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What charities do you donate too


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I do not want to hear about your favorite bar or bar girl.  


What I am looking for is what are the charities that people truly donate to and trust in thailand.


I know a lot of people give money and food to the monks.  But are there other charities that you feel are not corrupt that people should could donate to.

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I just visited a Mission run home for unwed mothers in Doi Saket, named Wildflowers.. run by a very kindly nun... they have a small subsistence farm and teach the young ladies crafts to help them become self supporting. I bought some soaps and such and also made a direct donation... I thought this a worthy charity but mostly I give to individuals either for school or people with troubles who need a boost for rent or raising children... 

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15 minutes ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

That's a bit rude in my opinion I am a pensioner living in OZ now, I don't have any 

family I still donate to 'Doctors Without Frontiers' Red Cross,Salvation Army and

animal protection. No point saving any money (which I don't have a lot of) and lose

it all when I kick the bucket.

Oh dear...you have just validated Kwasaki's post.

Better to give to family, of which you have none and he has. 

Family, or an anonymous charity. I know which one I would probably give to.

Many thanks for letting me watch someone undermine their own position. It doesn't happen often.

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Population grow all the time. Earth has get limit to haddle humankind! Soon we have war's for clean water and place where to live! Climate chance is real! In many coundry people breeding like rabbit's! You just can't save all! Selfish or not but thats fact!

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9 hours ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

That's a bit rude in my opinion I am a pensioner living in OZ now, I don't have any 

family I still donate to 'Doctors Without Frontiers' Red Cross,Salvation Army and

animal protection. No point saving any money (which I don't have a lot of) and lose

it all when I kick the bucket.

Don't worry about any cash after you die.

The government will take care of it and send you a bill for their trouble 

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In this Covid era, I have been giving directly to a few people who are struggling to have enough money to eat or pay the rent.


There are many Filipino musicians in Phuket, for example, who are out of work and don't/can't go home due to the situation there. They are doing live Facebook concerts with a link to send tips. I've been sending what I would have spent on drinks and tips in "the old days." 

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Bamboo orphanage school on the Kanchanaburi/Myanmar border. Run by a  wonderful lady, English I think. she can have up to 70 odd kids. You can sponsor a child for a very minimal yearly amount, or just make a one off donation. No corruption here. how she actually manages to feed and educate everybody I don't know, but she does an amazing job and really appreciates any help she can get.

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with all these question, one could really PROFILE a person if they want to


charity money have sticky fingers, 95 percent disappear for working costs like the 1 million dollar salary of the CEO, the expensive cars for executives, meetings, exclusive hotels, etc...


and the people that collect money here, most will end up in their pocket too


so I told my kid, if you know a poor kid in your school, you can maybe help that one, as the money will hopefully do some good, or some other person you see in need


I feel disgusted that those money collectors even dare to approve my underage child to try to extort some money, just because the child is half farang


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2 minutes ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

I wrote to "father" ray when I was desperate for help.


explained my case of being deported any my child would be left behind, blabla


he told me he has "contacts", but would not help me in any way


I wrote to all NGO that pretend they help children in need ....




they want one thing:  YOUR MONEY

Don't think any charity would be able to stop a deportation , although charities can help in situations , they cannot influence lawful decisions  

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Only animals and dogs especially in Thailand.

No money to anyone, just buy and deliver to them useful things as 20kg bags of food. because I do not trust anyone about money.

When you give to big NGO 80% of the money that you give goes for the NGO itself and not for the cause, so I think only idiots give to large NGOs.



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There is an orphanage we help out with sometimes.  Take the kids out to dinner and such.


I also sometimes stop and give money to people as we are driving around.  Mostly to elderly people I see pulling carts around looking for stuff to recycle.



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