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Democrat Joe Biden denies alleged sexual assault, requests release of Senate records

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51 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

Watch this part of the interview for a minute or so. 

Joe is sweating bullets like a crook who has been caught.



This guy is a slow motion train wreck.


With the New York primary canceled he could go into the primary without enough delegates. Let's hope a draft Cuomo campaign takes hold.

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1 hour ago, Kelsall said:

Watch this part of the interview for a minute or so. 

Joe is sweating bullets like a crook who has been caught.




Just watch Joe's lips: "it never happened".




Deja vu!

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2 minutes ago, DoctorG said:

I would be happy for Biden to be the nominee. If Trump cannot beat an old demented guy then he deserves to lose, and the USA deserves to get a geriatric as President. If I did not have family ties to the US I might even find that amusing to watch.


Don't disagree but would add caution. If Joe wins, whose gonna be pulling the strings? And let's see who is running mate is.

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I think Trump hangs on to the Biden sex assault details while continuing  to amass a plethora of damning evidence, and unless Biden ends up in the hat factory before the wisconsin showdown, trump unloads on him and destroys biden in the debates. End of Joe (EOJ) period!

I also firmly believe a super pact or whatever u call it is imminent and the senile biden is put to pasture, only a moron nominates or votes for this senile sexual predator.

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4 hours ago, evadgib said:

As a Trump leaning Brit I'm curious as to why now & why did this not surface before or during his vice presidency?

Ask trump.

4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Obviously I don't know if he is guilty or innocent.

What I find interesting about all these cases that it seems accusations by women against men are the only cases were people are presumed guilty until proven they are innocent.

Robbery, fraud, murder, assault, are all crimes were evidence is needed to convict the accused. No evidence and/or no witnesses means no conviction which means not guilty.

But if a woman thinks she remembers what allegedly happened decades ago some people think we should trust them because women would never ever lie. And they would never invent anything like that. Really?


Let's make it easy and straightforward: If there is evidence and/or reliable witnesses about rape or sexual assault, etc. then present those facts and witnesses. And if they don't exist then be quiet.


What can a guy do who is accused of doing something decades ago? Like: What did you do on the 2nd May in year 2000? How many of us remember that? And even if we remember some things we remember things differently then they actually happened. That's human nature.


Let's keep the concept of innocent until proven guilty - for all alleged crimes.

#metoo has nothing to do with the law. It's used as a political weapon to destroy a person in the court of public opinion


As I had said in a another thread, why did it take this women 27 years to finally decide that what Biden did may have been classed as sexual assault? Or if she had decided sometime before this 27-year gap, why didn't she report him previously? It is absolutely no coincidence at all that this accusation came along shortly after the press started reporting that Biden had passed Trump in the polls. It's obviously another sleazy Trump tactic, and hopefully American voters have wised up to Trumps absolute disregard for honesty and his disdain for fellow humans. How did US politics become such a sleazy, nasty exhibition of some of the worst human behavior? It's just more typical Trump deflection. 

6 minutes ago, i84teen said:

Ask trump.

Well yes trump has form for this so could probably ask him.


Would be good in the debates if trump brings it up. Biden will just name dozens of women who complained about trump.


Trump wont personally say anything, as usual his blind minions will mention it.

14 hours ago, Tug said:

Sounds like a bunch of very disappointed trump supporters over here lol and just wait till we get to the issues not the distractions as in this case lol


You can't believe that there are disappointed Democrat supporters as well? Biden is just who people who dislike him think he is. A neoliberal tool and party hack, who at the first opportunity brought Hillary Clinton and Larry Summers back into the fold of his policy makers. If you listened to his interview he tried to "normalize" candidates like Pete Buttigieg who is the "future of the Democratic party". Given that he was quite comfortable with huge percentages of his constituents living in poverty, that doesn't bode well for Democrats. It would be very easy to out flank this party with just one or two populist measures.

10 minutes ago, theonetrueaussie said:

Ah the hypocrisy of it all is starting to kick in....Just look at how kavanaugh was treated when the claim about him came out...F.B.I investigations....Senate Investigations...24/7 news coverage, womens rights groups constantly protesting!! 

Now let's look at what happens when A democrat, Biden is accused.....little news coverage, no investigations, no womens groups protesting......Pretty clear how corrupt the Democrats and America have become!!

I must have missed the Congressional hearings to confirm the  nomination of Biden

1 minute ago, theonetrueaussie said:

seems you also missed the media outlets condemning him and all the women's groups out in action demanding investigations and that he resign as well.....oh wait that never happened...wonder why!!

Swooshhhh over your head.

Let me explain. The kavanaugh nomination was subject to a confirmation hearing that require investigation of allegations,and the subsequent reporting of the proceedings. 

 Biden's nomination requires none of that.

  As Biden has allowed all congressional personal records to be released no one stops you or anyone else from investigating.I am sure if such investigations uncover wrongdoing, it will be reported. 

 If credible evidence exist no one stops the DOJ from investigating and prosecuting. 

But guess what? so far nothing other than hot air from the right and their tools exists. 

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In response to Biden’s call for the records to be opened and the release of the report of sexual assault/harassment his accuser has said she filed, she has responded with yet another change to her story.


She now says the report she filed was not of sexual assault or sexual harassment,  but she now says, of being made to feel uncomfortable.



Both accused and accuser deserve a swift, full, transparent investigation and the swift  prosecution of which amongst them is guilty of a crime in this story, be that sexual assault or filing a false police report.



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14 hours ago, CaptRon2 said:

As a Trump supporter I tell you my only disappointment about this is the blatant hypocrisy displayed here by the Democrats.

As a Trump supporter, you should not chew old Joe too much. It is better to keep him alive until November. 

Joe go Joe!

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5 hours ago, Inn Between said:

As I had said in a another thread, why did it take this women 27 years to finally decide that what Biden did may have been classed as sexual assault? Or if she had decided sometime before this 27-year gap, why didn't she report him previously? It is absolutely no coincidence at all that this accusation came along shortly after the press started reporting that Biden had passed Trump in the polls. It's obviously another sleazy Trump tactic, and hopefully American voters have wised up to Trumps absolute disregard for honesty and his disdain for fellow humans. How did US politics become such a sleazy, nasty exhibition of some of the worst human behavior? It's just more typical Trump deflection. 

In principle I agree with you. But there are exceptions.

And I think we don't have to restrict this to sexual issues.

Let's imagine any of us sees a person doing something bad. Maybe he puts fire under the cat or she spits into the soup or whatever. Do we report whenever we see anything bad? I think often we don't want to be the snitch and it's not really soooo important (at that time). But maybe later we think we should have reported it.

As long as the bad person is a nobody then we can forget it. But imagine if that guy who tortured his cat becomes a powerful person. Then maybe we think other people should know about what he did.


And coming back to this case I understand if she now thinks that it is important and she should come forward with this. But she should also think: Do I have any evidence?

And she should not expect that everybody believes her because as we know many people lie for many reasons.

So if she comes forward with no evidence then I think she must be prepared to accept that many people won't believe her. But maybe there are other similar cases, and maybe cases with evidence. And maybe those other people are now motivated to come forward. If that is the case then even an unproven accusation can have positive effects.


What I find strange with situation like this is that is seems many people think they know what happened. And obviously the guy is guilty if I don't like him personally. And he must be innocent if I like him. Strange. Why can't we at least try to be fair and look at facts and try to listen to witnesses? 

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