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Trump says sending federal agents to more U.S. cities to fight violent crime


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7 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

I suppose they could get rid of the unauthorised Federal goons but probably easier not to send the federal agents, with no jurisdiction, in the first place.

Keep repeating another fallacy enough and it may become truth?  The only people you try to fool are the ignorant.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

rump, joined at a White House event by Attorney General William Barr, unveiled an expansion of the "Operation Legend" program to include cities such as ... Albuquerque, New Mexico, in a further effort by federal officials to tackle violence.

Dude, Breaking Bad is over, the Meth lab is no more, you missed Walter White by 7 years man.  

Edited by Skallywag
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A post discussing other members because they dare to post in an American topic and perish the thought might not be American, has been removed, also replies

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3 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

It is misleading that you and Trump talk so much about violence, looting, arson, etc. Because most protesters seems to be non violent. They protest against injustice and that is rightful because of their Freedom of Speech.


Nobody has a problem with arresting violent people. Sending federal troops who aggressively arrest also peaceful protsters has nothing to do with that.

Doesn't matter if most protesters are nonviolent.  Once a protest devolves into rioting it's no longer a peaceful protest.  Granted that it's true that peaceful protests get hijacked.  You don't mention at all the rights of those who have to suffer the effects of the riots.  What about them?  And no one here is arguing against freedom of speech.  We're all for it.  Except the libs who attempt to deny the free speech of those who disagree with their views.


I think your claim about aggressively arresting peaceful protesters is baseless.  Feel free to support it with evidence.  In the meanwhile they'll continue to arrest those committing criminal acts.  Sorry if you don't like it.

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17 minutes ago, Tug said:

Oh those terrorist mommies that got teargassed and beat up last night in Portland?its the first amendment it’s our right all this burning and destruction is greatly exaggerated bigley lol unmarked troopers in cameo grabbing Americans off the streets into unmarked cars strikes me as (terrorist)

Please post videos of mothers being beat up, there must be lots.

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5 minutes ago, Emdog said:

I am a Portland native. I still have many friends there, spent more than an hour on phone last night with them.

The Trump troopers do have authority to protect federal property, full stop. They do not have authority to beat, kidnap, gas peaceful protestors, beyond that federal property, full stop. The gang Trump sent in have no training or experience in crowd control, have inflamed the general populace just when protests were dying down.

The willfully ignorant who lump the vast majority of peaceful protesters as rioting horde of anarchists are just plain wrong. You are not dealing with reality.

Paramilitary units with no  ID snatching people off the street, out of their cars, etc smacks of Pinochet's Argentina. That victims are released later without charges shows the feds are acting outside the law.

Amazing how many Americans think they are patriots yet never seemed to have read the Constitution and understood it.

These folks who are being snatched, are they held for ransom? Are they being tortured do you know? Please elaborate with what is happening in your Portland.

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26 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Please post videos of mothers being beat up, there must be lots.

I don’t know how to post videos I’m sure there are good folks out there that do please feel free to do it it was in Portland last night a bunch of lady’s arms linked standing in a line peacefully exercising their first amendment rights getting gassed rushed and broken up by a bunch of feds in unmarked cammo that sir strikes me like the old brown shirts or the Italians under Mussolini it’s not right anywhere let alone in America 

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Just watched a clip of troopers in Portland driving away rioters from entering the federal courthouse that has been in contention. Either it is true that without those troopers the building would be burned down, or it is not true. One way to find out would be to remove the troops. But then if the building was burned down, what would be proved or accomplished? The mayor would not take responsibility in that event. And speaking of peaceful protests, in a crowd of 100 protestors, it only takes one determined arsonist to change the narrative. But apologists will keep saying they all are "mostly peaceful". So what?

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6 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Well said,

Its unfortunate, but even a first hand account such as yours will be dismissed by the Trump supporters. 

It's not his firsthand account.  The poster is not in Portland.  He got his info from friends on the phone.  Makes it second hand.  I can understand your confusion.

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Just now, Brunolem said:

What about selling the 3 Marxist Western states to Mexico, and then extend the beautiful wall all the way up to Canada?


Imagine the job creation...and the peace...

Job Creation? What the :biggrin:   Do you realize how much of the national economy your are cutting off let alone Federal Tax Money if you did?!  That means the US military would get cut in half, not that it isn't a good jobs program for red states, but what do you do then ? Perhaps a Federal ditch digging program from Texas to the Carolinas to soak up the unemployed?

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4 hours ago, Tug said:

Yea I was really impressed when they tear gassed all those mommies last night this is trump pandering and distracting from the pandemic and economy and many condem unidenifyed troops in unmarked vans grabbing Americans practicing their first amendment rights off the streets and rightfully so 


Lie down with dogs and you might get fleas!


Now, why were a group of "moms" wanting to protect violent protesters who vandalize government buildings and assault police?

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11 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Lie down with dogs and you might get fleas!


Now, why were a group of "moms" wanting to protect violent protesters who vandalize government buildings and assault police?

Those mommies were standing up for the first amendment the violence is beeing flamed up by trump and his unmarked feds they are trying to manufacture a (incident) so trump can play his law and order game I know it I think you do to a lot of others as well the only ones winning by this bankrupt ploy are America’s enemies imo

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What's occurring in the U.S is a low level civil conflict between lefties or all sorts, and righties of all sorts. the U.S is a "Social experiment gone bad", and so many issues that have been under the surface i.e illegal immigration, racial injustice, economic depravity are all coming to the surface now in 2020. Is Trump wrong to bring these agents to these cities? I don't think he's entirely wrong; there are some nasty, wicked people among these protestors, and these cities. Sit back and get ready for more fireworks in the U.S.A; the place is a tinderbox.

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4 hours ago, jimmybcool said:

This is a political mistake.  It doesn't matter that in some cities action is needed due to incompetence by local leadership such as Chicago, Portland and other places.  Media will spin it all as "facism" and turn it against the president.


I feel for the decent people in the cities impacted.  But they should have been more active in electing real leaders not morons like Lori Lightfoot or Ted Wheeler.  Perhaps in the upcoming election they will remember which party was in control that allowed their cities to burn.





Doesn't matter what Trump does as the haters will attack him for everything he does. Had he done nothing they'd have attacked him for that too.

Might as well do some good if he's going to be attacked anyway.

Give it to the thugs large, Mr Trump.

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That’s the ticket ... use force to subdue the national wide citizen protests. Never mind using a brain to ask why the protests, let alone addressing the underlying issues. As the causes are the long term result of both major political parties in the US we are now, once again, seeing the “law and order” right wing versus the “civil liberties” left wing argument. Shades of Nixon, et.al. There is a consistency ... Republicans calling to subdue protests rather than addressing the Social justice issues. Must be what the American people want, they keep electing these representatives.

Edited by wwest5829
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26 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

Saw an interview with that DHS- guy (Chad Wolfe or something) today and he was saying. they are sending in troops to "preamptivelY' arresting demonstrators!

Minority Report, anyone?

Reference anyone?

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7 minutes ago, DB58 said:

I am back in my home State of Oregon, waiting for Thai boarders to open. I am a Republican! I don’t care for my Governor. And what federal agents are doing in my State is illegal flat unconstitutional! 

No it's not.


If you care to read 40 U.S. Code 1315, which under the Homeland Security Act of 2002 gives the department’s secretary the power to deputize other federal agents to assist the Federal Protective Service in protecting federal property, such as the courthouse in Portland you will soon realise you are mistaken.




It's perfectly legal and perfectly in line with the constitution. In fact Eisenhower sent in federal troops at Little Rock to uphold US law. Trump doing the same here.

Edited by Logosone
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