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Over 90% of Thai people want a total ban on foreign arrivals


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10 hours ago, Sambotte said:

Looks terribly stupid.

Looks like brainwashing and fear works beyond expectation.

But 5% thinking brains is probably the common world percentage.

A ridiculously low number of people polled to get a true feeling of the population. Very silly to report it. But ''brainwashing''? No, definately not -- you can't say that.


And I can quite imagine that the majority of the population (the majority are not involved in the tourist industry ''directly'') do not wish to see people from heavily infected areas allowed into the Kingdom!


Parts of China, S. Korea, and the UK are still in lockdown. Cases are still occurring throughout the world. And the Monday figures (Monday's are always low due to data recording) were: USA 412, Brazil 716, India 675, Russia 95, UK 27!


Those figures would make every intelligent person ''a bit'' worried!


Of course, we all now know that the USA's leader claims that the Yanks have the lowest number of deaths in the world with 143,289 -- and 3,898,550 cases -- so obviously the USA is very safe! ????  The country that some have a ''Covid-19 Party'' to see if they can catch it -- or not!  ????


If anything looks ''terribly stupid''; ''brainwashing and fear works beyond expectation''; and ''5% thinking brains'' it's what has been coming out of that country recently!!!

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under 1500 people asked all of em working i expect, if the ban on foreigners doesn't affect em then yea they'll say keep em out. anyway at the end of the day its up to the thai government what there gonna do with regards to letting us all back in.

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14 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:

A ridiculously low number of people polled to get a true feeling of the population. Very silly to report it. But ''brainwashing''? No, definately not -- you can't say that.


And I can quite imagine that the majority of the population (the majority are not involved in the tourist industry ''directly'') do not wish to see people from heavily infected areas allowed into the Kingdom!


Parts of China, S. Korea, and the UK are still in lockdown. Cases are still occurring throughout the world. And the Monday figures (Monday's are always low due to data recording) were: USA 412, Brazil 716, India 675, Russia 95, UK 27!


Those figures would make every intelligent person ''a bit'' worried!


Of course, we all now know that the USA's leader claims that the Yanks have the lowest number of deaths in the world with 143,289 -- and 3,898,550 cases -- so obviously the USA is very safe! ????  The country that some have a ''Covid-19 Party'' to see if they can catch it -- or not!  ????


If anything looks ''terribly stupid''; ''brainwashing and fear works beyond expectation''; and ''5% thinking brains'' it's what has been coming out of that country recently!!!

@Chiang Mai Bill i think the opposite.... anyone with half a brain would know it is nothing to worry about, although every death is tragic,27 deaths in a country of 66 mill is no more than prob how many died on pneumonia on the same day. people who aren't stupid can put numbers in perspective, the same with the other countries you have listed, populations and the deaths equal a very very very small number of people. and not even adding in the factor that the majority of the people who did die were probably over 70 and had underlying health conditions.   

Edited by paulikens
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40 minutes ago, DualSportBiker said:

Wow, just wow! It is not hard to imagine what change would arise were a Thai immigration policy specialist to read this thread. The majority of you seem to think Thai people should not run their own country. Why? Well, they can't do polls, don't value your money or contribution, only spout government propaganda and consider the safety of the Thai population more important than the needs of a minority screaming 'accept my privilege!'


  1. Few of you understand statistics and the mathematics of polling. This link was posted by someone else and should be read before ranting about your failure to understand. It is OK to not understand, it is not cool to broadcast your ignorance and consider it gospel. You can also read this for a second opinion.
  2. The survey was deployed online - you can read it yourself. The questions are not contrived or leading, they are bog-standard poll questions with overlapping fields of enquiry. Respondents were people who wanted to participate, not those approached in the street by a pollster. If you can't read Thai like me, have Google Translate read it to you.
  3. The questions were presented individually as is best practice.
  4. The respondents were from all over Thailand. Of the 1,459, some 520 were in Bangkok and the remainder elsewhere. They did not track location to any more detail than that.
  5. The respondents were not all students at Suan Dusit who are removed from the tourism industry.

Let's be perfectly clear, Covid-19 is an external problem for Thailand. It originated outside, was dealt with internally, and now only exists outside of Thailand, again. The initial mistake of letting people in during the initial outbreak is understood as a mistake - they are trying not to repeat that mistake. 


Thai people are pretty resilient and they are signaling they prefer hardship to infection. They prefer no tourists to a second lockdown. It's not complicated; two months of restrictions weren't fun - can't you remember that far back? If holding back on tourism until so-called advanced economies can take charge of their runaway Covid problems make Thailand more safe for the average Thai, why not?


Thailand produces more food than it can eat - no need to eat soi dog as suggested by the ugliest comment in the thread so far. Get over yourselves - the accumulated budget of all expats in Thailand is not enough to register. They quite correctly don't care about such a trivial amount of money. It only seems like a lot to each individual spending it. These decisions are not about us or any individual - how hard is that to fathom?

Well said. +1

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2 hours ago, jerolamo said:
2 hours ago, Bob A Kneale said:

Tourism is not the main contributor to GDP for Thailand and no one is "banishing tourism/foreigners" [sic].  It was an opinion poll, that's all.

no, a propaganda.

We don't have real questions and they only ask to 1450 people.

No, it was a poll.  It wasn't "a propaganda" [sic] published by the government.


Questions were quoted in the linked article, they're there if you want to see them.  Polls always ask relatively few people but they are considered to be representative of the population, that's why they're polls, not referendums.

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1 hour ago, Xaos said:

1400 out of 70mil 

Just shows how stupid they are. 

Thats like 0.029% responders 

No, it's not, like [sic].  If 1400+ were polled and 1400+ responded, that's a 100% response.  It was a (representative) poll, not a referendum of the population. 


"Just shows how stupid they are"....no, it doesn't.

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10 hours ago, mike787 said:

Alrighty, everyone begin packing, get out, and never come back you all are NOT wanted here in Thailand.  It's over, go find another place.

I'd consider that... if I could only get BACK to begin packing, get out, never come back etc etc ????

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11 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Can’t expect anything else when they are getting totally brainwashed on a daily basis. Even some of the foreigners who are living In Thailand are spouting the same scaremongering nonsense. 


Maybe it’s gonna take a while to sink in the severity of the situation the country is heading for before they begin to wise up. 

Thaiand can not survive on its own. 

That's true. I see lots of comments from people living in Thailand treating 'foreigners' as dirty virus spreading beasts that must be banned from Thailand eternally if it was up to them. That makes people like me, who have a Thai family feel really well ????

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Something is off with this maths. Interviewed 1459 folks, 90% have this option, that is 1313 said this, of a population of 70,000,000 Thais, that is .00188% of the population;

not 90% of Thai people, as the headline stated

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10 hours ago, Soikhaonoiken said:

Surely they don't understand the implications of banning foreigners to the country, 20% of GDP plus all the Baht given to Thai people/girls/families support for those families which is not part of GDP, which must add up 100s of millions of Baht or do the Thai people want to go back to the 1960s and make a living from the land. 

After living with Thai people and talking to many of them, I honestly don't think the average, ordinary Thai knows that the money that helps support them comes from government subsidies, which in large part are funded from tourism as a percentage of GDP. I'm really not sure if they ever give this a second thought

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1 hour ago, Rancid said:

Personally I think we are kept in fear so we accept compulsory vaccination as the only escape. As an aside, under Nuremberg War Crime laws compulsory vaccination would be considered a war crime...look it up.

So where has it been announced that Covid-19 vaccinations will be compulsory?


"...under Nuremberg War Crime laws compulsory vaccination would be considered a war crime..."

Good grief...

That's nonsense.  The Nuremberg Code is not law in any country and it relates to medical experiments.



Edited by Bob A Kneale
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21 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

Very smart of the Thais for temporarely wanting to keep the borders closed.

Smart and united. 


What a difference with other countries who are in chaos and dont know what to do, whose leadership AND citizens cant even agree on wearing masks. 


Thailand : zero covid cases since weeks. Economy still okay.

Usa : well, we all know, covid is skyrocketing, but since i am not an american for me its entertaining to watch the chaos in the usa. Sinking ship. Maga. lmao. 

Quite. Only foreigners that are not interested in masks or social distancing would want foreigners not interested in masks or social distancing to enter someone else's country.

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8 hours ago, Yinn said:

Six month ago thai people wear mask,

They where wearing masks six months ago because of the  world record breaking air pollution..maybe the masks stopped the Wuflu  or maybe the pollution killed it stone dead ?

( not that it was alive to begin with ???? )

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