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Medical professor recommends delay of travel bubble for at least 6 months


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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

There will obviously be financial grief for a couple of years but economies will recover , some far quicker than others.

Having no plan other than waiting for the virus to go away , will ensure that Thailands economy will be wrecked longer than most.

Thailand's economy is at it's worse which has contracted by 8.5%. Thai economy is dependent on the tourism. Most of other countries they have other source of income and tourism is not playing big part in their economy. Next time you are talking about jobs disappearing you have to remember your talking about peoples livelihood. Bankruptcy will lead to depression and suicide and in some countries it can lead to revolutions. I do not think you would want that.

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17 hours ago, Kadilo said:

“He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others.”


What the <deleted> that got to do with allowing foreign visitors in?

Everything.  It’s what he is being paid by the government to say.  

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1 hour ago, CLW said:

It more sounds to me he's being a mouthpiece for the government propaganda rather than following scientific facts.

And this as a doctor....

Yes they seem to be coming Out from everywhere, even posting on this site. 

Edited by Kadilo
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1 hour ago, tonysilly said:

you are crazy!!! corona virus in Thailand killed little people. Thailand road traffic kills over 1,000 people every year.  who is more dangerous?  

He knows all this but the thought of getting his Short time bar girl cheaper than before overrides everything else. 

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If official Government policy would be helpful if they would announce it so everyone knows where they stand including a plan of monthly payments to the millions of unemployed.  Not sure about economy which will be in freefall together with the Baht and many more Industries will disappear for good including the aviation industry

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Let's see how long my post lasts!


I find it hard to believe that nobody, including the Prime Minister, can see the conflict of interest when it comes to his advisors and their recommendations.


The data clearly shows the "surging cases" are do to surging testing. For the large percentage of these "cases" are NOT symptomatic and have antibodies so they aren't a threat to themselves or others (see announcement of likelihood of asymptomatic transmission by WHO).  The fatality rates continue to drop as nations reach their herd immunity status so cases should not be the metric in this equation.


Soooo hmmm...

Said Associate Professor Dr. Thira Woratanarat of the Faculty of Medical Science of Chulalongkorn University.

"The travel bubble plan, which would allow small groups of foreign tourists to visit Thailand, should be shelved for at least another six months,

Some people are still scared of the Covid-19 situation, since getting infected is easy and a vaccine hasn’t been developed yet. "


So how much is it worth in Baht to make people wait in fear until a vaccine is announced and available? Coincidence that they advise to wait? Who benefits by waiting and destroying the economy more and removing tourism income from the GDP when the COVID-19 is ONLY dangerous to a defined group of people that can be protected?


From NationThailand.com

"A prototype Covid-19 vaccine may be tested on humans within the next month, after Chulalongkorn University announced success in its trial on monkeys.prototype Covid-19 vaccine may be tested on humans within the next month, after Chulalongkorn University announced success in its trial on monkeys.



The Chula team is developing an mRNA vaccine and is among seven teams of Thai scientists who have requested approval to conduct Covid-19 vaccine trials on humans, said Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deputy secretary-general Paisarn Dunkum on Monday (July 13).

Latest results from the Chulalongkorn Faculty of Medicine project show monkeys injected with the vaccine developed high immunity against Covid-19.





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2 hours ago, Sean60 said:

............I rather have corona virus than total bankruptcy.

You bring up a great point.


For 99% of the population covid 19 will run its course in 2-3 weeks and life goes on.  Wipe out my life's work of savings and I can never replace it, poverty is forever.

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For some of us,

we are not tourists.


w e     a r e     n o t      t o u r i s t s.


We have family in Thailand. Thailand is like our second country in love.


Why some people can not just recognize this reality ? There is nothing complicate to understand in there, so why can't they just recognize it ? Government authority, press people, are speaking like if we were no one for Thailand, like if they don't care or if they can not be empathic or can not understand anything about families links.


Seriously, what about a human who deny families links ? Who don't care suffer of other (no empathy) ?


It becomes really annoying not only for us, foreigners who love Thailand and have Thai wife or child, but also for the reputation and the image of the one who can not understand what is the suffer of a family separate so long.

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6 minutes ago, 86Tiger said:

You bring up a great point.


For 99% of the population covid 19 will run its course in 2-3 weeks and life goes on.  Wipe out my life's work of savings and I can never replace it, poverty is forever.

Check out the new detected cases in quarantine, vast majority totally asymtomatic.

This virus hysteria is totally ridicolous, at least Europe seems to use more common sense 

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3 hours ago, sandyf said:

Couldn't possibly be anything to do with the reluctance of foreigners to wear masks or social distancing.

Do you really think that these people do not pay any attention to the news coming out of places like the US & UK.


Anti-Mask Rallies Continue In U.S. Amid Rising Coronavirus Cases And Deaths


Are you seriously suggesting that the majority of UK citizens are not following the firm regulations on social distancing and the wearing of masks ?

If so you are remarkably ill informed.

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4 hours ago, Darksidedude said:

this will not work at all.


Whoever enters Thailand doesn't matter who it is must have a reason to be there work, family, business and to do 14 days quarantine no if or buts

Some are just concerned about their failing businesses. 

You know, all about the money with no reserves or plan.

Unfortunate poor business models and now even poorer.

A real shame.

Edited by bkk6060
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1 hour ago, pandaburiram said:


The Chula team is developing an mRNA vaccine and is among seven teams of Thai scientists who have requested approval to conduct Covid-19 vaccine trials on humans, said Food and Drug Administration (FDA) deputy secretary-general Paisarn Dunkum on Monday (July 13).

Latest results from the Chulalongkorn Faculty of Medicine project show monkeys injected with the vaccine developed high immunity against Covid-19.





Be interesting to see how the human trials go since there are so few cases in Thailand. 

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And i see some other countries who has a very low number of infected people in there, and a very very low number of dead from COVID-19 in proportion.

Country like Botswana or Republic of Congo.

And you know why ? Because they don't test anyone.

In the Republic of Congo, for example, country has a lot of poor people, but the rich ones are very very rich... the country has no money... and the rich will never paid for tests there own poor people, they think about the little poor people are poor because they are stupid, and that themselves are close to God himself, they don't care life of other, they just want fun. So there is close to no test compared to the population number of people.


In my country right now they plan to test 300 000 by week...


It is very simple to look at this reality. Actually, there is no one country around the world with this kind of easy travel virus who is not infected deeply in the population.

They give no proof that God or Buddha would have spared them from a factual reality of massive contamination of this virus which spreads so easily (and not only when one is farang, the virus is not racist).


And the one who pretend to show these kind of fake low number is just because they don't test enough to show that in fact, there is many much more infected people, asymptomatic cases, and people dead from COVID the same in proportion than everywhere the COVID is.

Just deny these factual reality is ridiculous as deny the science and the probability, nothing more.


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20 hours ago, Kadilo said:

“He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others.”


What the <deleted> that got to do with allowing foreign visitors in?

Someone needs to show this doctor some recent footage of Thais outside of the downtown areas of big cities who are mostly not wearing masks and of Laotians and Cambodians who apparently never worn them to begin with.


I hear Malaysia is now about to mandate masks (surprised they didn't do so months ago) so there is perhaps a chance that the entire region/world will be masked for a few weeks at least, as that seems to be the trend. That being said, there is no justification for intensifying the existing mask rules in Thailand, which are supposed to apply only for public transport + shops (indoor public spaces) not when walking the streets.

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Reading headline only, wondering these kind of 'specialists' r paid by whom? Wondering which members of power/money elite r interested n benefiting most from prolonging keeping lower classes n small businesses in chokehold until suffocation. Guess super rich pawnshop syndicate certainly part of them.

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This medical professor really didn't study economics and how hard other people struggle to make a living. They only care about themselves.


Many people are unemployed in Thailand and 30% of tourism-related industry have exited out of the market. Read the article 'tourism meltdown' at Bangkok Post.


More people died of car accidents than COVID in Thailand and yet we don't see car being banned on roads.

Edited by EricTh
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"He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others."

With fantastical 0 cases in the last 2 months in Thailand...how is that of any concern?

Also: which of these protesters were part of the travel- bubble, again?

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3 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

"He cited the protests last week in Bangkok, saying that several protesters were seen not wearing face masks, while others were shouting and not maintaining social distancing.  These actions, he said, put people at risk of becoming infected or of transmitting the disease to others."

With fantastical 0 cases in the last 2 months in Thailand...how is that of any concern?

Also: which of these protesters were part of the travel- bubble, again?

Fantastic like a magic trick. Here, explaining the pass-pass trick is quite simple: 0 test = 0 contaminated. Easy.


So this is the list of risked people (for some of them powerful):

_ foreigners (exception of cheap workers from Laos and Myanmar and rich VIP investors)

_ political opponent

_ those who protest

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4 hours ago, tonysilly said:

you are crazy!!! corona virus in Thailand killed little people. Thailand road traffic kills over 1,000 people every year.  who is more dangerous?  

1000 every year? Every 15 days, more likely!

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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

Some are just concerned about their failing businesses. 

You know, all about the money with no reserves or plan.

Unfortunate poor business models and now even poorer.

A real shame.

Ah...Mr. Rockefeller, I presume?

I am not really sure, what is so difficult to understand about: TOURISM and TOURISM RELATED BUSINESSES are going DOWN!

It really doesn't matter just how brilliant your businessplan is: a hotel with NO GUESTS is an empty building!

A tour- company without tourists can not exist!


No idea, what your brilliant business ideas look like, but I am sure, many in Thailand would profit from your extensive expertease! 

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5 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Six months is maybe optimistic and by then we will be in the middle of a global economic meltdown in which not many people will be travelling for leisure.


Folk thinking everything will be back to normal in 6-8 months still haven't grasped the severity of the situation and the coming economic storm.

the cheery soul brigade 

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