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U.N. rights body to examine 'systemic' U.S. racism and police brutality


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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

The top U.N. human rights body will hold an urgent debate on allegations of "systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protests" in the United States on Wednesday, a statement said.


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17 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

There is nothing in the statement ‘Black Lives Matter’ that negates the fact other non Black lives matter.



They just forgot to add the word "most".

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19 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

U.N. rights body to examine 'systemic' U.S. racism and police brutality

There's Racism all over the world and police brutality all over the world .

the Un is cheesed of because DT  stopped the 10 Billion $ yearly contribution,He put it on hold for a while.

He should just tell them to mind their own business and forget about them let them Fund themselves.

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25 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:

Now, therefore, if Black Lives Matter to these protesters, why aren't they protesting at the murder of a retired black police captain by a looter? Or the massive black on black killings in Chicago for instance?

Who says they aren't?


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The black on black killings are a far bigger problem than the white on black killings. Yeah, there's one or two extremists still about, but the overt racism I saw in yesteryear is long gone. Maybe among the police it's still a problem, like one of the most racist guys I ever knew joined the police force, but he'd be reaching retirement age about now, so I guess it will work itself out of the system. Just my personal experience working in offices and what have you. Nowadays, we tend to judge people on who they are rather than their skin colour or cultural back ground. Must admit though, it took me a lot of time working with people from various backgrounds to overcome the stereotypes, I started out from ground zero, being born in the 1950s, when a lot of this stuff was pretty much accepted.

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37 minutes ago, samran said:

Who says they aren't?


Not who, but what. And the "what" is the absence of Black Lives Matter being there. As you know, Black Lives Matter only cares about certain black lives, not black lives in general. Here, you can learn from this lady:



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Luckily in the US, plenty of police officers and others have lost their job and more for police brutality. Laws are being changed in the USA as we speak and the culture of police throughout the country is changing, for the better. Where is the Human rights council about racism against blacks in China, against abuse by the police over Hong Kongers, the major human rights violations they conduct in Xinjiang against Uyghurs - this is the greatest open discrimination in the world, yet the human rights council, which China has a lot of sway over wants to look at microaggressions in the USA - laughable? What a <deleted> poor organization it has become. It's about as useless as the WHO and the UN.

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10 hours ago, flossie35 said:

US uses human rights to bash people they don't like, but ignores violations by its friends - and by itself. Hypocrisy. They don't care at all for human rights as such.

Please tell me 1 country or 1 person who is not a hypocrite. I bet no one can, not because no one is able to, but because we don't live in a black and white world, the world is full of grey. The only absolute is death. However, this does not mean that countries cannot still fight for human rights around the world and try to lessen their own human rights violations. To me that seems what the US and other western countries try to do. Look at China with the human rights violations of Hong Kongers, Uyghurs in Xinjiang and Tibetans - that is a lot more violations than what any western power does.

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