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if you had a few million baht to invest in Thailand, in what would you invest it ?

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15 minutes ago, steven100 said:

a massage shop and a bar 

Is that advice from a business viewpoint or would you just like to own a bar and a massage shop .

Are you thinking about the profit margin or just personal convenience  ?

Edited by CorpusChristie
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13 minutes ago, expat1010 said:

If you live in Thailand and want Thai Baht income you may want to look at some of the dividend paying listed companies on the SET. Prices for some are quite depressed and you can collect the dividend while you wait for the economy to recover which it eventually will ie AIS symbol ADVANC. Also there are some more speculative stocks that have been decimated by the shut down and do not pay dividends, but which should recover in a few years ie Minor International PCL symbol MINT. Not recommending these companies as investments just giving examples.


I find this much simpler and safer than dabbling in the local real estate market.

which large broker do you recommend ?    office in Chiang Mai  needed

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Every man that ever married and was subsequently divorced would have written the same thing during the marriage period.

It's not an investment for you, it's a gift you gave to someone who may or may not stick with you.

So that's a 50% chance of a 100% loss.

bet ive been divorced more than you ,only my first wife got any more than me , but my wife now we have been married 22 yrs ,and together before that ,i would trust her with my life ,believe me ,,

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2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Me Too .......... and it lasted 30 years before she moved on with my house, my car, my children, my dog , my savings and half my pension.

Nobody can claim marriage success until after one of you is dead. 

no one would ever have got away with that from me ,believe it or not ????

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12 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

Is that advice from a business viewpoint or would you just like to own a bar and a massage shop .

Are you thinking about the profit margin or just personal convenience  ?

Happy endings

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20 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

maybe because great idea's are 2 a penny? it's the execution that counts ????


my fav investments right now (based on my own and friend's recent experiences):

  multi-family dwellings (apartment blocks) - standard 5K/month jobs, 10+ rooms, easy to run & hold their value

  land (on the outskirts of major cities, bought from grannies in mom and pop stores!) - longer term play but LOTS of bargains around, stick pineapples, mangoes on them for some yearly income too

  SET - at 1300 i'm liking it



The best idea shared here so far!

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12 hours ago, Patts said:

LOL, No $2000 is at the top of the range, could go slightly higher but not much room for growth. I wouldn't be investing at present. wait for the global recession to take affect and the bubble that is the US stock market to burst.


Disagree, plenty of people with money. Not trusting the markets, the big plunge is still to come. With current handling of covid, the economic future does not look bright. ( e. g. Egyptian soldier ) 


Several banks have upped their gold target partially beyond 3000 US$. The future will show. Personally I am with silver at the moment.


Land. Depends on location and can be slow if you want to sell. Can not be in your name.


Consumer behavior is shifting towards online shopping, there are some companies I would invest in stocks long term but not sure how to do that with money in Thailand.

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20 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

maybe because great idea's are 2 a penny? it's the execution that counts ????


my fav investments right now (based on my own and friend's recent experiences):

  multi-family dwellings (apartment blocks) - standard 5K/month jobs, 10+ rooms, easy to run & hold their value

  land (on the outskirts of major cities, bought from grannies in mom and pop stores!) - longer term play but LOTS of bargains around, stick pineapples, mangoes on them for some yearly income too

  SET - at 1300 i'm liking it



Do you mean like the building that just almost collapsed in bangkok?

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Bitcoin could go higher the next few months, since gold starting to pass all time high but still alot more to gain if the Real world depression comes. Bitcoin, is gambling if you see it as a long time investment. Gold Bars is much safer for long time investment like 10 - 15 years. Gold will reach a new all time high in that period. 




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I was thinking more in low cost condo(s) (under 2 million) and renting it out


than what the bank is offering now as interest...


and banks here went belly up (1997) and the news the country could go bankrupt (see topic), leaving you with nothing .. a condo is there for the next xx years

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