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Five realities of the post-Covid-19 'new normal'


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Five realities of the post-Covid-19 'new normal'


By The Nation



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Looking at the "new normal" from a business perspective, it is self-evident that companies will have to adjust according to changing buyer behaviour that was forced by the Covid-19 outbreak. Overall, five changes loom after the pandemic is tamed.


The measures and ideas to prevent and cope with this pandemic will change customer behaviour during and after the epidemic, which is called the "new normal". It could be summarised into five new realities:


1. The world will be driven by technology, which will destroy or disrupt the old business model and traditional businesses that are unable to adapt to the changing behaviours of consumers, such as online teaching. Human labour will be replaced by more technology, and robots will directly affect labour and players in various industries. It is a catalyst for those businesses to adapt to the fast-paced world.


The number of workers will be reduced, aside from people being replaced by technology. When various businesses will survive this crisis, the "work from home" experiment would let employers know how many employees they really need.


2. Online trading will grow enormously as the crisis has forced consumers to change their familiar shopping habits, which will eventually become familiar and become a new normal. Technology will directly connect the manufacturer with the end-user -- the same as the from-farm-to-table concept. Middlemen will be reduced to an important role but the online marketing and delivery platforms will grow, such as posting info about products on various member groups such as Line or Facebook platform.


In the short term, before supply is balanced with new demand, perishable products such as meat, vegetables, and fruits will be reduced or processed to preserve the value and extend their life. Consumers will have more power to buy things because manufacturers need to adjust, such as delivering products to the home. Processed products or supplies will be worth buying.


3. Customers will think closely before buying goods and services because of the fragile economy and the crisis that makes us know what is necessary for life and what is superfluous. Shopping for reasons will be more popular than emotions, such as buying residences that are useful more than beautiful and costing exorbitant prices. Spending on luxury goods and services will be reduced and converted into savings, with reduced spending on expensive jewellery, restaurants and cafes.


The tourism industry and related services will be directly affected as these costs will be cut first, due to the difficult economic conditions. But businesses that can create a new image for products or services that focus on value for money can still survive.


4. An aseptic society will be a public concept with guidelines. There will be measures to prevent and detect germs to prevent the outbreak of other diseases in the future, such as campaigns for cleanliness and hygiene in public or travelling by public and international transportation. Cleaning and sanitising of public places will be more common. Public gatherings such as concerts will have new public health measures to support.


5. Service activities will be more private, such as massage, beauty, see a doctor or receiving medication online by scheduling appointments to prevent unnecessary integration. Aside from being a valuable thing, the risks of integration are reduced by the use of modern technology.


The business will change according to the changing buyer behaviour. After being accustomed and forced to adapt to the outbreak of this virus, it is the "New Normal" that will allow those who are ready to accept this change.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/opinion/30386813



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2020-04-27
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Wordy, wordy, bla, bla, bla.  So who wrote this?  Does it have a name?


I love this one:  "In the short term, before supply is balanced with new demand, perishable products such as meat, vegetables, and fruits will be reduced or processed to preserve the value and extend their life. "  Duh.  Much of the world dried, fermented or canned food because they needed to live through winter, drought and growing seasons.  Sheesh.


Poop or pap, I'm not sure.

Edited by Damrongsak
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An opinion piece written by no name (I checked the link). And it seems by someone with a lot of imagination who didn't do much research.

Just to pick 1. In theory lots of things can be done online since at least a decade. But in real life human to human personal contact is important. Can teaching online ever be as good as in person? And people who buy things often want to see what they buy before they buy (order) it. Even our so called technology leaders like Apple or Tesla have shops in expensive locations in the middle of cities to sell their items - not only online sales.


Sometimes it's interesting reading about predictions. But they should be based on research and not only what comes into whatever author's mind.

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3 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

I hope #4 sticks! 

Be careful what you wish for.  This will just lead to stuff that is more resistant and harder to treat in the future.  Much like the overuse of antibiotics has done.

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18 minutes ago, rwill said:

Be careful what you wish for.  This will just lead to stuff that is more resistant and harder to treat in the future.  Much like the overuse of antibiotics has done.

Yes; God forbid people start washing their hands and covering their cough!

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Too all of those who think this is a joke: It is NOT !


This is exactly what the big players want !

Total control of Society in all aspects.


The UN, WHO, UNICEF and many more organizations like The World Economic Forum have this on their agenda !

You can read it ... or you keep thinking it's a joke and get what they will give you !


I highly doubt that any bars or Soi 6 and places like this will open any time soon .... probably not this year !

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5 hours ago, Curt1591 said:

I hope #4 sticks! 

It won't and can't. Nature has equipped us with immune systems designed to protect us from harmful viruses and bacteria. We need to be exposed to pathogens from early infancy in order for these systems work efficiently.


The notion of an aseptic society is about is credible as most of the other fanciful nonsense in this article.



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1 hour ago, Krataiboy said:

It won't and can't. Nature has equipped us with immune systems designed to protect us from harmful viruses and bacteria. We need to be exposed to pathogens from early infancy in order for these systems work efficiently.


The notion of an aseptic society is about is credible as most of the other fanciful nonsense in this article.



Agree,when i was a kid,we all used to play in gardens dig with our hands, generally get dirty like kids used too,i never knew of anyone with asthma,or peanut allergies ect,that are now rife in western countries due to being too clean look at kids in poorer countries you don't see this even in Thailand,i have never heard anyone say their kids are alllergic to this or that. At 55 i still have a full head of hair and very few white one's why,cos i shampoo at most once a month,hair is self cleaning.Of course i shower,but only use soap on the nether regions,under the arms.

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1 hour ago, marko kok prong said:

Agree,when i was a kid,we all used to play in gardens dig with our hands, generally get dirty like kids used too,i never knew of anyone with asthma,or peanut allergies ect,that are now rife in western countries due to being too clean look at kids in poorer countries you don't see this even in Thailand,i have never heard anyone say their kids are alllergic to this or that. At 55 i still have a full head of hair and very few white one's why,cos i shampoo at most once a month,hair is self cleaning.Of course i shower,but only use soap on the nether regions,under the arms.

And almost nobody seems even to consider the harmful effects of the cocktail of chemicals in the air we breathe, our food, the stuff we use on our bodies, to clean our homes and spray on our gardens. 


It's a wonder any of us have an immune system left!



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7 hours ago, micmichd said:

The unemployment rate isn't that high in Thailand. 

That is because most do not qualify as 'unemployed'. Only those who have contributed into the social security fund (i.e., was an official employee) qualify - that accounts for under 11 million, or about one third of the workforce. And you can only get benefits for a limited period and meet other conditions. The other two thirds are all 'self employed' or informal workers (family business, casual workers). Out of 10 members of my family who 'work' only 2 would qualify for any benefits.

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On 4/27/2020 at 12:56 PM, marko kok prong said:

Agree,when i was a kid,we all used to play in gardens dig with our hands, generally get dirty like kids used too,i never knew of anyone with asthma,or peanut allergies ect,that are now rife in western countries due to being too clean look at kids in poorer countries you don't see this even in Thailand,i have never heard anyone say their kids are alllergic to this or that. At 55 i still have a full head of hair and very few white one's why,cos i shampoo at most once a month,hair is self cleaning.Of course i shower,but only use soap on the nether regions,under the arms.

Thank you. You are not alone. 


I have always shunned deodorant (go ahead with the jokes, I can take it), shampoo once or twice a month, shower every day but use soap once or twice a month, don't use sun screen but also don't sunbathe, have always shared food/utensils with my dogs including ice cream, never disinfect small cuts, etc. I do use generic toothpaste but not mouthwash though. In general I avoid smearing my body with chemicals.


I have always thought diet supremely important, eating raw veggies and fruits every day, vegetarian most of my life, make my own bread and yogurt. 


At 70 my hair is thick and still brown but my beard has turned white. I've never been sick since moving to Thailand except for fish /crab food poisoning. I never eat shell fish or crabs here now. 


I've always enjoyed a string immune system due to luck of genes, regular exposure to pathogens, or both; hard to say which but I'm thankful. 

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