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What crops should i grow in Khon Kaen Region for best return

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We have a farm in Kakasin, about 50 min drive from Khon Kaen.

We are looking at what to do with the 20 Rai we have, farm cattle, fruit or trees etc but what the best return we can from it 

Have looked at Tamarinds and Mangoes along with cows but i still have no idea of what to do with it. Can anyone tell me what will give us a consistent return as we are happy to outlay the cost to get it right 


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2 minutes ago, IsaanAussie said:
9 minutes ago, Surelynot said:


Again with the "opportunity of a lifetime". Sorry, 15 years ago weed meant standing in front of a machine gun here. Now every provincial hospital has a weed medicinal clinic, common as and no margin.

pfffft. ya for the garbage they pass off here as medicine. 

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watch "the biggest little farm" 

monocrops may be the easiest but you benefit the least
better to first grow whatever you can that you would usually buy
gives diversity and will help soil
and why sell produce at wholesale prices
to then have to buy produce at retail prices

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    From seed avocados take a minimum of 6-8 years to produce fruit and there always prone to disease. Total failure near Chiang Rai.

   Black (Chocolate) sapote will fruit in as little as 2 years and crop twice a year

You just have to get used to when to harvest-there too delicate to handle when fully ripe and won't ripen if picked green.

   Cocoa also will fruit in about 3 years and generally bears well-but again is labor intensive in the processing.

  Dragon fruit is a winner,when well established it will bear well and is easy to maintain.Added advantage is -its easy to sell locally.

   Durian I've planted seem remarkably slow in growth and VERY cold sensitive.

  Custard apples in there various variety's (atemoya-cherimoya-rollina etc.) fruit within 3 years and handle well to market and once people are familiar with the new tastes seem to be well appreciated.

 I have seed and cuttings for all the above if required-just send me a message.

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Try your luck with tomatoes

Not the tasteless rubbish that gets sold here

Sweet vine tomatoes, not that hard to set up and quick growth

We have a friend up near Burri Ram who has started to grow them, the only problem is getting enough water for them

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