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Ban 'racist Black Pete' Jesse Jackson writes Dutch PM Rutte

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2 minutes ago, robblok said:

Yes JT you as an outsider knows best. While you always seem to use your jewish background and experience to back your Israel stories up. Strange that when its about you you seem to know it better but discredit what other people live and experience. 

When you've lost the argument it's time for the ad hominem attacks. 

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5 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Built by slaves- tear it down now!

No don't tear it down but make sure every American child learns the truth about slavery and its harmful legacy that lasts even today. 

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47 minutes ago, Frenske said:

The Netherlands used to be relaxed and easy-going multicultural society. Now some people feel offended over something that happened hundreds of years ago. How do you create racism? Divide a country in black and white and there it is. Don’t start a fire where there isn’t one.

Btw black Peet is the good guy and seen as a hero by the Dutch kids

Black peet is the one with the roe.


Don't kid yourself, originally he was the scary guy.

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1 hour ago, baansgr said:

Uncle Ben is going also....

Not only that Aunt Jemima and syrup bottles that may look a bit black, Quaker oats guy has to go- white supremacist! Milky bar kid would have gotten the chop as well, we will end up with no black or white illustrations of products, replaced by the hammer and sickle?



8 minutes ago, bodga said:

how  will  i  ever  eat  rice  again?

I grew up with delicious Aunt Jemima and my neighbor relatives had a black maid that raised the children. Nobody ever knew her last name. It took me years to realize she must have hated our guts and with good reason. 

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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No don't tear it down but make sure every American child learns the truth about slavery and its harmful legacy that lasts even today. 

As well as the harmful legacy of Lincolns tyrany that lasts to today as well

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2 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

As well as the harmful legacy of Lincolns tyrany that lasts to today as well

Oh. You must be referring to the war of Northern aggression. 

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4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Black peet is the one with the roe.


Don't kid yourself, originally he was the scary guy.

Yes originally he was a scary guy but not when i grew up and currently certainly not now. 

22 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

No don't tear it down but make sure every American child learns the truth about slavery and its harmful legacy that lasts even today. 

Including their  very own African natives very  large  part.

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Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

The Netherlands is still a relaxed and easy going multi-cutural society.


The debate over Zwarte Piet is nothing new and whenever I’ve been in a discussion on the matter with Nederlander colleagues and friends, the consensus has been an acceptance that times have changed and that the tradition is offensive to many.


I doubt Zwarte Piet will be banned, but I do expect he’ll fade away into the past.



Years ago but I've been there numerous times as a tourist starting from age 15 as a backpacker. 

The only racial issue that I noticed was a lot of hostility towards Moroccans. 


"In 2001, it was revealed Jackson had an affair with a staffer, Karin Stanford, that resulted in the birth of a daughter Ashley in May 1999. According to CNN, in August 1999, the Rainbow Push Coalition had paid Stanford $15,000 in moving expenses and $21,000 in payment for contracting work. A promised advance of an additional $40,000 against future contracting work was rescinded once the affair became public. This incident prompted Jackson to withdraw from activism for a short time. Jackson was paying $4,000 a month in child support as of 2001."

Jesse, a paragon of moral leadership.
Americans trying to teach lessons on racism seems to be a bit rich.


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So no one cares to talk about South Mulucans behavior towards the Dutch when i was a Kid. Quit frankly im sick of immigrants because their not self policing. Thailands got it right, fit in or ship out.

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57 minutes ago, bodga said:

how  will  i  ever  eat  rice  again?

You wont be able to.  Asian Rice, Jasmine rice all needs to go away as far as the name goes, and as far as names go there are Armenian named rice's as well.  Like I said the PC BS has to stop, or we will be buying neutral rice, potatoes, jams and jellies, as Black currant will have to go.  This stupidity has gone overboard in my view.  Just learn to get along regardless of race color or creed and treat each other respectfully.  A law is a law, you break it you pay the fine, or go to jail.  People run because they are afraid of the stereotypes, their possible record, their inbred hatred for others.  Lets just nuke the planet and go for a restart, however we can not do that.  Opinions are like AH's everyone has one and they all differ.

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6 minutes ago, curious297 said:

England had the Black & White Minstrels show starting in 1958 before being cancelled 20 years later. Even then, staff at the BBC showed their distaste for the show as it depicted the worst stereotype of a black man by white people dressed as blacks.  Today is considered offensive and even racist.  The point of concern was no black person looked, talked or spoke like the white actors portrayed. I never saw a black man with such big white lips, exaggerated large eyes, and dressed like... i have no idea? This show might have been acceptable way back in the 50's however, today, you would find it difficult getting this type of show back on any mainstream TV channel and for good reason.


I am old enough to remember watching Black & White Minstrels show in the UK in the 70's. I was confused why these "blackmen" looked, dressed and sounded wrong until my parents explained it to me. Even then as a young, innocent 6 year old, I knew something was not quite right. In my later years, white kids would do their own impressions of the Minstrels which could be considered even more condescending. As you know, children have no bounds when it comes to taking the <deleted>.


Here is a video showing the Black & White Minstrels show to teenagers today. Watch to hear their comments and see their reactions.



Some years later, I moved to Amsterdam. It was my first ever Christmas spent in the Netherlands. Whilst shopping, I come across Black Pete actors collecting money in the streets. My first reaction was surprise and then that same feeling I had as a boy watching the Black & White Minstrels came flooding back. I didn't know or care to know the story of black Pete, I just saw white people dressed up as black people, with their nappy hair,  big red lips and dressed in a way no black person would be seen dead wearing. My dutch friends tried to explain to me the story yet somehow, the words had no foundation to what my eyes were seeing. 


"They are Santas helpers" they said in a sheepish manner especially looking at my confused expression. "OK" I said, "So Where does Santa get these helpers from, as I don't know any black people living in the North Pole?". The situation got awkward very quickly.


I recalled what I had learned about slavery and The Netherlands heavy involvement (The Netherlands was one of the last countries to abolish slavery in 1863.) What I was looking at just felt wrong and made me feel very uncomfortable. Keep in mind, I had no idea or never heard about story of Black Pete. I just saw what I saw, white people depicting their misconstrued idealistic view of Black people.


So, let's compare Dutch Black Pete and the Black & White Minstrels. Do you see any similarities?


Related image



I would ask anyone here if they know of any black person that looks, dresses, talks and acts like these 2 examples of the misrepresentations of a Black man? I for sure, do not.


Sinterklaas and black Pete are there for the children,nothing to do with slavery at all.

The thing i notice about the black Pete picture is that they look happy!!!

After all it is a very happy event for the children.

North pole?What are you talking about?

Black Pete collecting money in the street?Never happened!!!They are handing out candy and toys.

Fair play if you want to comment but do not come with falls facts please.



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Some off topic bickering and troll posts have been removed, also replies

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Poster JVS, You say "Never happened." How interesting you are going to tell me what I saw against what you believe I saw. You can tell me 110% it never happened bearing in mind you was not there? We are blessed you are not a judge of law.


Soon in Karate you can't use the term black belt anymore??

Where is the world going?

Till about 5 years ago I  thought we will never see a world war ever again, now I sincerely doubt that thought....

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Oh. You must be referring to the war of Northern aggression. 

Yup Lincoln was a racist even by the standards of the day, tore up the constitution and invaded his own country costing the lives of over 600k Americans, don't tell me that was a victory for freedom. That old rascal was after revenue and his first swearing in as president he promised not to interfere with southern states and said he had no right (or wish ) to end slavery. Then embarked on the worst and most unjust war in USA history, all other countries ended slavery without a war, but not honest old Abe. Lincoln despied blacks and was never interested in freeing any slave, unless it helped win the war to preserve his precious Union.

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8 minutes ago, Orton Rd said:

Yup Lincoln was a racist even by the standards of the day, tore up the constitution and invaded his own country costing the lives of over 600k Americans, don't tell me that was a victory for freedom. That old rascal was after revenue and his first swearing in as president he promised not to interfere with southern states and said he had no right (or wish ) to end slavery. Then embarked on the worst and most unjust war in USA history, all other countries ended slavery without a war, but not honest old Abe. Lincoln despied blacks and was never interested in freeing any slave, unless it helped win the war to preserve his precious Union.

Think you better check your facts and read a little history. What he did believe was that, like all men, blacks had the right to improve their condition in society and to enjoy the fruits of their labor. In this way they were equal to white men, and for this reason slavery was inherently unjust.



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