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Fast-acting Thailand and South Korea hold key to dodging 'second wave'


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5 hours ago, bodga said:

The  krap never stops  coming does it, this is the 110th wave of BS

Yes, extremely difficult to hear anything good about Thailand - Yes, its a 'mind' thing that's almost impossible to get rid of. Read the statistics on the Web, might be helpful if read with an unbiased mind.

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47 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

A quick recovery and prevention from covid is also good indication of a strong and caring society where people come together and help fight off and prevent danger.

Now look at countries that have been heavily effected by Covid, such as the UK and USA.  Look whats happening there now.... Massive groups of people protesting & fighting during a pandemic with zero social distancing ! 

That to me is a sign of a broken society, and that is one of the reasons why the virus spread so rapidly in such countries.  



I will take issue with your last sentence. The virus was on the decline well before these BLM massed on the streets of the UK. It still is on the decline. Its not necessarily a broken society, more the fact of the government being in disarray due to the many more pressing problems it faces. The UK government have made many bad calls over Corona 19, and to my mind relied far too much on the supposed science. This last was in many cases very contradictory, but then I'm no scientist. As the saying goes, the idea was to drain the swamp, but when up to you're a$$ in alligators, its easy to lose sight of the initial intention.  

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48 minutes ago, connda said:

They "are still drinking the cool aid" because most governments work in conjunction with the media outlets to create an extremely effective propaganda network. 
Average members of the unthinking public, the majority, buy whatever "authoritative" spin is pumped out on the airwaves or via the Internet.
Since Edward Bernay's time, propaganda has evolved into an art form.  And Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" is alive and well in this 21st Century world.  It's now promoting a seasonal flu as something that it is not. And the propaganda is highly effective.  Most governments world-wide who have taken this approach have a knee firmly on the necks of their citizens.  And their citizens will dance almost any dance they are instructed to perform to get that knee off.  Humankind's basic freedoms are taken away; a few freedoms are reinstated if citizens obey and comply; the citizenry express love and adoration for those who were moments ago choking the life out of them.  Stockholm Syndrome on a global scale.  Need people compliant?  Roll out The Second Wave, or a brand new pandemic (next year).
It's truly fascination to watch although it sucks being part of the world's population who are firmly in the cross-hairs of this campaign. 

I can't call you on this, but I do have a question. Who was it and how, did they get 99% of world governments to agree to this, scam? Just asking.

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Thailand did well in its REACTION to the Covib pandemic.

But now in the disease infection lull, Thailand needs to be PROACTIVE in searching out any emerging Covid virus within the general population with massive daily Free testing. Infection population trends will provide a roadmap where to direct medical medical action before a riplle develops into a pandemic tsunami.

It seems currently it focuses on known 'hot spots' and mandatory quaranteed groups for testing. As such the government will be ambushed by a second Covid wave.

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11 minutes ago, riclag said:

There's a lot to be learned by some skeptics, as to  why  Thailand  continues to restrict  people's activity and freedoms  in this country for only sixty deaths ! Very puzzling imop 

Makes you wonder if what was going on in the streets and the Universities  just before this all happened has something do do with it ..... But what do I know .....

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23 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Considering the Uk is doing 116k tests per million to Thailand 6k tests per million, I kinda think measuring anybodies stats to show how great they are is kind of misleading 

more tests due to more people with symptoms. 

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4 hours ago, Sharp said:

0.18% world wide mortality rate <deleted>....

A Flu season was around this 3 years ago... 

Not withstanding the asymptomatic 


625,000 died of various flu viruses in 2019.

so far - 6 months in just shy of 500,000 dead.

if this continues for the year, if, then we are looking at a million dead for the year. That’s about 40% more than for flu for the preceding year!
And remember these numbers are taking into account almost complete shutdown of the world!

Lets watch the US where lots of people, and their leader are so thick and selfish that they’ve ignored known remediation practices n see how the death rate goes.

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5 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


I can't explain Thailands apparent 'success' but putting them in the same camp as South Korea in COVID response is a farce. 


Thailand did nothing at all until March, had the first reported case outside china, and even when they did shut airports down, unless you lived in a major hub, literally nothing changed over the weeks thereafter. My province you wouldn't even have known there was a virus other than some things were closed down and you couldn't buy booze for a while. 


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1 hour ago, Logosone said:

Yes, let's also congratulate even more successful Nigeria and Lesotho, whose even lower Covid19 numbers are the result of even less testing than Thailand.


Great job. 



Look at the list of diligent reporting....  ha ha, waste your time reading it, nevermind regurgitating it...

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4 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

Opportunity to boast about not getting a second wave. Possibly if it arrives they will call it Thailand The Hub of third waves.

Not sure who is boasting, Thai visa copy and paste an article written by a

couple of Japanese people showing a graph reflecting infection rates following

the decision to impose restrictions on the general population.


Bash away to your heart's content but try to do so where relevant.




4 hours ago, The Deerhunter said:

Opportunity to boast about not getting a second wave. Possibly if it arrives they will call it Thailand The Hub of third waves.


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