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Trump repeats vow to defeat 'radical left' in July Fourth speech


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17 minutes ago, mikebike said:

How cute. You think Kanye is a leftist. ????

no ... i don't know anything about leftist or far right or whatever.

I just think it's pretty funny that Kanye would nominate himself for President ....  a bit silly to be honest.

Hence the Oprah next ... lol

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3 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Do you even believe what you write? 

Kanye is a businessperson with a wealth possibly higher than 45s. They are both entertainers. The similarities are striking.

Trump net worth according to Forbes: $2.1 billion

West net worth according to Forbes: $1 billion

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3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Trump has been under attack from all sides - not least the Establishment and the left-leaning mass media - since the day he walked into the White House. He clearly wasn't the global elite's choice and they have never stopped doing all they possibly can to unseat him.


His stance against the destructive revolutionary forces of Black Lives Matter and Antifa (did you actually bother reading the the BLM mission statement or listen to any of the neo-Marxist twaddle espoused by the movement's leaders?) is in stark contrast to the Democrats' dangerous ploy of piggybacking on the back of a political movement bent on destroying America, the UK and Western democracies in general. 



Thanks for the link. The 67% support in America makes this all clear. 

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Wow. Donald might actually get Mexico to pay for the wall. Seems like Mexico doesn't want US citizens infecting Mexicans. A wall is a wall. Does it matter to Donald's supporters in which direction is the enforcement?


Residents of Mexican town block Americans from entering



Their informal border wall follows an upswing in Covid-19 cases in Arizona.


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10 hours ago, candide said:

The difference is that West is a true self-made man and doesn't owe his wealth to his father. Trump actually performed worse than the stock index.

"Donald Trump Would Be Richer If He’d Have Invested in Index Funds" ????????????????????



Jay Z would be even better. There's a billionaire you can really sink your teeth into.


Plus he's not insane.

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2 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I guess if America does re elect Donald Trump it will show that they like a guy who

lies except when he is trapped, or asleep. They like a sleeze, a bad business man

who has had how many bankrupted businesses, as well as a leader who has ticked off a lot of other countries that the USA does business with.   Good thing Donnys father was as

rich as he was.  I do not think that the other choice will send America into any

worse situation that Trump has, but then I am not an American, so what do I know?

  My mother and grand mother both said that a country gets the government

that it deserves, not always a government that it needs.  I just hope that the

people in the USA do go and vote this year, especially the ones who hardly have

ever voted in the past.


Its already lookin that way ! Don't ya think!

As much as the dems hate Mr. Trump. The swing state  voters especially women ,Ah, what the hell, all  want to feel safe in their cities!

Unless I missed it the biden polosi schummer and the other  far left dems are silent about the violence that has followed  blm protests !


This wasn't a issue before, the far left radicals turned peaceful protests to mob rule !  Many large cities with dem run cities can't control the violence. They have given many Americans cause for concern!


So looking at the dems from prior years and how they court the left wing than immediately pivot to center ,leading up to the election ain't happening this year!


 Look for Trump to make his campaign about  law and order and the lefts inability to distance from it. Look for Mr. Trump to exploit biden 40 years  that has been filled with do nothing moments!





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3 hours ago, Silurian said:

Drain the swamp! Hmmm, more like just switch around the alligators. Donald's buddies are gluttonously feeding at the coroavirus financial aid money trough.


Trump-connected lobbyists reap windfall in federal virus aid

Remember the $660 billion PPP  which trump refused independent oversight, massive corruption, reported yesterday, but so far not on TV

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On 7/6/2020 at 6:18 AM, TopDeadSenter said:

That Trump succeeds in this mission is critical. His failure would mean the end of the free western democracies that our forefathers died for. They died protecting the civilization the left want to destroy. It would also fuel the ever growing war and hate against the world's most successful, creative and tolerant ethnicity.


 Fortunately the left's utopia was fully realized in the CHAZ experiment. That it immediately turned into a hotbed and orgy of murder, violence, racial segregation, sex crimes, and terrorizing local residents should end the discussion once and for all. Americans do not want to live in a giant CHAZ. Trump MUST win.

Smoke some more of that stuff ????

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On 7/6/2020 at 10:37 PM, xylophone said:

There is no "Radical Far-left in the United States. The ideals of the Dems are no different to the right of centre, Tory party in the UK and other parts of Europe.

It exists as the name for the invisible demon the GOP scares its voters with, like a fairy tale monster is supposed to make children behave.

In 1982 there was a woman running for vice president on the Dem ticket.  Jerry Falwell, media evangelist and spokesman for god, kept saying she was a radical feminist who, if elected, would ensure all public toilets would be unisex (no more mens' or ladies' room).


In terms of 1992 US politics, Biden is more of a Republican than DT.  What those blackguards like Gingrich and Rove did to the party and what that wrought in the new century, well, that's for the GOP to deal with.

If nothing else, I would think the two major US parties will no longer allow just anyone to come along and join their party solely for the sake of running for a public office. 


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