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Home at last! "Starving and mistreated" British pensioner back in England "eating nonstop"


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How can someone go to temple and pray as a Buddhist on a regular basis then doing something unimaginable to another human being the way it has been done. Have seen similar cases in Isan provinces where a lot of love stories heard. Very cruel. Thanks to those good hearted real human beings regardless of their ethnicity and religion.

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5 hours ago, crazykopite said:

I suppose he came for the same reason as you , age is just a number I’m 70 years young Most probably could outrun you over a 100 metres . He originally came over here after the death of his long term partner to make a new life what is wrong with that and although things were good for the first few years with the new woman in his life things went belly up after the parted company in my 14 years of living here I have seen that happen on countless occasions between foreigners and Thai woman , sadly it Appears someone took advantage of him purely as a way of greed by stealing his money using the ATM . Glad to hear that he is safe and well back in the U.K. he now needs to stay in isolation due to Corona.

same age and run 5k every morning

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Ha Ha oh dear, " thai people are wonderful, salt of the earth, do anything for you" but that's probably cos I am not a whore monger chasing bar girls"!!!


This is the level of response shared here when discussing an OAP who has been mistreated. You guys who #"trustallthaiwoman" should start a movement together!


Do you idiots really think other posters don't know that most Thai people just like most westerners are fine and upstanding people?


How well do you think an 86 yr old arab with a bit of money would be treated by the most feckless of unemployed, poor, morally bankrupt families in Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow or wherever? 

The only difference is that here in Thailand there are many more poor and ruthless people (poverty makes individuals ruthless) and because we foreigners often have Thai girlfriends or wives we are more likely to meet the bad side of her family. Even my own girlfriend is clear eyed about some members of her family and the same can be said of some level headed friends. 


I always like the "Ted" response that "my wife uses my ATM card, not once has she stolen 1 baht"  . . . .  .so let her use your ATM but don't give her access to your life savings!

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4 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Sad, but utterly predictable story. What is it that makes old white farts from Europe, US etc, actually imagine that there is something inherently special about them, so that poor women from around the world want to look after them in their idiotic dotage. Yeah money is a thing for sure, if you understand that what you are getting is paid for personal home care, forget romance, no one is interested any more. Sadly you are on the scrapheap of life. Why not just stay in Slough, or Stoke or wherever, and get decent care. Dreams are great, but such fantasies are deluded.

What's the colour of their skin got to do with anything under discussion except your own prejudices?

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4 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

Sad, but utterly predictable story. What is it that makes old white farts from Europe, US etc, actually imagine that there is something inherently special about them, so that poor women from around the world want to look after them in their idiotic dotage. Yeah money is a thing for sure, if you understand that what you are getting is paid for personal home care, forget romance, no one is interested any more. Sadly you are on the scrapheap of life. Why not just stay in Slough, or Stoke or wherever, and get decent care. Dreams are great, but such fantasies are deluded.

Would disagree on the 'romance'.

I get more romance out of a random bar girl for a $3 drink than I ever got out of my Brit schoolteacher wife in the 30 years we were married. The touching, flirting, teasing is on a totally different (higher) level. Sorry but white women just can't be bothered any more, it's all about us pleasing them, Asian women make a lot more effort (even if it is only for a 1 hour hire).

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"He would love to visit Thailand (again) one day and meet up with the man who saved him".

That is Declan Theodore who kindly responded to the Facebook plea last week. No police were involved."


Well done that man! ????And shame on the police for doing nothing!????


Another example of how little they think of their farang "guests"

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25 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

Not all bar girls are unscrupulous hookers!  Many have to resort to this work as they have no option. Rural communities suffer from poor education and no sex education: taken advantage of by young Thai men some become pregnant and are forced by parents in poverty to 'work'! No qualifications means no choice.


'Some' bar girls are decent and deserve sympathy!

Another taken out of the air comment. When did I post all bar girls are thieves or unscrupulous? Sure, there are decent bar girls. What I said is that the biggest part of the problems that has to do with the term walking ATM, that foreigners in Thailand at the barstool put on themself, comes from that industry.

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23 minutes ago, sambum said:

"He would love to visit Thailand (again) one day and meet up with the man who saved him".

That is Declan Theodore who kindly responded to the Facebook plea last week. No police were involved."


Well done that man! ????And shame on the police for doing nothing!????


Another example of how little they think of their farang "guests"


So you know that this was reported to the police then?

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

What rubbish, many Thai women can be trusted.

My wife i trust 100%, not only does she know my pin, many times i give her my card.

She takes money out of the ATM for me regularly, never once taken 1 baht.

>>never once taken 1 baht.<<          That you know of .

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5 hours ago, British Bulldog said:

"Daughter Marion Phillips said: "Dad is home in Brighton and staying with me. " ... and "... eating non stop" !


How did this happen ? No quarantine, no isolation ? and how come he got a flight so quickly ? ... not saying that he was infected, but wow, no wonder the UK along with the USA has so many cases.

Meanwhile, I hope all goes well for the poor chap and I hope that others learn a lesson, He's got some guts to getup and travel to Thailand at his age !

The UK are still in the process of starting up a quarantine for arriving passengers at Airports .Their Airports are still open to anyone .There are flights still from Thailand to the UK .Eva have one flight a week that i know of for around B20k one way. 

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1 minute ago, colinneil said:

Stop with your pathetic insulting remarks, what i posted is 100% true.

Sad that you could even come up with that, you need to get a life.

I do hope you are correct about wifey .

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5 hours ago, checkered flag said:

I thought there was a quarantine in the UK for overseas arrivals. Incoming travelers outside of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands, and Isle of Man must quarantine for 14 days upon arrival at their designated address, OR the UK will house you at your expense at one of the designated places (must be hotels).

Its coming on the 8 th of June . .

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7 minutes ago, anto said:

I do hope you are correct about wifey .

As you have been a member on here 8 years, you are fully aware of my situation.

As i have posted my times, my wife has a lot bigger income than me, almost double.

Yesterday i gave her my card, on your way home from school, please get this shopping for me.

She took 1000 baht out of the ATM, got the shopping, gave me my card ATM slip and 387 baht change.

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1 minute ago, colinneil said:

As you have been a member on here 8 years, you are fully aware of my situation.

As i have posted my times, my wife has a lot bigger income than me, almost double.

Yesterday i gave her my card, on your way home from school, please get this shopping for me.

She took 1000 baht out of the ATM, got the shopping, gave me my card ATM slip and 387 baht change.



He should also be aware that if it wasn't for your wife's status you would not have received the of hospital treatment you did. 



You would be dead were it not for her.................................... that is worth somewhat more than money.

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20 hours ago, EricTh said:

So why did he go to Thailand when he was well-treated in UK? At 86, he shouldn't be looking for Thai women.

What's it to do with you? I for one aim to be mongering when I'm 86; a pocket full of little blue helpers and out with a bang.  Bring it on.  Trying to do it on an empty wallet is the only thing to avoid.

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6 hours ago, Artisi said:

Why not, are you well past it? 

He doesn't look like a keeper to most Thais. A British person, old, unkept, doesn't appear educated. Not many if any would have him. A broke old dirty Brit to bring home to mom and dad. Hallelya!


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19 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:
On 5/25/2020 at 10:54 AM, bangsaenguy said:

Who was it that was posting on TVF that Declan was running a scam?

Well done Declan

If you Google his name it comes up with several results of people accusing him of various things.


With just short of a few thousand pounds raised i would of thought that Ron, with a serious spinal injury, would have been flying Business or Premium Economy.


I was surprised to see he flew cattle class at a cost of just over £500 (20,000baht)

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1 hour ago, DeaconJohn said:

This old geezer came to grief because he was in with a bad lot of people.  If things became intolerable towards the end it was his fault and his family's for not getting him out of it without a charity appeal.

  Those like him are jailbait for grifters everywhere, but especially in countries like Thailand where dirty dealing is a fine art.

   That said, an adult lifetime spent among them has convinced me that Thais take care of their own, and thàt would include a farang who has lived with them for maný years as a husband and father.

   Family means everything here. Your position in the family defines who you are.

   Without one you are nobody.

   Farang tao-nahn eng.

What's a Farang tao-nahn eng when he's at home?

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well this is a good outcome.

it is a warning for us all no matter who we are with,  or where we live.  

#1 rule I have learned  from TV is" Be worth more alive than dead. "

I guess #2 is use the buddy system to check on each other.  


maybe with some food nutrition amd maybe some meds this guy will be back for his dream.  


it seems if Thailand is wanting to have the image of a health care destination the police should look into this.  Doesn't Thailand  understand negative press?  I guess it takes sinking ships to bother them. 

I'm glad everyone here  has an honest wife.  what counts is the story  on our last day as a living carbon form.  so don't get all uppity just yet.  

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7 hours ago, JensenZ said:

I take it you're very wise, will never fall on hard times, and your brain (and legs) will function at peak capacity if you reach the age of this gentleman.

Am pretty wise, have had plenty of hard times, and would like to think I wouldn't pitch up in a foreign country with foreign women when Im in my eighties. But then I judge from your tone, that you may well be the kind of person who will end up doing just that.

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