have a few 20L bottles of drinking water stored in a dark place in any case.

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4 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Actually in this drought I would not be so sure. PWA has been throttling the water in the pipes. Only way to know is to go there and ping the tanks with your knuckle. You'll be able to hear where the water level is. Regardless, good idea to have a few 20L bottles of drinking water stored in a dark place in any case.

That I do...Take care, and be safe

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On 4/7/2020 at 5:03 PM, digbeth said:

why are non-residents trouble to begin with? they shouldn't be unaccompanied by residents anyway, and if they are accompanied, you have no legal rights to prevent residents from having guests over.


the best you could do is restrict delivery people to stand outside and not enter the common area.


for workers like maintenance repair, air-con cleaning make co-owners jump through hoops like admitting the workers with prior appointment only and asking co-owners to limit non essential maintenance work.


obvious agents showing rooms shouldn't even be a problem during this time  

 I suspect the OP is meaning during the lockdown etc., and I would agree it would be a good policy to restrict who can come into the building.



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On 4/8/2020 at 5:32 AM, ezzra said:

It is a government mandated order to restrict all non essential persons from entering the premisses including workmen to carry out renovations,

and BTW to the OP, being on a committee is considered as work nevermind if you get paid or not, so unless a foreigner has a work permit they're risking having an issues with immigration...

Only the Juristic Person Manager needs a work permit.  This is not required for Committee members except if they are paid.

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19 minutes ago, fvw53 said:

This is not required for Committee members except if they are paid

Committee members generally don't get paid. I don't know any in Pattaya that do. They do however give up a great deal of their time to try and solve the problems of their building. It is without doubt a thankless task  - In 4 year as a committee member I never once was thanked for my work, however I had to regularly suffer the anger of residents who thought we had a magic wand to fix all problems. Fixing a problem like restricting non residents from entering a condo is just such a problem. Don't expect security staff on minimum wage to deal with it. Better to invest in expensive security systems that make it difficult for non residence to wander in without a key car or access any floor in the lift like some hotels do.


I would never be on a committee again having been sued twice in 4 years both completely baseless and thrown out by the court but only after a great deal of stress and unpleasantness.

Edited by Bandersnatch
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Twice a week I visit a friend who is barely able to walk; he lives in an old service apartment building. There is a security box guy outside that pays no attention, and I can go right to my friend's door and knock. I hadn't thought about this topic, but I guess the point is that every building is different.

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On 4/7/2020 at 2:31 PM, ThailandRyan said:

as of the beginning of March Non Residents were not allowed into the building I live in.  Only Residents, and every time we leave and then re-enter our temperatures are checked.  We must also wear a mask when outside of our units, and the elevator floors have been taped and broken into 4 quadrants for you to stand in, 1 per quadrant.  Each elevator also has two bottles of hand sanitizer inside on opposite walls, and at the separation line for those quadrants. Deliveries are taken at the front steps for the condo, which has a table set up, this is for all items, mail and such, including food deliveries.  The juristic office then takes control of the mail and such while the grab rider or food panda driver or Big C, or Tesco, or well you get it, wait for us to meet them and pick up our orders.  The issue at hand, as it was explained to all of us, is that they do not know these people and for the safety of the other residents it is not the right time to have non-residents visit

It seems you're staying in jail, not in a condo. 

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This is one of the many reasons I have chosen NOT to buy a condo anywhere in the world.  I tried living in a very nice one once in my country and moved out and back into a house as soon as my one-year lease ran out.

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Very clear, no non residents allowed.

Any Deliveries picked up at front reception

Masks must be used in all lifts & hands sanaiized before entering lift

Swimming pool cosed until at least 30 April (Govt Requirement.

No new tenant agreements to be signed until 30 April at earliest.

Medical certificates required for new tenants after then until   ?


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Some of these grizzlers on here demanding that their friends have visiting rights

obviously have not gresped the severity of the situation 

It is Condos like ours in the UK where the death toll is in the thousands.

Stop being selfish

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Perhaps some people don't realize this yet but the current international advice is that you shouldn't allow anyone in your home that you aren't already living with. 


Yes that includes close friends and relatives. 


Harsh? Yes but there are good reasons to follow this. 


It also usually means not allowing non vital services like house cleaners in but of course there are exceptions for maintenance emergencies like plumbing leaks. 


The question of home health aides is difficult. While trying to help you may end up killing someone.

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14 minutes ago, natway09 said:

Some of these grizzlers on here demanding that their friends have visiting rights

obviously have not gresped the severity of the situation 

It is Condos like ours in the UK where the death toll is in the thousands.

Stop being selfish

Yeah they are disturbingly similar to the now notorious cruise ships. 

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On 4/8/2020 at 5:32 AM, ezzra said:

It is a government mandated order to restrict all non essential persons from entering the premisses including workmen to carry out renovations,

and BTW to the OP, being on a committee is considered as work nevermind if you get paid or not, so unless a foreigner has a work permit they're risking having an issues with immigration...

Committee membership is not work!  Telling the staff what to do is work - That is the role of the building or estate Manager.  Much the same as Soi dog  carers, refuse collector clubs, Police volunteers, volunteer rescue personnel, EMS, divers, Blog and Vlog writers and performers, those who answer questions on here...... etc etc etc

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57 minutes ago, uksmdh said:

Committee membership is not work!  Telling the staff what to do is work - That is the role of the building or estate Manager.  Much the same as Soi dog  carers, refuse collector clubs, Police volunteers, volunteer rescue personnel, EMS, divers, Blog and Vlog writers and performers, those who answer questions on here...... etc etc etc

You are completely right. The defined role of the Committee as per the Condo Act, is to provide management oversight only. All day to day activities are performed by the manager.

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