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Customer’s COVID-19 screening at 7-Eleven goes horribly wrong

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19 hours ago, yourauntbob said:

Or just ditch this whole waste of time and money.


Almost 70 million people and 55 mostly older individuals have died of this virus.  Literally one in a million.

and only around 3k people have had it....most of which recovered !!

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9 minutes ago, dabhand said:

I think the whole world would like to get hold of the WHO and do a lot more to them than 'change their guidelines'. This is the organization that as late as Jan 14 was still parroting the Chinese Communist Party line that this was an isolated outbreak. That was a mistake that has caused hundreds of thousands of needless deaths and wrecked the global economy.




There is a widely reported case of a Thai medical staffer who caught SARS-Cov-2 from a corpse back in March, and subsequently became a corpse himself, as well as many scientists urging extreme caution on behalf of people dealing with infected people alive or dead.


Even the WHO document you quote says: "If a person died during the infectious period of COVID-19, the lungs and other organs may still contain live virus, and additional respiratory protection is needed [during autopsy]"


Case closed.

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the dozy 7-Eleven staffer extensively touched the poor lady, so naturally the staffer immediately replaced her gloves with a new fresh safe pair. right? oh and I missed her actually correcting her mistake by checking the unfortunate lady's temperature ????

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On 5/15/2020 at 11:56 AM, Moonlover said:

At the end of the video, the customer is led away to the back office. So what to you suppose happened back there if it wasn't a bit of first aid?

She was given a gratis 4-pack of Mama noodles and priority queuing for life.   

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Goodness gracious me, what a miserable, pernickety bunch of grousers some of you are! The 7/11 girl made a mistake. Yes, and she was obviously mortified and immediately tried to rectify it. No harm was done. That's really all there is to say!


She probably had a bad couple of days because of it, a reprimand, mickey taking, perhaps some pay docked - I don't know anything about how 7/11 treat their staff - but to read this forum some seem to think that the rest of her life should be ruined because of one silly inconsequential mistake. Strewth!

Edited by herfiehandbag
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