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U.S. coronavirus outbreak soon to be deadlier than any flu since 1967 as deaths top 60,000

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6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

PNAS has a high reliability because of its access to many expert National Academy of Sciences members-editors. Why am I telling this when recalcitrants never believe in science. Never mind, just deny; it is much easier. 

Oh the role of the  provocateur is to convince themselves first, then they know they are correct ????


  • Haha 2
3 minutes ago, Phulublub said:

I'm really confused by this.  Is DJT from the left?  Is injecting yourself with bleach pseudo or real science?



Sorry that you are confused.

4 minutes ago, sucit said:

So it is about as destructive as the flu up to this point, but we are treating it like ten times Hiroshima. 

You can chose not to treat the virus seriously. There are many that feel the same as you. Some were ok, some got infected and some die. That’s the reality that you have to chose. 

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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

They (the feds) keep raising THEIR estimate... 50K, then 60K, then 60-70K.... Stay tuned.... This thing is far from anywhere near being over in terms of the death toll.


And I believe, the estimate the feds have been giving out only covers a period up through August 1 or so.... and not anything that's going to happen after that point.

There's a lot of wishful thinking, err, guessing on their part. Their only concern is looking good for the election. As Jared said about the effect things were having on the people, "I don't care about those things." ????

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

America's worst flu season in recent years was in 2017-2018 when more than 61,000 people died, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/past-seasons.html.


The only deadlier flu seasons were in 1967 when about 100,000 Americans died, 1957 when 116,000 died and the Spanish flu of 1918 when 675,000 died, according to the CDC.


Anyone else notice that the bad flu seasons are 10 years apart or years ending in 7 so the next bad flu season should hit in 2027?

4 minutes ago, simple1 said:

Of course you can provide credible empirical source, contrary to all current scientific knowledge, to back up your and others claim that Covid-19, without an available vaccine and mitigation protocols, is no worse than the flu. A simple comparison to refute your claim is in the past 12 months there was a maximum of 62k deaths in the USA from flu, whereas in the year to date in the USA approx 61.5 deaths from Covid-19. Source: CDC










3 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

America's worst flu season in recent years was in 2017-2018 when more than 61,000 people died, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/past-seasons.html.


The only deadlier flu seasons were in 1967 when about 100,000 Americans died, 1957 when 116,000 died and the Spanish flu of 1918 when 675,000 died, according to the CDC

Is this the empirical credible source you're looking for?It's a quote from the original post.

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20 minutes ago, simple1 said:

yep, it will fulfil the purpose. Current calendar year to date deaths in US from Covid-19 is 61.5k and that is with restrictions on travel, self isolation testing, tracking and quarantine and so on. Illogical to compare with the flu.

Sure this years corona virus maybe worse than this years flu in America at the moment but we will have to wait until the end of the year to see which is worse this year but I would like the see if the victims that C19 has been attributed didn't also have the flu or even if they were tested for the flu viruses at all?Because if they did also have the flu which one would the cause of death be attributed to.Also has there been any autopsy reports on the C19 victims to establish if the cause of death was in fact C19?Do you have any empirical credible source to verify the cause of death ofC19 victims? 

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2 hours ago, batata said:

and they only have their "clever" president delayed response to thank for it, well done Mr. Trump


2 hours ago, batata said:

and they only have their "clever" president delayed response to thank for it, well done Mr. Trump

If you check the per capita statistics you will see the USA is not in the top ten countries of deaths,  and as far as who to blame for the initial response I think you seem to be forgetting the Chinese coverup, and the WHO misinformation.

After President Trump initiated travel restrictions against China (and he was heavily criticized for these restrictions) We still have late February pictures of Pelosi posing in Chinatown inviting everyone to come on down to Chinatown enjoy the food.

According to The Washington Post as late as mid-March DeBlasio was was still minimizing the threat and urging people to go about their lives. 

So yes overall the misleading statistic we have the most deaths is correct, although the per capita number is a much better representation of the situation, and no we do not have only our as you put it, clever President to blame.



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7 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Please explain you "alternative truth " when current numbers are 61,656



One rather valid alternative truth is that in a population of 330 million people, for 62,000 people to die over a space of roughly 100 days equates to a total fatality count of 0.02%, or on a daily basis around 0.0002%. Another valid figure is that on average, during the winter months, around 8,500 people die every day in America, many from respiratory ailments such as flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia, and these figures pertain to pre-Cov19 era ! You seem to be allowing yourself to be carried away with numbers and not taking into account "The Norm".

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Not surprising as the government jukes the statistics by openly stating that virtually any death will be labelled as a Covid-19 death.

Lies, damn lies, and statistics.

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7 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

As is usually the case, Trump did not research this prior to making his statement. Hydroxychroroquine has actually proven to be one of the most effective drugs available against the treatment of Covid. However, it has to be used in conjunction with Zipthro and alot of Zinc. At least 150mg. of zinc seems to open up the cellular structure of the Covid, and allow penetration of the hydro. A few studies and doctors have already demonstrated this. Before you go on and on about your boring "need for clinical studies" nonsense, consider the worst side effect of all. One they are now contending with in the US. Death. I prefer a mild side effect to death. I prefer a proactive and imaginative doctor willing to break with protocols, to try to save my life, to one who just let's me die, because he has more or less been instructed to do so by the FDA, the CDC and the WHO, on behalf of Big Pharma. I could attach links, but there are plenty of doctors who have created videos on Youtube, and enough information out there, for those of you who are open minded enough to search for an alternative to the void.
Protocols were meant to be broken when they are not working. What is the absolute definition of stupidity? Repeating something over and over again, when it is not working. And when fatalities are concerned, I think it would be appropriate to also call that behavior irresponsible.

Oxford University investigated.


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