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Booze industry urges govt to lift prohibition


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I ran out 3 days ago. Despite what some are saying I've not been able to buy any in the smaller shops. They had either run out or 'mai kai'. 


I normally drink every night but not heavy and don't feel any different. I gave up for 2 years once and the only real significant thing is it's just plain boring being sober all the time.

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12 hours ago, kickstart said:

When it first came  out on the label was imprint of a  medal Leo beer won at an  Australian beer festival..................says something about Aussie beer.  

It must be a step above watneys red barrel the world's worst beer

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

help manage the destruction of spoiled liquor amid the Covid-19

I hope they lift the ban it's like treating Thai people like children.

I like a beer at home, I cannot see for the life of me the sense in me being able to go to a shop and buy some bread etc but not a beer.


What liquor can spoil, not heard of that !!!  can I volunteer to collect it for disposal.

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13 minutes ago, nausea said:

Same here, had a bottle of Hong Tong I'd been hoarding since the beginning of this saga. Yesterday I cracked. I'm guessing there are a few guys like me, not alcoholics exactly, but need to have a good blow out every now and then. Keeps us meek and mild, and on the wagon, the rest of the time. Freud said alcohol is pretty much essential to the functioning of modern society, I tend to agree. 

Yeah I'm on Soda water mixed with water or fresh orange after the 30th I like something fizzy, don't like Coke type drinks.

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15 hours ago, vogie said:

I hope Leo, Chang and Singha are banned permanently and only allow sales of Cheers and Tiger.

Also beers from other ASEAN countries such as Cambodia, Vietnam and Burma which, in my personal opinion, are far more superior! Unfortunately, not to be, due to the protectionism of the two "establishment" brewing families (Thai Bev and Singha Corp).

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26 minutes ago, SoilSpoil said:

Im convinced the alcohol ban will be extended by at least another month. People who stay home the whole day are getting bored stiff, and will drink more than usual, leading to weaker immune systems and domestic violence..


See the ban as an opportunity to detox and cleanse your liver. 6 months no alcohol will do.

Seems if you have a bicycle this stay at home order doesn't pertain to you. it's a miracle because for some reason if you own a bicycle you are a bicyclist and thus you are able to recreate as you see fit.

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24 minutes ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

I'm not a teetotaler, but I dislike alcohol with my meals. Great before and after, but I'm sure the teetotalers are very happy without the booze plus food, too.

Same here, maybe a little wine but for most part water with my meals.

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Plenty of speakeasies on the go.....hence the tolerance.  It is just the bars not the alcohol they want closed.

Had to look up the correct spelling:

Speakeasies were secret establishments where alcohol was illegally sold to patrons during the Prohibition. In places now depicted as full of glamour and glitz, speakeasy patrons defied the law in an effort to enjoy drinking, cavorting, and other activities in secret.


I could handle a bit of cavorting right now.


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14 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:

I can never understand teetotallers. 


Their lives must be incredibly dull drinking water or some other tasteless beverage with a delicious  meal


A lovely glass of wine with a steak or an ice cold beer with a hot curry is what life is all about.


It's not all about sitting on a 7/11 step drinking cans of archa!



every non drinker I have ever met in my life have always had a reason for not drinking and it usually involves a previous problem with drinking either involving themselves or someone else - not all of them are bitter but many are

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well for me as i am a moderate drinker ,and totally not depending on alcohol

for me the ban on alcohol sales is fine

certainly as i see that the roadkills are down for at least 50 %

lets keep thailand alcohol free, but i think they will loose their reputation

as land off the smile very soon 555

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Bit selfish i think , thinking about their own assets and income before safety . Everybody is hurting so so should they no early lifting for this branche . And i know this is kicking the alcoholics among us in the shin but can't you hold on a bit longer . And if they want their ban lifted so bad , come up with a plan that part of their sales will be donated to good use , single mothers , parentless children , people having nothing at all . But no they just talk about their stock going over date and wanting to store it in cooled places and taxes eased for their own winnings . ????????????????????

Edited by Nanaplaza666
Wasnt done yet
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This is my predictions based on the current Covid 19 colour coding for all Thai provenances.


Light green - Everything back to normal as of May 1st


Pale orange - Alcohol will be available to buy but only from actual licensed premises where the bar-code is scanned (Macro, 7/11, Big C etc) and only between the 11 am and 2 pm. 


Dark orange - The same as pale orange but sales will be limited to one box of beer or one bottle of spirits per customer per day.  


Red -  Another dry month in prospect (sorry) 

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26 minutes ago, robblok said:

There is a difference between liking a beer and proudly displaying your amount of alcohol in stock and moaning on each and every forum about the lack of alcohol.


As for bodybuilders on steroids, the top is certainly on steroids and a lot of others too. Nothing wrong with saying that. Its the truth. Just as i called you out on the truth. Its just that some people can handle the truth better then others. 

You don't think that perhaps some were just having a good windup. Now then, I've got a bottle of Patron Tequila (large bottle) sitting proudly on a top shelf just mocking me thru this dry spell. I've had a few shots but just not much fun without some beers and friends. Two and a wake up bros, beer O'clock.

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7 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

Bit selfish i think , thinking about their own assets and income before safety . Everybody is hurting so so should they no early lifting for this branche . And i know this is kicking the alcoholics among us in the shin but can't you hold on a bit longer . And if they want their ban lifted so bad , come up with a plan that part of their sales will be donated to good use , single mothers , parentless children , people having nothing at all . But no they just talk about their stock going over date and wanting to store it in cooled places and taxes eased for their own winnings . ????????????????????

Is Pocahontas now on TVF?  It is already taxed, excessively.  If there is a bar or 711 that doesn't employ single moms, I haven't seen it.  

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16 hours ago, OnTheGround said:

If alcohol become available again, will be many happy guys here.


Myself care more about  beach ban, will it be lifted or not.


Partial to a bit of skin cancer are we, as opposed to liver damage.   PML

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