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National Security Council recommends extending emergency decree


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Freedoms and liberities are easily taken and only returned grudgingly. History is full of examples and this is not unique to Thailand. In WWII America rounded up people of Japanese ancestry and deprived them of their freedoms for absolutely NO reason; kind of the the Corona Boggey Man.

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4 hours ago, mehrdad said:

 People need work !!! ? 
this is Covid-19 conditions and not set to my viewpoint!!! 
COVID-19 have a very bad thing for world but we find something good also in control this problem 

Now world is slower than before and better 

what’s your problem? 

The article, a bit out of date, but at the URL below will provide some insights into the challenges facing the less well off in Thailand during the Covid crisis. As an example, the paragraph below is informative.


As of this writing, 28.8 million people have already applied for the 5,000 baht subsidy, but only 13.4 million qualified, leaving millions of Thais in a desperate situation, 







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You have got to be kidding me.  Does this guy look at the current situation?  I have been keeping track, well as much as you can, and if you believe the Government, than things are progressing nicely.  What does the Emergency Decree do for the "people" other than cause more suicides, loss of income, loss of businesses, etc.  This is lunacy.  Are there no one in Government that can help?  Of course the King could probably help somewhat, if he was in country. 

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1 hour ago, Burma Bill said:

Yes indeed, pubs, beer bars and girlie bars and restaurants - still NO ALCOHOL, other than for home consumption. Glad I managed to "escape" draconian Thailand just over 3 months ago before borders closed. Life in retirement here in Cambodia very enjoyable - no bans, lock-downs, curfews or reporting apps!


Same thing in nearly all of Viet Nam. Even social distancing has been relaxed. The Viets might even open a few international air routes come June 1.  

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21 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Suffering from the virus: 3,037

Deaths: 56

Suffering from the effects of 'lockdown': 69 million

If the government had not brought in the restrictions that they did how many would have suffered from the virus? How many would have died?

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O Chan had any balls he would just say no work no pay!  Thais leaders are getting use to not working being held up in their luxury homes drinking and eating.  So easy to make such a recommendation while the majority of Thais are standing in line getting their little free food! 

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4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

of what year 2021, or 2022, or ?  Just keep the kicks and punches coming, as the rest of the world is starting to re-open and others exploding with cases (like Brazil), That second wave has already started to roll, but no one wants to test anyone here unless they show up at a hospital.  Such a farce to not offer up a free test and do it randomly throughout the country..... 

You're missing the point - check your calendar for the number of days in June!

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1 hour ago, Burma Bill said:

Yes indeed, pubs, beer bars and girlie bars and restaurants - still NO ALCOHOL, other than for home consumption. Glad I managed to "escape" draconian Thailand just over 3 months ago before borders closed. Life in retirement here in Cambodia very enjoyable - no bans, lock-downs, curfews or reporting apps!

I wish I were in SR too!

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18 minutes ago, Russell17au said:
43 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:


Suffering from the virus: 3,037

Deaths: 56

Suffering from the effects of 'lockdown': 69 million

If the government had not brought in the restrictions that they did how many would have suffered from the virus? How many would have died?

Answer: Less than 69 million.

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4 hours ago, mehrdad said:

Good for country not managing with people same you and your idea !!! Hahaha now we seeing western country having big problem with this chiness flu !!! 

What a sick and perverted attitude - "Hahaha" because thousands of people are dying! 


The same "western" people that are regularly buying and donating food to the thousands of desperate, starving Thais that have lost their jobs and and in some cases homes due to this terrible virus.


And all you can do is LAUGH about westerners dying - shame on you - let's hope that some infected person coughs on you!

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22 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

If the government had not brought in the restrictions that they did how many would have suffered from the virus? How many would have died?


Maybe double the cases and double the deaths ?? So not a lot really...

Are we going to give up life to save lives or live life and die at some point anyway ? 

We aren't given the choice... 

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

The numbers are minimal.

All extending it would do is give the clown at the helm the power and control to do whatever he wants with the people of Thailand and it's guests.

Clown at the helm? He might have the wheel, but he has been heard shouting, 'It came away in me hand Mum'!!

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1 hour ago, Knocker33 said:

Come on honestly is anyone surprised. They will hold on to their controlling power trip as long as they can.. 

A quick search revealed that apart from the usual countries I. e China, N. Korea .Thailand is the only country in the world imposing martial law. Why is that.Even the Philippines didn't do it. 

I really hope this a wake up call for the Thais. But I doubt it.

But but but - it's a Democracy! Isn't it? 

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1 hour ago, Mikeasq60 said:

Same in America people want to move to states that are completely opening up without issues. While democrat run states are dragging their feet my state of Massachusetts is a RINO state Gov Charlie Baker runs it dont forget that name.

Didn't realise ThaiVisa was a vehicle for American politicising?

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for those who continue to blabber that all is safe ....    


52 infected ....  from one guy in choir practice ....   2 died .

The singers arrived to find six rows of 20 chairs evenly spaced before them. Some chose to sit as far apart from the rest as possible. Others simply took up their familiar positions, regardless of how many were around them.

Researchers identified where each person sat in relation to the carrier.

The session started with a 40-minute mass practice. Then the singers split into two focus groups for a 50-minute intensive. One group moved into a smaller room where they sat on benches. The other was in the larger room but had pulled their chairs into a tight cluster.

After a 15-minute free-ranging break, they all reconvened for a final 45-minute massed practice.

A day later, one person developed symptoms. Within 12 days, 52 had contracted the disease.

Three were hospitalised. Two died roughly a week later.

Edited by steven100
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