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Democrat Joe Biden chooses U.S. Senator Kamala Harris for White House running mate


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1 minute ago, Opl said:

And then your final decision to swing your vote from Sanders to Trump is  grounded on how the final nominee's appearance - according to your standards - resonates with yours? 

And now you understand why the most beautiful girl in the world isn't the one who wins the contest...   

Hmmmmm. Have you forgotten that the DNC ousted Bernie from contention? NOBODY got to vote for Bernie.

Had I been able to I would have voted for Bernie over Trump.

Given that this thread isn't about me can we stop asking me personal questions?

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1 minute ago, Peter Denis said:

It really baffles me that someone who is a Bernie Sanders supporter (I am too) would vote Trump because he feels the establishment candidates are worse.

I am not a fan of these establishment candidates neither, but I would vote for them any time (even while having to close my nose when doing so) if that would keep Trump from getting a second term.  And at least there is a progressive wing in the Democratic party that the center and right-wing establishment Dems have to take into consideration.  In Camp Trump it's only corruption, incompetence and hatred for anything that smells progressive.  So for me a Biden-Harris ticket is disappointing, but 100 times better than the evil Trump-Pence duo. 

I can only assume that you don't understand how much the common man dislikes Washington. Trump was outside the establishment, as was, IMO, Bernie.

Trump, despite all his failings still represents the anti establishment, as no other has stepped up to do so.

I am certain that should another anti establishment candidate that is more seemly than Trump appear before convention, they would be chosen over Trump, if such was permitted.

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The headline says it all, LOL.


Daily Mail - 'Don't underestimate Joe's ability to f*** things up': Obama has shared private doubts about Biden's 2020 chances claim insiders - as tensions grow over ex-president's lack of support for Democrat candidate


Tensions linger between the camps with the VP determined to prove the naysayers wrong after Obama backed former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as his successor in 2016, Politico states.

While the former President has publicly backed Biden - albeit late in the day - he is said to be warning his inner circle that he may not be fit for office.


It's only been too obvious that Obama lacks faith in Biden.  I wonder why . . . 

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This is surprising coming from the very, very, very far left site Politico.


Left wing rankled by choice of Harris for VP - "We might be looking at 12 years of neoliberal power at the top of the Democratic Party," one activist says.


Some liberals said Harris’ selection is a serious disappointment because of her record as a prosecutor and history of flip-flopping on "Medicare for All."


Jeezus, there are libs who agree with me?

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2 minutes ago, Morch said:


Politico is "very, very, very far left" only if you're very, very, very far to the right. I think if Trump supporters practice it, they could manage "left" without the "far", "extreme" and other additions.

beat me too it????

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1 hour ago, Tippaporn said:


You're right about one thing, Harris dogged Kavanaugh.  She tried to set him up to perjure himself with the Mueller question.  That's right, she's a prosecutor and knows how it's done.  And given her track record as a prosecutor I'd say she's a dirty one, too.


Harris didn’t ‘try to set Kavanaugh up to perjure himself’, she came to the hearing well prepared and asked him questions about actions that are criminal.


Nothing ‘dirty’ about it, she even cautioned him to be very careful with his answers.


Yes she’s a prosecutor and knows how to interrogate a liar she’s done it many times.


Just like Kavanaugh is a judge and he know’s when a prosecutor has nailed someone for lying, he’s seen it many times, though perhaps he never expected to be on the receiving end - he certainly wasn’t prepared for Harris nailing him.


Kavanaugh knows where this is leading.



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8 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

You do understand that Trump is only 4 years younger than Biden, Trump's YOUNGER brother just died and The Donald is not about to get on a mountain bike for a ride like Biden was just recorded doing. Quit pushing the Biden is about to die bit.,..nobody is buying that he will go before Trump when POTUS is in the shape he is in when he is 74 years old. Trump could drop of a heart attack at any moment given the shape is he in and the stress he is under. That is a scenario NOBODY can deny.

Yes, both are ancient. While I don't understand the need for a strongman in the US to begin with, if they insist on one, why not get somebody like Macron instead of current pick of geriatrics.

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10 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

I don't think anyone is meaning for this to get personal TBL but it is VERY interesting to many how a Bernie fan could consider Trump being better than Biden. We get the 'he talks and thinks just like me' part but surely all the lying and conspiracies and general lack of asbility to do the job must be a factor?

Anyway, come away from the dark side.............there is good in you Luke/TBL. Together we can overcome this eveil!!????

OK. I'm someone that votes on the bigger picture. I look at the policies and support whomever is closest to what I want. I don't need to go into them in detail, but they are a mix of socialist and conservative policies eg I'm for free universal health care and serious punishment for serious criminals ie life means life in prison till die there, but against liberal immigration policies and dole without working for it.

I supported Bernie as I thought he wanted to stick it to the banks and the very rich. I support Trump on immigration, small government, law and order and a strong military. The actual pick for the Dems isn't going to bring in universal health care and they are not going to do any of the other things I want other than allow abortion, so I don't support them. Given that Trump is the only conservative option he'd get my vote. If Biden came out and said he'd limit immigration, support law and order against the rioters, really tax the very rich and jail the bankers responsible for sub prime mortgages I'd probably support him

Far as personalities, I don't care much what they do in their personal lives, and I assume that they all lie.


BTW, I actually liked Obama- very personable man, but his health care bill was far short of universal and kept the insurance companies, and he was way too lenient on the bankers. I also thought his stance on Iran was wrong. If he'd kept his promise to eliminate Guantanamo I'd have had more respect for him.

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44 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

I thought taking things out of context was beneath you Tippaporn. I was obviously incorrect.


At an event in Carson City, Nevada, on April 2, 2019, a reporter asked Harris the following question:

“As somebody who has a relationship with Vice President Biden, what message would you give the women who feel like their space has been invaded in the past, by the vice president?”

Harris replied: “I believe them, and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it.”

This was in reference to women who had accused Biden of 'invading their personal space' NOT Sexual misconduct. 

In an all Political” podcast, later in April 2020, Harris said Reade (the one who actuall accused him of sexual misconduct) had a right to be heard, and should face no repercussions for “telling her story,” but defended Biden’s record as “somebody who really has fought for women and empowerment of women and women’s equality and rights”:



You can watch the actual interview here https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=1560366610762254&ref=watch_permalink


Can we stop banging this drum now or are you going to say she said something else after actually seeing the words coming out of her mouth?

Taking things out of context?  LOL  You're attempting to use newspeak with me.  The reporter obviously couched his language in as benign terms as possible.  How graphic should he have been during a presser?  We all know the question was in reference to Tara Reade.  And what was her allegation?  That Biden poked his fingers into her.  What do you think "their space has been invaded" means, johnny?  If Biden had his fingers in her that would fit the definition of having her space invaded.  Sniffed her hair?  Ditto.  Kissed her?  Ditto?  Stroked her hair.  Yup.  Cupped her mammary gland.  That's a fit.  If Biden stood within a few inches of her the expression would cover that, too.  How about a few feet?  In the same room?  Could mean just about anything, right?  But we all know what it means and so did Harris.


As to what she said at a later date please now convince me that politicians never backtrack or rephrase their original statements to change their meaning.  Harris would never do that, right?  I'll bet the woman never lied in her life, either.  LOL


The written quotes are verbatim from the audio of the video.


If you want to take this further, and let's just say I'm being dogged with you, then please give us the precise definition of "their space has been invaded."  What does that mean according to you?


Simply amazing how many people have picked up on using Bill Clinton's deceptive tact of, "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is."  Play word games all you like with yourself, johnny.

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Where on earth did you get that ludicrous statement from?

A swift media bias check shows Politico are absolutely balanced in their reporting, offer both sides of the argument and support everything with reputable facts. They have even been accused by some of favoring the right!


Everyone out there may want to use the site offered here, in order to be able to tell whether what they are reading is credible or slanted, to avoid such a mistake in the future.

Reading a few posts down Morch is correct . . . I can't speak for others but he is correct in my case.  I wouldn't trust fact checkers as far as I could throw them.  True, Politico has and does publish articles objectively without attempting to use selective facts and innuendo to spin a narrative or lead the reader to a predetermined conclusion.  Yet from my experience, especially in this TV sub-forum, I don't think I've ever seen a conservative link to a Politico article to support their viewpoint, other than perhaps to use a Politco article as a contrarian viewpoint.  But they are used frequently by the left here.  So I certainly question the claim that they're balanced.  Far, far left?  In my opinion they've gone there.


Not to go off topic but just this past week Dan Bongino had an article taken down from his FaceBook page by their fact checkers for containing false information, specifically a verbatim Nancy Pelosi quote.  Well, I can't rightly remember whether it was taken down or a comment appended to his article by FaceBook.  In any case, he produced Pelosi's quote both in print from a well known MSM outlet and the actual video of Pelosi mouthing the words.  No, I don't trust fact checkers.  There's too much crookedness in the world to hand them my blind trust on important issues.

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On 8/15/2020 at 2:48 PM, riclag said:

Upgrading like how,overhaul the whole, its the same as burning down !

 My country can't wait for the election to be over!  There are some serious far left radical ideas that have to be addressed in America.

"Restore The Soul of America. Our best days still lie ahead.Anything is possible!  "


My country has heard the above in a broad sense for over 40 years!

This is his third attempt to be president of the United States.Hopefully it will be his last.its politicians like him, that have filled communities with false hope! The proof of that happen in the last election, 2016 when America's electorate voted down the continuation of it.   

Funny how far left socialism is such an easy word to throw at any policy not supported by top republicans. Support to farmers or to any part of the country that receives more than they put in to the pot is the perfect example of socialism at work many red states do like a handout and that’s fine but remember it may well be this crazy far left idiots that are supporting your subsidies with there tax dollars.

Fear mongering is easy with health care being no1 on the agenda 

I’m sure crazy bernies ideas do not seem so stupid now that many people have lost there jobs and with it any health insurance that went along with it.

Most of western world can not understand how for such an advanced nation no1 reason in states for bankruptcy is medical bills.

In Uk for example we have nhs plus if you or your company wish you can supplement it by paying extra to be covered for most medical operations in private hospitals 


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