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No confirmation on when international tourists can return to Thailand: PM


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11 hours ago, Enzian said:

And by the same token, it looks like I am locked IN Thailand for practically the foreseeable future.

Yes. So the visa and permission to stay amnesty for farangs needs to be extended by at least 3 more months, preferably 6 so we can stay especially, for those with family here, until it is straightforward not just to leave but to return whether that be across local borders or further afield.

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No politics, this visa say Sorry to the government for stupid farang who mix themself where they will NEVER do. May be in 3-6 months we will be same Chinese people. Come and enjoy the country.  Maybe this will work in this way.

Then you and me have no problem


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12 hours ago, ryane66 said:

Agreed. Not trying to minimize the severity of Covid-19 but media and social media have struck fear in the hearts of many and caused many to over react. Previous pandemics were far worse. Hong Kong flu of 1968 caused more than 1 million deaths. The Asian flu of 1956 to 1958 caused more than 2 million deaths. Then there was the swine flu and SARS. With the Asian Flu and Hong Kong flu there wasn't mass fear created and sustained by media and governments. Point of interest is where these recent pandemics originated.


So covid-19 is over, and the final score is 382,479 dead? If you haven't noticed, daily case rates around the world are increasing rather than decreasing. We have not reached the end of this. This is just the first 4 months, and you referenced previous pandemics spanning 1-2 years.

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8 hours ago, AndrewMciver said:

Testing at airports is a simple solutions, and about to be adopted in many european countries who are so reliant on tourism. Thailand is massively reliant on tourism when you look at their GDP. 

That's my understanding at the moment.

Thailand will be waiting for the leading countries to establish the air traveler testing protocols.

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Hopefully, the international flights will start again soon. All my Teelak's are getting impatient telling me, they love me only, and would never go with anybody else. So I just keep sending them Western unions to secure our true love relationships. The sooner I get back to Thailand the Better. I can save myself a fortune. 


Life's a bitch........ 

Edited by ScotBkk
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2 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

So covid-19 is over, and the final score is 382,479 dead? If you haven't noticed, daily case rates around the world are increasing rather than decreasing. We have not reached the end of this. This is just the first 4 months, and you referenced previous pandemics spanning 1-2 years.

The case rates are increasing for the simple reason of the dramatically increased testing, not the accelerating infection rates.

Isn't still clear by now?

Edited by unheard
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20 minutes ago, Wake Up said:

Not an affront against anyone as not one decision fits all people.

But for me everyday I am thankful that in the last four plus years I did not buy a condo or car or get married in Thailand. And thankful to the TVF posters who made me think to keep it simple. Invest in Thailand only what you can afford financially and emotionally to leave. 

I left a pair of Vans, a pair of Uniqlo shorts and some pc speakers in my friends apartment. I don't invest much in Thailand, it's the best way.

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It is not about covid Boy , many things go about politics. One thing to understand there low in Thailand if you report wrong then you go go to prison for many years that's show it work in this country. If not me do it who will?.     

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3 minutes ago, unheard said:

The case rates are increasing for the simple reason of the dramatically increased testing, not the accelerating infection rates.

Isn't still clear by now?

Take a look at Brazil - 4,378 tests per 1 million. 127th in the world for testing and the highest new case rate - almost 25% of new world cases every day. Isn't that clear? Maybe steer clear of getting all your news from infowars.com.

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13 hours ago, YetAnother said:

the departing country isn't arriving, individual people are; do individual testing over there and do testing here; make it painless,free,fast,accurate; problem solved

so true - blanket bans... just because someone "theoretically" may carry a virus.  We may as well lock up every person because they may theoretically rob a bank one day.

Allow healthy people in and keep infected out, if you really want - but use a strategic approach to the issue

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25 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

Hopefully, the international flights will start again soon. All my Teelak's are getting impatient telling me, they love me only, and would never go with anybody else. So I just keep sending them Western unions to secure our true love relationships. The sooner I get back to Thailand the Better. I can save myself a fortune. 


Life's a bitch........ 

Right now they are not lying to you - they are not going with anyone else LOL... there are no tourists ???? 

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30 minutes ago, brucec64 said:

Take a look at Brazil - 4,378 tests per 1 million. 127th in the world for testing and the highest new case rate - almost 25% of new world cases every day. Isn't that clear? Maybe steer clear of getting all your news from infowars.com.

Brazil was late to join the pandemic and still way behind on the recovery chart.

So is India.

The rest of the world is way past that point.

by the way Brazil is a huge country with population of over 212 million.

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5 hours ago, HerbyJFlash said:

@AndrewMciverBoris and co admitted in their broadcasted press conference last Thursday that they believe the number of new daily infections to be around 8,000. This is the estimated number if the whole population was tested.



England's daily infections rates are as follows - with testing that is close to 5 million people (and now ramping up to 200,000 a day). Compared to Thailand's 400,000 tests in total. 





If Thailand had carried out 5 million tests, you would see a figure higher than what they reported too. By the same logic if the UK carried out 400,000 tests it would also see a lower number of cases (but that's only part of the equation). Both countries have roughly the same population size.


Not once did the UK ever report anywhere near 10,000 cases.


The comments on many more people having the virus can apply to every other country - namely that many people will be asymptomatic and not know they have the virus, presenting mild symptoms, etc -this could be the case for Thailand too, especially during the period they were letting the Chinese flock into the country unchecked. 


*note, the UK has still been a horror show at this epidemic. 

Edited by AndrewMciver
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20 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

so true - blanket bans... just because someone "theoretically" may carry a virus.

And flu and dengue fever and who knows what else.

Every human is a potential carrier of something....

My take is that the change will come after a month or two after the international travel resumes in the leading countries...

When it becomes obvious that the skies are not falling then Thailand will alsoy jump on the bandwagon.

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England's daily infections rates are as follows - with testing that is close to 5 million people (and now ramping up to 200,000 a day). Compared to Thailand's 400,000 tests in total. 







If Thailand had carried out 5 million tests, you would see a figure higher than what they reported too. By the same logic if the UK carried out 400,000 tests it would also see a lower number of cases (but that's only part of the equation). Both countries have roughly the same population size.


Not once did the UK ever report anywhere near 10,000 cases.


The comments on many more people having the virus can apply to every other country - namely that many people will be asymptomatic and not know they have the virus, presenting mild symptoms, etc -this could be the case for Thailand too, especially during the period they were letting the Chinese flock into the country unchecked. 


*note, the UK has still been a horror show at this epidemic. 





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6 hours ago, Trolleen said:

Do not mix with politics. If people die is the government problem. Not my or yours!!!!!!!!.

Stay and enjoy o y your work and life. But now is more likely to late.



Are you by any chance from a communist country?

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18 hours ago, bloodyholly said:

“...before international tourists would be allowed to return...”


in a way it kinda reminds me of this: 


“Thaksin Shinawatra, the Thai prime minister, on Monday declared that the country did not need foreign aid to help it recover from the tsunami disaster...”

50 million quid alone came from the British public, mind you it was reinvested in buying Man City i suppose.....   They're a bit like the Mrs, very casual in forgetting what has been done for them..... 

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I bet he will do it based on country of passport and not country of departure.


You would have Chinese people flying in from the Europe. But UK people would not be able to get in from Laos.


That would be incredibly dumb.  But that's the way he rolls.

Edited by Ketyo
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21 hours ago, webfact said:

This will include creating so called “travel bubbles” using bilateral agreements with other countries to help limit any potential further outbreak

Thailands in a giant bubble... shouldn't be difficult!

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Thailand should cater to long term tourists at this point. Arrange for comfortable hotels or apartments for a 14 day quarantine. Allow for longer visas, easily renewed every 30-60 days.

Short term holidayers is not going to work until there is a vaccine.

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18 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

Both the Thai PM and the other misfits he employs in government seem to be under the illusion that the world is awaiting him to open the gates to his wonderful Thailand and there is a massive queue waiting to get in akin to a US mad Friday sale!!


That ship sailed long ago. They need to drop the ridiculous dream of hi so tourists rushing here or the silly idea it is a world premier resort country, it isn't.


It's going to be a long time before people will wish to fly long haul with all the mask wearing and social distancing adding to the already stressful preparations of flying by air. I believe people in the USA and Europe will holiday at home or in nearby countries for the foreseeable future.


Nobody who is a normal tourist, (we are not talking about expats or people with Thai wives and kids) is going to accept the ridiculous requirements the Thais are asking for.


Thailand is no longer fun nor value for money and hasn't been for a long time. Americans can get far more for the Dollar in the US and Brits and Europeans can get far better deals, especially now, in their home countries or those in the Schengan visa regions of Europe.


I am unsure of the Chinese position, but the Chinese government, already facing massive criticism, may not allow their citizens even regional travel for fear of a second wave and their citizens being identified as the cause.


Also, if regional travel commences to say Vietnam or Cambodia or Laos, will they attempt to refuse us entry to these countries via land borders or aircraft from Thailand when we live here semi permanently just because we have US or British passports?



2 weeks ago BBC news reported that bookings for holidays in the UK by Brits were up 60% from last year .


Also we are not far away from the peak holiday weeks for Europeans i.e. July & August and too late to book a Thai holiday for then .  I think Thailand tourism will recover to a level below that of pre covid19 . 

Vietnam is fast becoming an attractive alternative to the over priced Thailand that has lost its sparkle .

Sorry to digress slightly . 

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I have to go immigration today for my yearly retire visa there is a new bit for this, had to have photos of me taken in every room of the house, this is like a marriage visa I asked what is going on? but have no answer yet

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14 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Wouldn't be any choice, would there. It's quite nice not being treated as a threat to national security by being here and not having to jump through immigration hoops. Meanwhile, my Thai sister-in-law is stuck in Hungary with her Dutch husband (I know, but try to keep up), and on just her second visit there she is allowed to stay in that country with a five-year visa. Just a little bit different to Thai rules against foreigners. Neither of them are even citizens of Hungary, but they are made welcome with no 90 day reports, no minimum money in the bank, no visit by immigration officials, no photos of them at home for a visa extension, no anything. No government meddling in their personal life.


14 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

Just as well for her that the Dutch husband is not Australian husband

Exactly, the reason the husband and presumably the wife can stay is that there is unrestricted travel and residence in all of the EU countries if they were stranded anywhere else in Europe the same would likely apply.

Wouldn't apply to me or my Thai wife, so not so easy really for everyone.

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On 6/3/2020 at 8:26 AM, bkk6060 said:

Sounds like they are thinking smartly and trying to do the right thing here.

What about people who actually live in Thailand and have families here who go visit people in their birth countries?

Will they be allowed back before tourists?

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