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Pattaya’s Walking Street. Will it return to high rents and high heels?

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What are you guys upset about.  Every city does a make over and now with minimal traffic is a good time to get rid of the corruption and clean up walking street.


There will still be the sex trade ok metro is still going to be around along with other soi.


Personally I think We was doomed anyway too expensive and to junky looking. A new rebuilt area might be what is needed.

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I guess nobody is old enough to remember the Bugis Street, Singapore upgrade. No more sex trade. I suppose that's what is wanted, although not too many tourists know Bugis Street these days (was a big brothel before)!

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1 minute ago, Chassa said:

I guess nobody is old enough to remember the Bugis Street, Singapore upgrade. No more sex trade. I suppose that's what is wanted, although not too many tourists know Bugis Street these days (was a big brothel before)!

Perhaps more will remember the Philippines equivalent that some mayor demolished, M.H. Del Pilar in Manila if memory serves. 

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14 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Perhaps more will remember the Philippines equivalent that some mayor demolished, M.H. Del Pilar in Manila if memory serves. 

Was a good idea. Most sex business is behind doors. If you want to go to such a place up to you. Otherwise you will not see much and will not get disturbed. What you have in Pattaya is a big open air brothel. It can't be ignored if you are not a sex tourist since it is almost everywhere. 

  • Confused 2
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Gogo bars &  Disco's in Walking street not allowing Thais to enter is rubbish..within the last 18 months, my Thai brother inlaw came  to Walking St.. with me & my wife  and entered  more than  one A GOGO bar  with me, and on his own, without question...he says the reason  they "dont choose " to go into these places is the  high price of beer and nothing more...

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Yet somehow the Red Light district in Amsterdam seems to be doing fine. As well as the Reaperbahn in Hamburg (and assorted "poofstrasses" in other cities) as well as the "adult" entertainment to be had in places like Budapest.

You can be sure that if India or Ecuador or Mongolia had a "Walking Street" similar to Pattaya's, they'd be doing a thriving business (and most of the tourists would look strangely familiar to what we used to see here in years past).

I do recall when I flew over on my first trip, talking to 2 German guys who were on their way to the Philippines. I had no idea about Thailand at the time, other than a vague recollection of scenes from The King and I starring Yul Brenner and the song "One Night in Bangkok". I think I might have seen a movie that had a scene from inside a go-go bar and of course the scenes in the Bond movie The Man With The Golden Gun. 
The internet wasn't a thing back then so there weren't websites and forums to browse beforehand like there are now.

When my seatmates on that flight found out I was going to Bangkok, they told me that they used to go to Thailand but switched to the Philippines because it was "cheaper" (and supposedly the girls were prettier). That was in 1993. 
I really had no idea what they meant as my initial plans were to visit places like the Grand Palace and Floating Market. Was told about a beachside resort called Pattaya a couple days after I arrived so I went there, having no idea what it was like. Been "stuck" here ever since (figuratively speaking of course). 

Walking Street has survived, and even thrived, during 2 other major crisis's. One being the Hepatitis C epidemic and another being the HIV epidemic. Remember it wasn't that long ago that certain groups (mostly with an "agenda") were labelling Thailand as the HIV capital of the world. (The actual stats showed they were full of **** but that didn't stop them from trying to push the idea to try and scare people away).

In both cases, the locals and tourists adjusted their lifestyles (hence getting a straw with almost every beverage you buy for example) and the place has continued to grow. It will do so again once the major panic ends and things start getting back to normal. 


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Katrina knocked New Orleans off its feet, but the city officials wisely didn't turn Bourbon Street into a family shopping mall.

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6 hours ago, OZinPattaya said:

This is the age-old delusion of turning Pattaya into Disneyland.

Not really. And it's always been a kind of inverse Disneyland. Thais, including Thai families with upcountry grannies in tow, have always enjoyed checking out WS. It's been quite a show.


Not to imply that we've ever lacked shrewd posters here recommending WS become a conventional Disneyland or torn down.


One inconvenience about getting to WS, though, acting as a deterrent, has been the lack of parking there. That's now been addressed to some extent. Mongers wouldn't realize this, just riding baht buses from flophouses around Buakhao.


You see, not because of officials' particular hostility, but for macro reasons daily chewed over here, the WS show's had to be severely curtailed. Yup. Yet Thais are still coming to Pattaya on weekends and esp. during holidays but going to other areas and spending there. That spending is welcomed by those benefiting from it. This, despite TAT: TVF's adamant denial that domestic tourism exists.


Officials, now, reasonably see some opportunity to shake a few baht out of them at Walking St., which the domestic tourists all know about of course. And why not? Every little bit helps. Are YOU spending more to help make up for the lack of international tourists? No? Still just whinging about the price of everything and feeling unloved, vowing to Leave and show 'em?


Nobody said a thing about wanting to close any bars or go-gos, no more than at Soi Cowboy in the middle of BKK. They're still part of the show and are being encouraged a bit.


Nobody said a thing about "this is going to save Thailand!" Keep all your little emojis.???? Everybody knows that domestic tourism will not make up for international tourists. The Authorities know that and have said so. Yer average Thai-on-the-street knows that already. You got no Big Revelation to give, sorry.


Note that our TVF Doomsters are caught in a contradiction, since they'd insisted there were no international tourists before COVID and if there were, they spent nothing. Pattaya's been dead for more than a decade, remember?


6 hours ago, OZinPattaya said:

Sanitize that, and at best you're left with a pale and hopelessly under-funded reflection of a thousand other places on this earth that are easier to get to, cheaper, more hospitable, and far more cleverly developed.

It looks to become a lot less sanitary, actually, for a time at least. TVF Sanitation Engineers will on the case, don't worry; the venerable PPPC (Pattaya Proctological Photography Club) will be posting the pics. We gon' find all that trash (Thais!) and look for turds, too.


And you fell into your own straw man delusion in haste to oppose Change. We do so much hate Change, and this one, like all the others, was certainly NOT approved or authorized by the TVF Pattaya Urban Planning Bureau. We've always loved the idea of Pattaya-as-Pyongyang, preserved forever in the amber of 1995 as seen in the rose-tinted rear view mirror.


Ironically, allowing traffic on WS is merely a reversion to its previous state. Oh, for the days when all those Big Badasses rode in en masse on their rented Honda Steeds and parked noisily in front of the Marine Disco! SO impressive.


The fabled Other Places, thousands of them easier to get to, cheaper, more hospitable, far more cleverly developed, better in every way, aren't open to domestic tourists now even IF they hoped to go there and could afford to. Whoops.

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1 hour ago, Oldie said:

Was a good idea. Most sex business is behind doors. If you want to go to such a place up to you. Otherwise you will not see much and will not get disturbed. What you have in Pattaya is a big open air brothel. It can't be ignored if you are not a sex tourist since it is almost everywhere. 

Quite simple really, if you're not a sex tourist, don't go to Pattaya.  Many, many places in Thailand win hands down on every point bar the sex industry.

6 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Looks like they are <deleted> it up. They can't even sort out drainage, no chance getting walking st right


6 hours ago, rasmus5150 said:

Pattaya without Walking Street and "trade-of-the-flesh", is like Disneyland without Mickey Mouse.


Who in their right mind goes to Disneyland without "hugging" Mickey ? ????

The mayor is Pattaya's answer to Mickey.????


Pattaya isn't anymore "all about sex" than Amsterdam is. That may have been the main draw decades ago, but not so much these days (just ask the business owners on Walking Street). There is still a large "contingent" of people who do come here for that reason though.

Years ago we did a thread on all the things you could do in Pattaya without going near a beer bar/a-go-go. If I recall, we had over 80 things on the list, from Paintball to bowling, from crocodile farms to bunji jumps, from snorkelling to para-gliding.

People who went to Walking Street back then knew exactly what it was all about (or had heard enough rumours to know) and no one was dragging them there at gun point and forcing them to participate in the spectacle. A lot of people purposely went there knowing it was "naughty" and wanting to see it for themselves (makes for better stories when they get home). 
I used to enjoy sitting in the Lucky Stars bars and watch the people going by. Better than any "reality" TV show ! A lot of people (foreigners mostly of course) would slowly walk to one end and then back again, stopping to take a few pics on the way, before heading off somewhere else. Just like a lot of people take a slow, casual stroll through the tiny walkways in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, just for the "experience". 

But if they are "prudes" or just shy, they don't have to go anywhere near there. It's like people who whine about the music on a certain radio station or a show/movie on TV. There is no reason they can't change the channel or turn it off altogether but for some reason they don't. (Wouldn't have anything to whine about it they did.)

People can have a great holiday in Pattaya without having to go to a bar or anywhere there may be "naughty" entertainment but guess what ? Those people will probably go to those places anyways "just to see what they're all about". A bit of naughty fun (or scoping out places to go back to once the "other half" is passed out in the hotel room).


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The entire definition of "Walking Street" is that it's for walking only and no traffic allowed. And with parking allowed, why not just call it Pattaya Parking Street


It was a has-been Chinese zoo for years before covid. Demolish the sea side, then it has some hope as a watering hole near the sea.

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  • Confused 1
45 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

Pattaya isn't anymore "all about sex" than Amsterdam is. That may have been the main draw decades ago, but not so much these days (just ask the business owners on Walking Street). There is still a large "contingent" of people who do come here for that reason though.

Years ago we did a thread on all the things you could do in Pattaya without going near a beer bar/a-go-go. If I recall, we had over 80 things on the list, from Paintball to bowling, from crocodile farms to bunji jumps, from snorkelling to para-gliding.

People who went to Walking Street back then knew exactly what it was all about (or had heard enough rumours to know) and no one was dragging them there at gun point and forcing them to participate in the spectacle. A lot of people purposely went there knowing it was "naughty" and wanting to see it for themselves (makes for better stories when they get home). 
I used to enjoy sitting in the Lucky Stars bars and watch the people going by. Better than any "reality" TV show ! A lot of people (foreigners mostly of course) would slowly walk to one end and then back again, stopping to take a few pics on the way, before heading off somewhere else. Just like a lot of people take a slow, casual stroll through the tiny walkways in the Red Light District of Amsterdam, just for the "experience". 

But if they are "prudes" or just shy, they don't have to go anywhere near there. It's like people who whine about the music on a certain radio station or a show/movie on TV. There is no reason they can't change the channel or turn it off altogether but for some reason they don't. (Wouldn't have anything to whine about it they did.)

People can have a great holiday in Pattaya without having to go to a bar or anywhere there may be "naughty" entertainment but guess what ? Those people will probably go to those places anyways "just to see what they're all about". A bit of naughty fun (or scoping out places to go back to once the "other half" is passed out in the hotel room).


Hopefully, clueless DefaultName--and many other clueless--will see your post.  

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49 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

Excellent post Steven, you must have written it before 5pm when you are perfectly sober, unlike the ones praising the PM and his soldiers when you were blootered. :drunk: ????.

No, just a lot of the same hot air. Claiming no sidewalk vendor could make money selling noodles there, ridiculous, but how would he know? Thai resto possibly could as well, depending how well the whole idea takes off. False assumption that the idea is to attract ONLY families. Lots of single young Thais and couples come here on weekends & holidays too. Some places can reoriented to Thai clientele as well. Nothing was said about not keeping the red light aspect as well.


Now that I think about it, not one statement in that post made much sense.


No tourists until 2021 Q1 or Q2, judging by the videos showing WS now it's mainly 808, Lucifer and iBar that is getting customers. Once the remaining tourists have departed there won't be enough expats to fill these bars and clubs up, the girls don't buy many drinks.


OK, I predict a road rage incident involving blades and guns will occur before the end of September.  Cars and foot traffic on a narrow street won't mix for long. 

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  • Haha 1
3 hours ago, Humpy said:

Will their be enough room for the squads of Chinese to squeeze between the food carts in order to keep up with the 'follow me' flag waving guide ?

Try to keep up. Thailand stopped admitting PAX flights back in April. There are no foreign tourists coming in, including Chinese. Moreover, the suspension is indefinite.


After it ends, and if & when a lot of tourists start coming back over, Walking Street will go back to being Walking Street. Or try to.


3 hours ago, Humpy said:

So many things that the Mayor must take into consideration before I even think of returning to Pattaya..... 

You're ignoring the 800-lb gorilla in the room, pal. I've no doubt the mayor isn't. 

  • Thanks 1
5 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

OK, I predict a road rage incident involving blades and guns will occur before the end of September.  Cars and foot traffic on a narrow street won't mix for long. 

A prediction, good. Now we know that a road rage incident involving blades and guns will not occur before the end of September.


Cars, foot traffic, AND motorbikes (the primary danger) once mixed for years on that narrow street. It was a lot more crowded then than it'll be again for--who knows? I'd guess it'll return to pedestrian-only when international tourism starts up again.

  • Thanks 1

Keep in mind that Walking Street was only "walking" from 7pm to midnight.
Plenty of vehicle and foot traffic there all day long and after midnight. Without knife and gun fights.
You could almost set your watch by it at night, as you'd be sitting there having a drink and suddenly there'd be a wave of baht buses and moto taxis pushing their way down the street (slowly) trolling for customers and you knew it was midnight. (And time to switch beer googles if still sitting alone.)

On rare occasions they'd allow certain vehicles there in the evenings. We've parked the Harleys in a long row almost the length of Walking Street during charity events. (Rare as in I've done it twice in 12 years but I may not have been around for, or just missed, other events.)

Back in "the day" we used to park on Soi Diamond outside of a go-go one of our friends owned. After the bars actually closed (sometimes not until 3-3:30 am), we'd move down to a restaurant owned by another friend (as we could still access the bathroom). Great fun watching the goings on after the bars closed. Sometimes we'd still be there when it started getting light again.

Strange though, never saw or heard of any knife/gun fights there ever ! Maybe they only happened when we weren't around. Possible as we weren't there every night. Well, some of us were as they had to be.  

Now if this was downtown LA or New York or Detroit then yeah, there may be problems. But not likely in Thailand (unless you are a mototaxi driver and insult someone else of course).

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