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Trump says he is halting World Health Organization funding over handling of coronavirus


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10 minutes ago, Proboscis said:

Disband the WHO?


I am old enough to remember the children at school a few years ahead of me who had to wear calipers because they had polio. None of them left now as most polio sufferers do not live to an advanced age. Who came up with the vaccine and managed to get rid of polio (except in those parts of Pakistan where the Taliban think the vaccine is a plot by the Americans to reduce fertility? WHO indeed.


And while you are at it, who got rid of smallpox from the planet?


And while Trump was saying that the virus was a democrat hoax, that USA was somehow protected, etc etc, who was telling the USA that they better consider acquiring more PPE and ventilators?


And who tried to take over the company in Germany that now works with the WHO to develop serum tests? That will be Trump. Instead of being willing to share it with the rest of the World, he messed it all up. Now the USA has no commercially available serum test and is really short of swab tests, the country really needs access to everything that the WHO has to beat this virus. Is it only me who sees that while other countries are dealing with the virus, the USA has the largest number of cases and mortality on the planet?

When the defunding begins then, I suppose we can forecast total world population obliteration. 

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46 minutes ago, OJAS said:

The $64,000 questions, I think, are (a) how many well-stuffed brown envelopes have been observed by Swiss postal workers passing through their hands since the start of the year en route from the Chinese Embassy in Bern to the WHO HQ in Geneva; and (b) by how much this supply will be stepped up over coming months in order to make good the USA funding shortfall.

That many envelopes would lead to deforestation. Can you see China?



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The UN and WHO are a joke, honestly I don't know why they still exist except to feed millions of dollars to corrupt bureaucrats and their kin. Veto powers make the UN a toothless tiger that occasionally growls but everyone knows it can't bite so nations ignore its rulings.


America should stop funding it. The money could be spent better elsewhere. Trump is right in this case, ignore the Trump haters on TV. They like to deride Trump and his supporters by calling him names and slinging insults. Yet by doing so they show that they are not of superior upbringing or intellect. People who have class and real education don't hangout in online forums slinging insults and calling people names. 

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8 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

The voice of insanity...


Can't get away from it;omnipresent,ever screeching,perseverating and exhibiting that true hallmark of a demagogue of the twitter age-"the arrogance of ignorance".

Well it was a long day and he was tired from all that golf.

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4 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

"On my watch, the demand for lifeboats has gone up by 2000%.  Big win!  I mean, they were just sitting there totally unused for all those days."

...and who needs the Plimsoll line anyway?

"Only commies,libs and snowflakes..."

Edited by Odysseus123
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2 hours ago, Throatwobbler said:

Do you just get your posts straight from Republican HQ?

"So great to see a leader brave enough to tackle this monstrosity"

You just parrot Trump propaganda. Honestly it is embarrassing.

Not the Republican HQ, even they find Trump is an embarrassment. Anyway everybody knows corona came about because god was angry with the gays.

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9 hours ago, Odysseus123 said:

The voice of insanity...


Can't get away from it;omnipresent,ever screeching,perseverating and exhibiting that true hallmark of a demagogue of the twitter age-"the arrogance of ignorance".

Your "voice" sounds similar to his.

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1 hour ago, Sakeopete said:

The UN and WHO are a joke, honestly I don't know why they still exist except to feed millions of dollars to corrupt bureaucrats and their kin. Veto powers make the UN a toothless tiger that occasionally growls but everyone knows it can't bite so nations ignore its rulings.


America should stop funding it. The money could be spent better elsewhere. Trump is right in this case, ignore the Trump haters on TV. They like to deride Trump and his supporters by calling him names and slinging insults. Yet by doing so they show that they are not of superior upbringing or intellect. People who have class and real education don't hangout in online forums slinging insults and calling people names. 

Are you seriously complaining about Trump being called names? And that by doing so they show a lack of intellect?

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USA pays approx 14.5% of WHO costs.Three weeks ago Trump was praising WHO for the great job they were doing with information and advice on controlling Covid19. Back in late January WHO offered masks etc to the USA in anticipation of the virus breaking out in the USA, TRUMP told them he didn't need them he had it under control.After his f!!! up on managing the outbreak of the virus he is now looking for scapegoats, Democrats, media , state governors and now WHO. Roll on November judgement day will be upon him

and London to a brick he will blame everyone else, his staff, the white house, the republican party and the media. Probably left out a few but Trump will find them.

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10 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Amen. Time for qualified and competent individuals to take over running the WHO, otherwise just disband it. The UN too while we are at it. So great to see a leader brave enough to tackle this monstrosity, knowing it's hardly going to win him any Nobel gongs or praise from MSM. Great job Trump!!

Well done Trump! Another step closer to four more years (& to think I once considered him a clown....????

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"In its most recent budget proposal in February, the Trump administration requested a reduction in U.S. financial contributions to the WHO from $122.6m to an assessed contribution of $57.9m. Despite the slashed budget, that figure still makes the U.S. the WHO's top financial contributor by far. China pays in the second highest sum, $28.6m, followed by Japan's $20.5m. The total sum of assessed contributions invoiced by the WHO on January 01 and due for payment this year stood at $246.8 million, of which $79 million had been paid by members as of March 31."



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