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New witnesses key to charges being dropped against Red Bull ‘Boss’: Thai media


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Who are they kidding? An air marshall, In a pickup, seven years later!!! Come on! Why now, anyway? What about the conclusions of the investigators at the time? This would be laughable if it weren't so tragic. They are really making it worse: a typical TIT circus!

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3 minutes ago, Anant72 said:

Who are they kidding? An air marshall, In a pickup, seven years later!!! Come on! Why now, anyway? What about the conclusions of the investigators at the time? This would be laughable if it weren't so tragic. They are really making it worse: a typical TIT circus!

Absolute poppycock........a load of "bollards" in fact, and who do they think they are fooling with this nonsense. Just makes them look more stupid than they already are, if that is possible.

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I can't get the picture out of my mind. There's the policemen to the front and left of me. I can see him, but I can't be looking at the policeman on the left and a car behind and on my right. The car on the right must have passed me to get in front just as the motorcyclist swerved from the middle to the overtaking lane. Which probably means the car came from behind and hit the motorcycle in an instant. Yet I am full aware of the exact speed of the car as it hits the bike. This is superhuman.

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1 hour ago, grumpy 4680 said:

       If these alleged witnesses, saw what happened, then failed to stop, surely they should be prosecuted for failure to do so.

       Or are there not any Laws in Thailand to that effect.

Laws are open to interpretation depending on wealth, influence and status! It's a cultural thing!

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Well this new evidence of the two people concerned should prove interesting

A Air Marshal as well at the time

This story beggers belief I await the report if it ever gets to come out 

No doubt will hear the two involved have left the country


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...seeing the Ferrari driver was such a nervous and shy character, maybe he should not have been allowed to 'pilot' such a powerful machine..ok let's say he was driving exactly within the speed limit, estimated by air-force personnel (wow big deal), who, may i add have spent most of their time in the air at supersonic speed and not on the earth with us plebs at 80-110kmph, maybe they got it wrong! However why did they not come forward at the time and make themselves available for scrutiny and questioning...Oh! and if the Ferrari driver was within the speed limit, why then did he make such a rapid exit from Thailand..maybe it was the concoction of cocaine/alcohol and RedBull...really!

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How embarrassing for Thailand, having supposed educated men trying to pass this load of <deleted> and expect people to believe it. 
money talks for the fat lying army officers and the puncy  gutless Weazel from Red bull goes free.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

The article did not adequately explain why it took seven years for their testimony to come forward

That can be explained, The Criminal Defence Lawyers have been Looking for people that were around there when the Crash happened, Then they proceed to Question them for Information (Buying them) to give a Statement of the Event. 

And Why did BOSS Pay THB 3 Mill to the Family of the deceased  If He's not at Fault? 

 Sympathy? My @ss .  Guilty ? Yes.

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6 hours ago, anchadian said:

Even with these two new witnesses, this matter should still go to court......not all 'charges dismissed'.

these 2 "witnesses " I am sure of impeccable character in any other country would face charges themselves for trying to pervert the course of justice by either 1) with holding information mind you it's only been 8 years 


this is thailand I often hear the excuses and feel they should have asked children to come up with a believable explanation when fingers caught in cookie jar.

Or maybe it's the dead watch friend wrote it down well can't ask him case closed

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Ok, now get an independent expert to analyze the damage on the Ferrari and I’m pretty sure that the damage is consistent with a much higher speed. Also, why would you run from the accident site when you’re not at fault?! Then there’s the fact that he dragged the cop for 200 meters, if I remember correctly, so why did it take you so long to stop the car when you were going only between 60 to 80 km/h you and lastly, where were does witnesses 8 years ago?! 

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Not being anything other than "Pragmatic" and in the interest of fairness  that impact damage in the photo   does not suggest an high speed impact!


If the sports car had been doing 170/180 Kph as suggested and the motorcycle nominally 50/60KPH the damage would have been horrendous to both vehicles.


just saying !   

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8 hours ago, bluesofa said:

Details, details. Don't bother the authorities with details.

It's taken them long enough to dream this one up.


P.S. for ten million Baht, I can remember seeing it exactly as the air marshall described.

The fact I live in Udon - pah, details again.

I'm open to a lower offer, anything to help the poor little b ugger get off such a nasty untrue charge. 

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8 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

As I posted in another thread, the forensic investigation gave clear evidence of a rear-ended impact to the Policeman's motorcycle at 177km/h.


How evidence that two witnesses give some eight years later can be regarded as admissible and more accurate over and above forensics is ridiculous.


As in the Koh Tao debacle, silly, fat, corrupt, old Thai men in stupid uniforms with IQ's less than 90 expect everyone to believe what they say without question, regardless of how nonsensical and impossible.

But but but, they have lots of medals and campaign ribbons, so they must be fine upstanding and honest citizens. 

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6 hours ago, 2 is 1 said:

Nobody drive so slow in night time in Bangkok! And whit Ferrari he drive more slow than kids whit moped! They can't watch from marks on road or how bad was Ferrari/policeman motor damage ! There can right estimate how fast he drive!

The on-board computer would have all the detail ever needed, speed of impact, approach speed etc., unless of course like all electronics in Thailand - they are selective in snd when they operate. 

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2 hours ago, Marley01 said:

How embarrassing for Thailand, having supposed educated men trying to pass this load of <deleted> and expect people to believe it. 
money talks for the fat lying army officers and the puncy  gutless Weazel from Red bull goes free.

I don't suppose any Thais in silly uniforms are in any way educated, regardless of the degrees or education certificates they have received.

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 And, a third eyewitness steps up.  Statement from Buckingham Palace:


    Now that I think about it I was an eyewitness, too.  I had just taken the princesses to Pizza Express, which is why I remember it so clearly after all these years.  Not something I normally do--I'm a prince for heaven sake!   It was a very hot day in Bangkok but I wasn't sweating at all because of my sweat gland problem.  With no sweat in my eyes, I saw everything.  Sure enough, the policeman was at fault.  And, I'm not just saying it because I'm being paid or because we rich, spoiled, entitled dudes need to stick together.  Happy to testify but the Queen is keeping me on a very short leash.    

Prince Andrew

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I have a couple of witnesses that will say the Ferrari was going 200km/h; on request I can also produce a couple of witnesses stating the police officer was drunk...
Ah well, I can produce witnesses that will say anything you want
I just don't have the money (and interest!) to make them say anything you want...

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1 minute ago, Scott Tracy said:

An Air Force officer and a man named J, travelling in a pickup. Air Marshall is 2 star rank. Would probably have been a Lt Colonel or full Colonel 8 years ago.


Witnessing an accident and failing to stop and render assistance and failing to report it and failing to come forward at the time, a crime at least, reprehensible behaviour, unbecoming an officer. Would he expect his airmen and women to act like this?


If he worked for me and if it were true what he did, or more, what he didn't do, he would be moved to an inactive role, as he would have lost my trust and the trust of those he commanded.


My flabber has never been so gasted

Not in Thailand....   whoever it is, there’s no proof other than their word that they were there and witnessed the incident, a good cross examination and sequenced questioning would catch out the lies of false testimony.





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