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PETA accused of cultural racism and double-standards


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32 minutes ago, seajae said:

this is the best monkey school around, somjai is brilliant and the monkees are very well taken care of, she trains then the same way her father did, no force and rewards, anyone that goes there can see just how well they are treated, I spent a lot of time there over a couple of years so saw first hand just how well they were treated and taken care of. Peta is full of sh#t and anyone that believes anything they say are idiots, they are just as bad as blm and antifa, they will stoop to any lengths to push their garbage as can be seen from what they have done in the past. At one time they were stealing peoples pets and killing them till they were caught out, they are scum

all fine and good - if only this were the sole place training the animals and there were a guarantee that all owners were kind folk.

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19 hours ago, sprq said:

Pigs enjoy looking for truffles, and they're not abused into doing it. The opposite is true for monkeys collecting coconuts. Wake up, Attawich.

Have you confirmed that by speaking to the monkeys?


I think if I was one I'd quite enjoy going up trees for a living.



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20 hours ago, sprq said:

Pigs enjoy looking for truffles, and they're not abused into doing it. The opposite is true for monkeys collecting coconuts. Wake up, Attawich.

The truffles are also taken away, with the pig probably only given one from all the ones it finds. Now that's abuse.

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21 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

It’s not necessarily the act of monkeys picking coconuts, it’s the conditions they’re kept in and the training methods they endure to be animal slaves in that industry. 

Wonder what conditions Western industrial animals are kept in; like pigs, chickens and calves...????

Edited by khunPer
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20 minutes ago, Dionigi said:

The truffles are also taken away, with the pig probably only given one from all the ones it finds. Now that's abuse.

With the price of truffles, I very much doubt that the pig gets one.  They are enormously expensive.

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5 hours ago, rupert the bear said:

its the slaves on the trawlers and the in the factories which is a big concern and that needs sanctions.monkeys enjoy climbing trees but the training methods are what must be looked into,we see young elephants battered with iron hooks in the elephant shows and performances ,some are treated well others poorly hence a need for legislation and enforcement

Some would argue that 320 baht a day is slave wages. 

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22 minutes ago, Venom said:

Some would argue that 320 baht a day is slave wages. 

They have been getting 136 bht an hour that in UK Leicester sweat shops, nothing done about paying a third of the minimum wage because the factory owners are from a certain religion, and half the exploited workers are illegal immigrants, can't be accused of racism so they have left it, until now.

Edited by Orton Rd
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