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Biden says military would help oust Trump if he loses election but refuses to leave

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2 hours ago, OZinPattaya said:

No doubt he was one of those people back in 2016 who honestly believed Clinton would win by millions of votes to nothing and then when the results came back sat in front of the telly in an apoplectic fit of consternation and humiliated expectations. And has never gotten over the butt-hurt since!

You obviously think you know me. You know nothing about me and everything you assume happens just in your imagination.

I guess for you it's best to dream on. Reality would be too difficult for you to handle.

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7 hours ago, tlandtday said:

Biden is sounding dumber by the day.  He should have been ousted years ago and is nothing but a classical used car salesman turned dirty politician.

Well said.

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2 minutes ago, HaleySabai said:

Everybody knows Ol'Joe is incapable of performing the job, and probably even of functioning through a campaign. His inchoate utterances on events and policy make Donald Trump sound like Ralph Waldo Emerson. He’s left behind himself an evidence trail of financial crimes running to at least nine digits of grift. And, of course, if you believe all women, he’s a sexual molester. Everything about his public presentation is false, including his hair, teeth, and soul.

As sad as it may be,Trump is the only titan fully qualified to drive America off the cliff.

Old Joe needs to stay locked up in the basement away from any women, a phone, or any communication. If he ever comes out he'll likely want to show how tough he is. Really, no one is afraid of Old Joe unless he's elected. OMG. Best stay in Thailand.

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20 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

What you don't note is that citizens in most of those countries are required by law to have a government ID card. Not so in the USA. So, are you in favor of mandatory ID cards for US citizens? That would solve the problem.

And in Canada where that's not the case, they make it very easy by allowing for a wide range of documentation.


So, are you in favor of mandatory ID cards for US citizens?


As for the voter fraud allegations...5 states in which the governors and legislatures were Republican launched investigations into voter fraud. they came up with virtually nothing. Still looking for those shills from Massachusetts who voted in New Hampshire?

The Dem's don't trust the Rep's. The Rep's don't trust the Dem's. Why not ask an Independent country to monitor the election? Russia perhaps; or China? I'd be happy with Germany or England ensuring fair play.


When the Americans can't trust the other Americans to play cricket, it's no wonder the world is in turmoil.

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I believe trump said he would leave if he were not re-elected.


Hopefully his departure does not involve a ramp...it might take a while.



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3 hours ago, owl sees all said:

When the Americans can't trust the other Americans to play cricket, it's no wonder the world is in turmoil.

Well that is the problem - if they had a decent gentlemens' summer game, instead of playing rounders in crash helmets and long-johns, they would understand how to play by the rules!

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6 hours ago, jcsmith said:

And the big difference here is that we already know for a fact that Trump has been trying to cheat to win an election. He was impeached over it.


He was not impeached. They attempted an impeachment, which was nothing but a waste of time and taxpayer money, as they had no real reason to impeach him. No real proof of any wrongdoing, nothing. Just a whole lot of bla bla and conjecture.


There was real proof, when they tried to impeach Bill Clinton, which was shut down by the Dem majority, even though there was clear proof of Clinton committing perjury in front of the whole nation (including PHYSICAL proof, on a certain woman's dress).


And as for the first sentence, I quoted:


This is exactly why I loathe the media so much, these days. It is nothing but twisting the facts, and outright lies. Trump said he'd drain the swamp (of corruption). Which is exactly what the Ukraine-Affair is all about, and exactly what he was doing. Grabby Hands' son, Hunter, received a no-work job which he wasn't even qualified for, and an outrageously high salary on top of that, in exchange for political favours by daddy Joe. That is not only called corruption, but it's also called nepotism (though more like male infantism ???? in this case).


It's very Mafia-esque too, since the Mafia people use no-work/no-show jobs, to receive and show legal income, so they can buy big cars and houses etc. and it makes it harder to seize them, when they go down.


There is zero actual proof, of Trump pressuring Ukraine's president to do the investigation. And even if there was, which US President HASN'T used foreign/military aid, and even their power in the IMF, in order to influence policy (which is even worse, FAR worse, than having a corruption inquiry done) in another country?!


What Biden and his baby boy did, NEEDS to be made public (which it was, however the media was quick to pull the focus away from them, and shift it onto Trump instead, which is disgusting), and STOPPED. As well as PUNISHED.


But apparently that's the kind of president you guys want. Someone who touches women inappropriately (rather than just making off coloured, locker room-esque jokes about it, while on a hot mic), who can't even speak coherently, is too old, and has a history of nepotism/corruption (and not just him, but his son also).... I guess you're so desperate, to get rid of "bad Orange man", that anyone will do. Maybe Don King should run. At least he will guarantee some of the minority vote. "Only in Amurrrrrica!"

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10 hours ago, taxout said:

"There has always been something wrong with the American voting system, Trump won the last election, but, had less votes nationwide than Clinton."


So odd given the results of the last election that there hasn't been a peep in over three years -- not one single peep -- from Obama or Biden or either Clinton or any other prominent Democrat to reform the electoral college system.




Because under current demographics, the Electoral College system gives the Democratic candidate a lock on the 84 Electoral College votes of New York and California. And no way are they going to give that up. Which means that if you live in one of those states, your vote for Trump isn't going to count for anything, so why bother. And of course that  affects Trump vote totals.






OK that goes for any state that is a notoriously loyal to a party. The state I am from is notoriously red, as red as it gets. We have not seen a local presidential campaign commercial or ad in at least 20 years (the only ones we see are national ads) and during campaign season neither parties' candidates EVER...and I mean NEVER come to talk to us. The parties know where my state is going and they are not going to waste time and resources trying to convince us otherwise. After primary season we do not see anybody until after they have been elected. That electoral college barn door swings both ways. I vote but there have been many elections (like the last five) where I know my vote does not mean anything as far as actually deciding who the POTUS will be because of the electoral college. I vote because I can in good conscious say that I did indeed vote, I did the very least I could do to voice my opinion. If the candidate I voted for does not win, I can certainly complain when the person in office is not serving what I feel are the best interests of myself and the people around me. And this applies ESPECIALLY if my candidate does win and I am not happy with their performance then I can REALLY complain that they are not getting the job done.


Voting is more than deciding a president and individuals have far more power voting for govs, senators, congress and local officials. But to attribute Trump not winning the popular vote because people do not go out and vote for him in California and New York and discount or not attribute that same theory the other way in other states is self serving at best. 


By the way I am in favor of the electoral college because without it Los Angeles, New York, Chicago and Houston would basically decide every election...the electoral college is not perfect but it does a better job of reflecting the national interests instead of allowing dense urban interest to dominate the elections. And yes, this does not work out for me as far as who I would prefer to be in office because if there was no electoral college, people that are the POTUS now would not be...however I am STILL in favor of the electoral college because I do believe it serves the cross section of the country and the nation will go on long after the current POTUS loses in November. Congress is where popular vote of the country's power truly is in my opinion.


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5 minutes ago, rabas said:

So he is innocent.  

It does not mean that and you know that. Stop with the silly games. It only means he wasn't convicted. That is not the same thing as being proven innocent. Basic stuff.

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9 hours ago, FarangULong said:

Even if him promising troop withdrawls was a lie, which it was not, what exactly did a President elect - who at that point had done nothing, but make a whole lot of promises, he mostly didn't keep - get a nobel peace prize for?


Did he get it because he was half-Black (but raised, as is so often the case, without his Black daddy) and got elected? What was his grand achievement for deserving it? It was virtue signalling, nothing else. And of course he didn't say it as I put it in the quote. It's a nickname I have for him.

 The reason you put it in quotes was because he didn't say it? Time for a punctuation review.

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On 6/13/2020 at 6:13 PM, FarangULong said:

Would you like me to give you a rundown of Dem President lies? Such as Bill "C-Stain/Perjury" Clinton? Barrack "I got a nobel peace prize for promising a troop withdrawl, only to double troop strenght as soon as I took office" Obama?


Every politicians lies/"lies" and/or makes promises, that for some reason or other turns out to be unrealistic.

Let's not forget Obama's biggest lies. Promising to close Guantanamo before becoming president, and such monsters as "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" and "if you like your Dr you can keep your Dr".

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