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Seven groups of foreigners expected to be allowed entry

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As none of these are on group tours, and travel on different dates and months, what airlines are willing to operate near empty flights just because Bangkok wants to limit the numbers ? Another idea not thought through properly.

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22 hours ago, webfact said:

3. Tourists under the travel bubble. Dr Taweesin said that the target countries are China, Japan and South Korea, which are presently trying to contain the virus.

today's news ???


2 days ago news :

Thailand’s tourism-revival strategy is to target big spenders seeking privacy and social distancing in the Covid-19 era, rather than try to attract a large number of visitors.


since when did the Chinese become big spenders and seeking privacy with their hordes of packed bus

  • Like 1
21 hours ago, Paiman said:

All countries are more or less trying to contain the virus, just going different paths. 


Off course the chinese get special treatment, what a surprise? 

And they (Chinese) are exactly the highest risk group. Let's hope most of them have common sense and not travel knowing that in many countries they're not really welcome, even in parts of the wonderful Land of Smiles....

18 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Good luck with that. This can be done online though with Zoom maybe.


According the WHO, 21st June was the worst day so far with 183,000 new infections. Realistically most can forget getting into Thailand until this pandemic slows down everywhere.

I seriously hate what you are saying,but I can only agree with it????


Need help...!

Does anybody know where and how I can ‘REGISTER’ ?

The story says 30,000 are registered under  ‘medical and wellness’....whatever that means.


I’m desperate to get back to my family and I’m stuck in Australia 

22 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:

Better test them all for the virus. They better know they face potential quarantine.

well if the advance party are from China to lay the ground for a re-emergence of the Covid-19 virus I will not want to follow them and be the victim of this ill perceived strategy. 

22 hours ago, webfact said:

Tourists under the travel bubble. Dr Taweesin said that the target countries are China, Japan and South Korea, which are presently trying to contain the virus.

So, border run to China is a possibility?

22 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:


Less than 200 cases in 10 days in Beijing.

If Thailand's authorities consider a little over 3000 infections and 58 deaths justify the current and proposed measures - surely 200 new cases in China in a couple of weeks is considered a whole new epedemic worthy of banning all Chinese tourists for 10 years?

  • Like 1
22 hours ago, TooBigToFit said:

Better test them all for the virus. They better know they face potential quarantine.

Check them all? 


Pretty difficult. It can take over 48 hours for the virus to have any affect -- and if 'swab tests' are taken they have to be sent to a lab for processing.  Hopefully any 'positive' or asymptomatic tourists will still be traceable 2-, 3-, 4-days+ later by the Thai authorities -- whom we all have great confidence in -- and then quarantined.


The efficiency of the Thai 'authorities' will then come into play: their recorded names, their groups, where they are each day, contact details of a group's leader! Also it will be a requirement to know which hotels they have stayed at and where they have been: i.e. restaurants, tourist attractions, markets they will have wandered down, malls, etc., should any be found to be asymptomatic or incubating the virus.  I'm sure the Thais have considered this and have procedures in place to efficiently record all relevant details!


Not sure how long it would take to swab test a planeload of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese tourists but it will certainly cause delays!


Perhaps it is best just to check their temperatures and . . . 'hope for the best'!

29 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

If Thailand's authorities consider a little over 3000 infections and 58 deaths justify the current and proposed measures - surely 200 new cases in China in a couple of weeks is considered a whole new epedemic worthy of banning all Chinese tourists for 10 years?

Surely not.

With population of 1393 millions against 69 million,

200 cases in China is equivalent to 10 cases for Thailand,

and 22 new cases yesterday equivalent to 1 new case in Thailand.

1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

Official corruption is rampant in Thailand. It ranges from bribery to outright police collusion. The interplay of drugs, prostitution, political paralysis, corruption and collusion, a culture of impunity, international tourism and trade, traditional Buddhist tolerance and tendency to ignore problems has led to an increasingly multifaceted and complex crime epidemic in the country. Juvenile delinquency has also been increasing in recent years.

In November 2015, the New York Times reported that in the fiscal year ending September 2015, the national police have seen a surge in thefts, burglaries, and robberies, more than 75,557 thefts and other property crimes in the fiscal year, 10.5 percent higher than the previous year. Violent crime was up 8.6 percent during the same period. ........A lot more than you think goes on here, including more human trafficking than just about anywhere on earth.

Well, the best part of all this is that 99.8% of it is Thai on Thai. Which makes the place incredibly safe for us ex-pats. How many ex-pats have you heard of, who have been subjected to violence, theft or murder? Very few. I feel infinitely safer here than I do in the US, on a dozen dofferent levels. 

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, nauseus said:

Well controlled, LMAO. If the Chinese were capable of responsible control then the virus would have been contained in country in the first place.

I didn't talk about the beginning of the pandemic, where no country was ready,

but about how they can react now; far better. And true for many countries.


Does anyone know how to register as a foreigner married to a Thai, I have been trying to get to Thailand to see my wife and son since the end of March, I can get a flight but cannot get in to the country.


Please help.

23 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

You live in Pattaya, same me, can you say only one positive thing brought here

by the chinese?

My wife's family.

You obviously travel through Chonburi province with your eyes shut.

  • Haha 2
23 hours ago, JCP108 said:

"...which are presently trying to contain the virus."


The other countries aren't? This is the weakest possible explanation. 


I now invite those who scoffed at me when I formerly predicted that we were headed to a situation in which Chinese arrivals would not be asked to quarantine but we would to please retract your scoffing. I'll wait. 

Thailand has been sold to China. Now I think Trump US Morrison AU and the Boris UK. Should seriously look at cutting and foreign aid to Thailand. 

  • Thanks 1

The Thais are about to undo all the good work they have done in stopping the virus. Big mistake opening the door when Beijing has reported new infections and S. Korea is experiencing a second wave.


We could end up in lockdown again for months.



  • Like 2
9 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

The official death toll is 5395; 2280 of them foreign tourists. To this have to be added the missing, whose number has been differently estimated as between 2845 and 4500, about 1000 of them foreign tourists (Wechsler, 2005). The missing have been presumed dead since the end of the retrieval operations...................

Murders > Per 100,000 people 9 Ranked 48th. 53% more than United States
Murders with firearms 20,032 Ranked 3rd. 2 times more than United States
Prisoners 213,815 prisoners Ranked 6th.
Assaults 38.8 Ranked 47th.               Many foreigners are robbed or pick pocketed here every year. I felt safer in the USA by far. There at least when someone commits a crime, you can't pay your way out of it as easy as here.....................THAILAND HAS been ranked as one of the 20 most dangerous countries in the world for tourists, with high rates of crime and violence and low reliability of police services, according to a recent survey. ... The violence that flared in Thailand's deep South in early 2004 took more than 6,800 lives.............This country is nowhere near safe for foreigners, especially foreign girls who are sold here.

That was one of the most bizarre replies I have seen in ages. Did a gen Z kid design It? 


With that attitude, I sure hope you do not have to live here! Personally, I have never felt safer anywhere in my lifetime. The US is spectacularly dangerous these days, and I never feel safe there. 

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So they have decided to let these groups of people in without quarantine but I cannot slip down to my local & have a game of pool or darts with my mates who have been in Thailand for 4 months by then.

They have decided to expressly start Covid 2nd wave 

What is the matter with these people ?

Do they not have the nouse to think things through?

You watch all bars closed again by Christmas


  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

That was one of the most bizarre replies I have seen in ages. Did a gen Z kid design It? 


With that attitude, I sure hope you do not have to live here! Personally, I have never felt safer anywhere in my lifetime. The US is spectacularly dangerous these days, and I never feel safe there. 

I don't have to live here, I choose to, because my wife and daughter are here. What I posted is not only true, it's worse now than when that was published, and they are facts. I lived in the US for 62 years, and friends and family rarely had any trouble. It has nothing to do with attitude, as I don't make the news here. It's good if you follow the news that's available...............http://factsanddetails.com/southeast-asia/Thailand/sub5_8f/entry-3281.html

  • Sad 1
16 minutes ago, natway09 said:

So they have decided

Nothing is decided yet


this article, and the declarations he is based on (As have been a lot of others before and will be in the future) are pure speculations and vague thought expressed by few people with nothing to do than brass hot air and talking\writing for existing.


The reality is the ones in charge have no idea about what to do and how to do it

it's an unique situation and nobody was prepared to face it, then they decide day by day

depending on the medical situation, how the others countries handdle it, what agenda they have (It's the perfect moment to implement some controls on the people)

and so on


We just have to wait and keep the fingers crossed

hope for the best but be prepared for the worst


good luck anyway



  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I don't have to live here, I choose to, because my wife and daughter are here. What I posted is not only true, it's worse now than when that was published, and they are facts. I lived in the US for 62 years, and friends and family rarely had any trouble. It has nothing to do with attitude, as I don't make the news here. It's good if you follow the news that's available...............http://factsanddetails.com/southeast-asia/Thailand/sub5_8f/entry-3281.html

Better watch your back mate. Conceal a weapon if you can. Watch over your shoulder....always... you never know when your time is up strolling around Central LOL

Believe me, most big western cities are MUCH more dangerous than BKK. 

  • Like 1
9 minutes ago, DavisH said:

Better watch your back mate. Conceal a weapon if you can. Watch over your shoulder....always... you never know when your time is up strolling around Central LOL

Believe me, most big western cities are MUCH more dangerous than BKK. 

Lived next to NYC for 30 years, and worked there. I had no trouble whatsoever there or in San Antonio, Texas. Thailand has more gun violence than the US does by far. I never walk around worrying anywhere. Just have to be aware of your surroundings. I'm more worried about mosquitoes here than anything else. And driving in Bangkok is more dangerous than the pedestrians. I trust a country where a lot of people are concealing a weapon legally, unlike here where people have guns because they settle problems the cowards way. Yes, it's done by the same in the US, including mass shootings by disturbed teens in schools. And Bangkok isn't really dangerous to men, but girls, as human trafficking there is in the top 10 in the world.

1 hour ago, chainarong said:

Cause China has em by the short and curlies , they borrowed heavily when they were told not to.

China gives to desperate country's. When they can't pay they come calling  for extra giving.






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