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Over 90% of Thai people want a total ban on foreign arrivals


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Can't say I know a lot about Thai poles but unless the polling of people is done randomly over the entire country, city and rural,  the result isn't worth Jack shiet.  And as I learnt during my time of higher education public polls,  graphs and charts can be less reliable or totally inaccurate depending on what is given as input. 

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5 hours ago, mike787 said:

Alrighty, everyone begin packing, get out, and never come back you all are NOT wanted here in Thailand.  It's over, go find another place.

Exactly what I did. I sensed this coming earlier this year so, with no Thai "ties", I packed my bags, sold my car and flew from Khon Kaen to Siem Reap with Air Asia on a one-way "Fly-Thru" ticket and now enjoy retirement without any hassle in Cambodia. Sadly "two fingers" to those anti-farang Thai people!

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3 hours ago, brucec64 said:

Then head to Canada. Oh, wait, 86% of the people there want the Canada/US border shut indefinitely, and international travel is still banned. Guess what, Thai people don't want Covid here, and are willing to take the hit on tourism so that the rest of the 83% of the economy is not impacted. It's not all about you - get over yourself.

...you did read the part, where 90+% didn't want to loose their job, right?!

With millions working in tourism and tourism related - or dependend fields...that will be hard to bring together!

Get over yourself!

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7 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Can’t expect anything else when they are getting totally brainwashed on a daily basis. Even some of the foreigners who are living In Thailand are spouting the same scaremongering nonsense. 


Maybe it’s gonna take a while to sink in the severity of the situation the country is heading for before they begin to wise up. 

Thaiand can not survive on its own. 

That's the problem with Thailand, the people who lives here are still thinking the whole world is turning around them.

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Very sad indeed.

I suggest that you read about JOSEPH GOEBBELS, a google search will find out about Him.

Intereisting reading, no care for the people,

Same is happenning in Thailand.

Goebbels was in power for 2 days after Hitler committed suicide.

Goebbells then committed suicide along with his wife, and just prior murdered all his children,


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31 minutes ago, Eddy Ozark said:

The economy is in dire straits. It is worse than most realize. People are out of jobs, living from hand to mouth and etc. It will take a few more months until the truth catches up with those still in denial.

But you see people on here writing health before economy what am I missing here. So with a sound economy diversified (tourism). Doesnt that help in the economic well being for a country and its people. The CV numbers BS doesnt hold weight any longer! Its govt using cv as a tool to control its people.

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6 hours ago, mike787 said:

Alrighty, everyone begin packing, get out, and never come back you all are NOT wanted here in Thailand.  It's over, go find another place.

Vietnam looks a good prospect when the borders open up.

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5 hours ago, meechai said:

Over 90% of 1459 Thai people polled want a total ban on foreign arrivals


Fixed your sensationalism for you ????

Over 90% of the 0,000000208% of Thai people polled wanted a total ban on foreign arrivals.


There you go. Fine tuned it for you to add even more dramatic effect and perspective.????

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Been reading these stupid polls that are posted on TV for over 15 years here,. Usually its a low and pointless number from a particular demographic classic was 1200, usually Dusit or some military academy.


Basically these polls are ALL just propaganda BS for whatever narrative they junta or gov wishes to peddle..... frankly its pathetic but hey ho its Thai tradition.





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46 minutes ago, DaLa said:
1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

I've written for nearly every UK national paper, and the 'red tops' had a policy to publish an outrageous story (not by me) to sell papers, only to then publish a denial from someone the next day. If it wasn't libellous then it worked well.

Hi Barry, an interesting revelation. But how could the false story be deemed not to be libellous ? Or were the papers relying on the fact that it's quite difficult for the individual to prove it damaged his/her reputation if the report was so wild ?

Wasn't necessarily about a person. Could be about an event etc.

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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Thai’s are not this stupid. One has to wonder how ‘loaded’ the questions in the poll were...


i.e. Should we allow foreigners in from countries with high covid numbers? 

or should we allow the risk of foreigners bring in covid? etc 

exactly.  Framing of the question is always the most relevant part of a poll and the questions are raarely reported on or even published in articles such as these.   If there is a risk of a second wave of Covid 19 being brought in by foreigners, should we allow foreigners to enter?  Yes/no/don't know.  


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7 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Thai’s are not this stupid. One has to wonder how ‘loaded’ the questions in the poll were...


i.e. Should we allow foreigners in from countries with high covid numbers? 

or should we allow the risk of foreigners bring in covid? etc 

You can be sure that the questions were crafted to generate a “news” story that aligns with the government narrative

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2 hours ago, newatthis said:

 All the factories around here have not stopped. Even my step-daughter, employed by CP group, has only had the usual Sunday and public holidays off work and I'm sure many other companies are operating in a similar fashion.. Companies have thrived here since the 1990's through industrialization. Do not assume that we foreigners are needed to sustain life and limb here.

Oh and these factories will not stop!

Soon they can hire and fire as they please, pick from millions of jobless, never ever pay a minimum wage again...the Thai- hiso's wet dream!

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Obviously the poll was biased as there must be at least 15% unemployment in Thailand. The figures put out by the Government are nonsense. The 95% fearing losing their job is well in excess of those who have actually lost their job and probably their mobile phone too. Who were the people in the sample and what questions were they asked?

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By keep polarizing the people, I don't know how Thais will receive "after" Corona arriving foreigners. They will hate us even more than before??? Or will they be happy to see us bringing back their jobs??? I just don't know

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1 hour ago, geriatrickid said:

We have all seen the dire predictions of job losses and yet the most recent data shows; (Source - Trading Economics); 

The unemployment rate in Thailand came in at 1% in March of 2020, the same as in the corresponding month the previous year. The number of unemployed increased by 45.3 thousand from the prior year.


You are obviously not familiar, with the Thai- policy of hardly letting people go, unless you really have to!

Just wait until the end of the month!

If the number stands at 45.000, still!

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