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Number of new COVID-19 cases in Thailand fall for fifth consecutive day


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4 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

The big question tht people do not know for sure is the number of cases that required hospitalization.  


A lot of people are diagnosed with it but may have a very "light" case of it and are just quarantined like you do for the flu or such.




In Thailand they appear to be hospitalizing all identified cases.


Not a possibility in countries with heavy caseloads like UK or US, but they are managing to do it here.


Mainly i think to be sure of the quarantine.

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5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


In Thailand they appear to be hospitalizing all identified cases.



It would appear that way if you were not testing very many people and the only ones you were testing happened to be in hospitals. 

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49 minutes ago, Redline said:

That’s pretty amazing because even A week ago I read that the strain in Italy was basically the same as in China.

good information-I will research more ????

That’s right the publicly known patient zero in Italy was a tourist from Wuhan, China, same publicly known patient zero in Thailand was a tourist from Wuhan, China, all the arrows point back to virus origin Wuhan, China, if there is one strain, two strains, or three strains, they all came from Wuhan 

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50 minutes ago, offset said:

Yes that would be good if they can do all the population South korea have only tested about 1% of their population so the virus could still hide in over 50 million people

Germany sample tested 1000 people and 15% had Corona, so that could mean 15% of the population could have it, not exactly herd immunity

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35 minutes ago, humbug said:

That’s right the publicly known patient zero in Italy was a tourist from Wuhan, China, same publicly known patient zero in Thailand was a tourist from Wuhan, China, all the arrows point back to virus origin Wuhan, China, if there is one strain, two strains, or three strains, they all came from Wuhan 

But, Italy, Singapore, dirty farangs not from China...

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6 hours ago, garygooner said:

Very possible that for most people the strain is milder and therefore easier to treat. 

yes we are close to China if they liked Thais it would have been a lot lower that is the way it goes

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4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

For me this is a useless argument. They are both viruses. 

How many people were immunized for the common forms of the flu? Since no immunization exists at present for covid it is 0. So one cannot be directly compared to the other. What I believe is important is the death rate, is it 2x, 3x 4x as deadly or is it .1x, .2x, .3xas deadly. Since They are still gathering this information I think most of what has been done is a good idea, but what has been done by shutting down can not go on for long. It then has social and economic issues layered on top of it. There are many people who cannot afford to go with out for very long, not everyone will get or can wait for a government hand out. For the majority of people life will have to be adjusted to this threat and move on. I have faith that better testing and treatments are being worked on and will be found. In time, a vaccine will be found as well.    


People should not wed themselves to bunker mentality. That British expression, "Keep calm and carry on!"  

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1 hour ago, phantomfiddler said:

Don,t hit the funny button, Transam is right when he says most of the ambulances (average 30 X) are heading for motorbike accidents ????



Ironic in Thailand that the virus is saving lives over Songkran.

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Maybe jumping the gun - will be interesting to see the figures after the next two weeks with all the Thais who have traveled home to their families throughout the country this week for "indoor" Songkran celebrations! (incubation period). 

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5 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

There's an interesting theory, that's already being studied in clinical trials, which suggests that having been inoculated against TB with the BCG vaccine, may boost a person's immune system in a way that helps to fend off the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 


BCG vaccine and coronavirus


If this theory holds, it could explain why countries like Thailand, where the population is routinely given the BCG vaccine, seem to be faring better than some others.

In our countries It is mainly older people that  are dieing  they would have been from the generation where every one had the BCG vaccine,I can remember having it, my Thai wife you can just  still see the scares from the vaccine.

Do Thais have another jab when they get older, not that I know of, can not see this  one. 

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Hello ,


false realities being stated :


1. How many people have been tested in Thailand, Number is very low !! FACT !!


2. What about Asymptomatic people !!?? People carrying the virus with no visible signs Fever etc... That Still can be spreading the virus !! FACT !!


3. I live in Nakhon Ratchisma area and today the beginning of Songkran I went Out to for essentials only and returned home immediately !!

Yet I seen  LARGE !! Numbers of people most no mask or social Distancing and a main highway I could see from 7-11 was bustling with MUCH !! Traffic !!

 4. I will certainly be curious to see the Covid-19 numbers about 2-3 weeks after Songkran ends !! 

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6 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

You say nonsense but you have no idea really. An extensive post on facebook earlier from a patient in Thailand who recovered listing everything that happened and medication and hydroxychloriquin was listed, unless you were there you don't know. Get on facebook and go find it

Yeah, Facebook! The font of all knowledge!!!! ????


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We need to be more strict


I reckon  we should  have pur doors welded shut and have soldiers deliever our food


Then good looking  lady nurses 


Then good looking health massage therapists 


And a law that our wife's  must keep distance for 4 hours of the day whilst health massage theopists are taking care if our manly  needs


All massage female therapists  must take a fitness test before entry

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what about the uncounted .. or did they run out of test kits ..



Over the past four previous days, Thailand reported 54 new cases on Thursday, 50 on Friday, 45 on Saturday, 33 on Sunday and 28 today (Monday).

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3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

The big question tht people do not know for sure is the number of cases that required hospitalization.  


A lot of people are diagnosed with it but may have a very "light" case of it and are just quarantined like you do for the flu or such.


The big question now is going to be 

1. How is the government going to re open things

2. Will Thai people listen or just open their shops right away?

3. What new parameters are schools going to have for children that are sick?


The system has t be started slowly places like MBK and Platinum mall where everything is crowded have to be some of the last places to open.   I would think open stores and let peope get back to work.  Posssibly add more trains to BTS and restrict the number of people getting into cars (if possible)

"The big question that people do not know for sure is the number of cases that required hospitalization."


Actually that is one stat that is freely available. The main statistics for today as published are:

"Cases (accumulated) 2,579

Remedied 1,288

Hospitalized 1,254

Deceased 40"




In the past Thai numbers for remedied, hospitalized and deceased added up to total cases. They still get close (2,542 not 2,579) from which I deduce that 'deceased' only counts those who died from covid in hospital. This supports the widely proseltised (on ThaiV.com) theory that deaths are understated. I don't know to what extent this is consistent with the way all other nations report their deaths. I do know that the UK reports death stats that exclude 'deaths in nursing homes' and 'deaths in the community' (presumably the latter means any covid-attributed deaths not in hospital or a nursing home), so it seems likely that Thailand's death rate is at least on a broadly comparable basis with the UK's method of reporting deaths. Could it be that death rates reported internationally are all on a hospital deaths-only basis?


It could be, and is, argued by ThaiV members that many Thais would avoid hospital and die at home, thus significantly understating the number of deaths. In my personal opinion and observation from my poor extended (very extended!) Isaan family and friends 'many' Thais do not generally curl up and die at home but do go to the public hospitals when stuff gets grim, but on the other hand the nature of this disease seems to include the possibility of very sudden declines so maybe it is reasonable to conclude that there would be some deaths at home and with say only 3 deaths per day in Thai hospitals that number could well be at least say doubled. 


Thailand does not have the culture of old people ending up in nursing homes that developed western nations like the UK have. It's seems quite possible that significant numbers from this source would be added to the UK death stats (though with its much higher numbers of deaths in the UK, touching 800 a day from a similar-sized population it is inconceivable to me at least that UK deaths would be doubled by adding nursing home and community deaths).

So aggregate deaths of 40 will be understated but then so may some (many? / all?) other countries deaths be understated for exclusion of everyone who died outside hospital. In comparative terms deaths in Thailand are still very significantly lower than deaths in equivalent European countries of similar-sized populations (UK, France, Spain, Italy)


At the moment the press is starting to focus on why deaths in Asia are at a lower rate than Europe without focusing specifically on Thailand and wondering whether the Asians were right all along to be wearing masks*. I always thought that the early advice form the WHO about masks being unecessary was born more from a desire to keep masks back for health workers than science. Could be that or temperature/humidity or BCG (tuberculosis) injections when young, a younger population profile or lower population density.


*References today on BBC World News and CNN



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7 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Whatever happened to that guy A-nut-in, he would have loved to be beating his chest for this, well I suppose we can do without him ????


He's surprisingly quiet! I think/hope he's been reined in - possibly an "inactive post" beckons? 

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2 hours ago, sungod said:

Ironic in Thailand that the virus is saving lives over Songkran.

Are you sure about that? there are a lot of desperate people with empty stomachs out there!

My wife was commenting today about suicides!

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4 hours ago, offset said:

Italy have tested more per population than Germany and just look at their deaths

& look at the case histories in Italy most of the deceased had pre existing disease, mainly diabetes, which to a large degree is self inflicted yet the rest of the population now has to protect these people who never looked after themselves in the first place!

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