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TAT: Thai tourism is "seriously wounded" - 2020 needs the "5 R's"


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18 minutes ago, sandyf said:

It's not them that need the "gofundme"


Dec 2019, Thai national debt to GDP was about 36% and is predicted to rise to 46% by the end of the year.

The UK national debt has for the first time just topped 100% of GDP, well above the IMF benchmark of 77% which is seen as leading to economic slowdown.

Thailand may have caught a cold but symptoms are quite mild compared to some other countries.

I live in Thailand. Is this UK an province near Laos? 555

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2 hours ago, CGW said:

Job security? how long before "someone" realises that they are funding a defunct agency to the tune of billions of Baht a year!

That doesn't matter. The people who run TAT are exceptionally "well connected" - why else do you think that they are able to get away with their banal pronouncements and obviously invented statistical analysis and forecasts year in year out?

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3 minutes ago, geisha said:

Thailand * seriously wounded* ?
Thailand has committed suicide.

It's done the part of seppuku where you stab your gut and draw to the side, but nobody seems to be helping with the head cutting part, so it's a slow and painful death.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Under "rebound" she commented on plans for places like Phuket to introduce a new model called "Seal and Safe" in which tourists are restricted in where they can travel for their own safety.

"...in which tourist are restricted in where they can travel for their own safety?"  What a load of diaper goo.  Is Thailand planning to revert back to the travel restriction model used in North Korea? 
Reality:  Tourists will be restricted in their movements in order to make Thais feel safer - not for the safety of the tourist.  Next?  "You! Foreigner! You need wear GPS tracker for your safety."  :dry:

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You can open all the borders up, if you wish - but will tourists really come? Anyone noticed how scared the population is with next wave coming, that might decimate income of those that still have jobs left?


Amidst all of this, and if Thailand's numbers start climbing, which they certainly will, who would want to come here? On the nearly non-existing flights? With no food and drinks. Mandatory masks.


Even if quarantine requirements were scrapped... and numbers go up, other countries would likely put up quarantine requirements for returnees from Thailand.


Let's face it. It's a year until this settles down and anywhere near normal travel returns. On a much smaller scale than before pandemic, mostly due to majority of people being out of funds by then.

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I was due to fly on the 1st Sept. Been calling Booking.com and British Airways to try to sort refunds but they are saying that Thailand is only offically closed to international Tourism until 31st August and it may reopen on the 1st September. I told them that the latest I had seen from T.A.T stated it may not reopen until at least 2021 but after I looked at official government sites there is no recent updates and currently the ban is only until the end of this month.


Any ideas? 

Edited by Patts
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

But she expressed some optimism that June and July would see a rise in domestic tourism.

5 million subsidised packages on offer with an up-take of only 666,000 taken, the ministers agreed to increase the offers to 10 million in the hope that might increase travel?

The Thai logic is mind-blowing.

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5 hours ago, alyx said:

seriously wounded? Isn't it an understatement?

'Persistent vegetative state ' is the correct definition.

Just another day,another pointless statement from another pointless official desperately trying to remain relevant. 

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4 hours ago, CGW said:

Job security? how long before "someone" realises that they are funding a defunct agency to the tune of billions of Baht a year!

Works for Thai Airways... 

And no-one mentioned the need for Rock-n-Roll. 

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5 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

If tourists are restricted in where they can travel, they quite simply won't come.


No rebound, not even a "dead cat bounce"!


"These were the need to Rebuild, Rebalance, Refresh, Reboot and Rebound" in the tourism sector. "


An exercise in clutching at straws.

For the tourists' safety? More for the safety of the local people.

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5 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

If tourists are restricted in where they can travel, they quite simply won't come.


No rebound, not even a "dead cat bounce"!


"These were the need to Rebuild, Rebalance, Refresh, Reboot and Rebound" in the tourism sector. "


An exercise in clutching at straws.

Not true in all cases. Particularly in the Caribbean, tourists know it's best not to leave the resort. Same with seaside resort towns in Mexico.

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I love these leaders there are so many of them with all types of titles attached to their endless names. So many they seem to stumble over themselves family friends given jobs titles Assistant to the Assistant to the Assistant.


They seem to rotate each day who is going to make a speech today they must stay up all night coming up with all the phrases " Bubble, 5 R's, "  which sounds great but ends up in the same pile of <deleted> suggested!


Every male seem to have their hair dyed when they run out now they throw in a women for good measure as least she looks better than the old guys!????

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