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Thailand finds second coronavirus infection after long absence


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2 hours ago, Xonax said:

Trying to eliminate the virus totally is not possible and way too expensive. It´s all about keeping it at a managable level. 

And, trying to eliminate the mendacity of the Thai officials and this yellow tainted clown Dr. Yong is also not possible and way to expensive, but not possible to keep at a managable level. How sad that the Thai populace still trust them when it is about Covid.

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Yeah. This is about as newsworthy as, 'We have found someone with flu'. But all lands, their politicians and media are equally mad these days. 


For those who haven't got over their preconceptions yet but would like to try, once again: 

             -> It's all about excess fat <-


If you steer your fat through proper diet and sufficient exercise, your weight will remain such as fat calculators (internet) tell you it should be, because your overweight is fat. Once you've reached your target weight, you will look slim, you will feel great, and your immune system will be able to defeat microbe attacks like covid. (Also, this way you should avoid life-style diseases, as they all ultimately seem to be fat-caused.)  


You just need to reach the insight that, yes this means YOU. If you have more fat due to excessive high-carb diet (too much sugar and starch - that's most people's problem), then you must change your diet. Most target-oriented should be - surprise, surprise - a low-carb diet (cut out sugar and starch - internet). And don't forget to exercise: You must accelerate your heart & co for 30 min, 5 times/week - swimming with some effort should do 


The more who take this step the more will know this is the solution. Then we can all demand that the governments come to their senses. Before, nothing will change, I'm afraid.


Change starts with every individual. Good luck on your way to reach this insight...


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14 hours ago, mark131v said:

Is there a single day without Dr Yong's opinion on all things medical, he's a proper media juncki!!


So if I read this right the good Dr is basically saying the quarantine and testing is a pointless waste of time and money, either that or he caught the virus in LoS but we all know that is impossible as it doesn't exist in LoS....

He is the equivalent of Anthony Fauci in the USA... "We all have to hunker down until end of 2021 - even with a vaccine"

These guys are getting their 15 minutes of fame and won't let go

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14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

It is all about making it the world's virus, but not Thailand's. Dirty foreigners brought it back and now look......yes sarcasm.

Rather anguished sarcasm but thanks for letting us all know it was sarcasm and not bitterness

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“We were quite lucky to catch this [rare symptomless] infection, which occurs in less than one per cent of cases,” he said.


Given how infamously this guy lies even against scientific research, he might be a suitable candidate to become Thai health minister soon, after Anutin will have replaced Prayut as PM. ????

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I am not reading here where the guy was playing but in thai news they say he plays for buriram untd . I geus it's quit important to know because of people that could have been in contact with him or people that could have been in contact with those people , otherwise what's the importance of QR coding yourself everywhere or writing your name and phone nr in all those places . 

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1 hour ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

why not randomly test 100 or 1000 people in EVERY province ?


because that will show people are "positive" but not SICK


thailand will stick to the :   safe destination joke


You would need to randomly test far more than that to have good chance of finding any positive. It would be prohibitively expensive and serve little purpose.


It is already known that many infected people -- especially younger ones -- are asymptomatic. And that until/unless symptomatic cases start to appear at hospitals, their numbers are pretty small.

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4 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


You would need to randomly test far more than that to have good chance of finding any positive. It would be prohibitively expensive and serve little purpose.


It is already known that many infected people -- especially younger ones -- are asymptomatic. And that until/unless symptomatic cases start to appear at hospitals, their numbers are pretty small.

Don't understand your point. If it serves little purpose and is too expensive, why are they testing randomly millions daily in Europe now? And wouldn't it make a lot of sense to find these asymptomatic cases in Thailand, just to become aware that Covid is not this death-sentence they still seem to believe? I mean, exactly this is the main problem Thailand has now, and why there is all this paranoia and hysteria here.

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14 hours ago, mark131v said:

Yong Poovorawan, a virology expert from Bangkok’s Chulalongkorn University, said the virus incubation period in the man would have been longer than 14 days and it was unlikely to have been domestically transmitted.

What are the saying ? That most test are Cr@p, Or the Quarantine Should be a Month instead of 14 Days to make sure that people don't bring the Virus in LOS 

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Please be fair. Some of the criticism made against the Thai health personnel is unfounded.


14 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

Yes the doctor is talking complete nonsense. There's no evidence at all that someone can go for 14 days after exposure and not test positive.

Rubbish. You are the one talking nonsense and should  publicly apologize to the doctor. He  was  right.


It is possible to show symptoms and have a detectable viral load after 14 days

The isolation periods are based upon the periods when the infection can be detected and/or when symptoms occur.

We use a 14 day period because it is the most economically viable cut off point.  Most people  can be diagnosed inn less than a week, but the number who would be missed is statistically significant, so a longer period is used.

Outside of China, the following is used as a guide;

-95% of diagnosed patients show symptoms such as fever within 5.7 days.

-97.5% of diagnosed patients show symptoms within 14.7 days

-2.5% of diagnosed patients fall into the 14-35 day period


it is quite possible that this fellow was the  one odd case that skews the  incubation period.


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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“I believe he was infected abroad,” Yong said.

Arrived in the country Aug 13th [a month ago]... went into quarantine and proved 3 negative tests.

Now he has a positive, a month after arriving, yet he was infected abroad.

Safe trusted Thailand?

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6 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

Please be fair. Some of the criticism made against the Thai health personnel is unfounded.


Rubbish. You are the one talking nonsense and should  publicly apologize to the doctor. He  was  right.


It is possible to show symptoms and have a detectable viral load after 14 days

The isolation periods are based upon the periods when the infection can be detected and/or when symptoms occur.

We use a 14 day period because it is the most economically viable cut off point.  Most people  can be diagnosed inn less than a week, but the number who would be missed is statistically significant, so a longer period is used.

Outside of China, the following is used as a guide;

-95% of diagnosed patients show symptoms such as fever within 5.7 days.

-97.5% of diagnosed patients show symptoms within 14.7 days

-2.5% of diagnosed patients fall into the 14-35 day period


it is quite possible that this fellow was the  one odd case that skews the  incubation period.


But it is way more possible and way more likely that he became infected later in Thailand. However, this obviously does not fit into the political agenda of this Dr Yong. That's why he claims the almost impossible only and disregards the obvious.

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40 minutes ago, Flying Saucage said:

Don't understand your point. If it serves little purpose and is too expensive, why are they testing randomly millions daily in Europe now? And wouldn't it make a lot of sense to find these asymptomatic cases in Thailand, just to become aware that Covid is not this death-sentence they still seem to believe? I mean, exactly this is the main problem Thailand has now, and why there is all this paranoia and hysteria here.


The caseload in Europe is vastly higher than it ever was in Thailand. Totally different situation.


If there were over a hundred new COVID deaths a day taking place in Thailand, and over a thousand hospitalizations, as there is in Europe, obviously widespread testing would be indicated.


They are not by the way testing millions (plural) each day in Europe. More like 800k - 1 mill. And it is not random testing.





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15 hours ago, mark131v said:

So if I read this right the good Dr is basically saying the quarantine and testing is a pointless waste of time and money, either that or he caught the virus in LoS but we all know that is impossible as it doesn't exist in LoS....


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1 minute ago, Flying Saucage said:

But it is way more possible and way more likely that he became infected later in Thailand. However, this obviously does not fit into the political agenda of this Dr Yong. That's why he claims the almost impossible only and disregards the obvious.


Both infection in Thailand and a continued infection acquired abroad or in transit are possible and in either case an unusual occurrence.


With no information on viral genetic characteristics or viral load at time of testing I for one would not venture an opinion  either way.

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1 hour ago, Flying Saucage said:

This junta mouthpiece "Dr." Yong uses his reputation as a virologist to rape science for his political and private agenda. In every other country he would be obtracized by the scientific community.

In every other country except perhaps the USA he would be ostracized by the scientific community.

That's better! ????

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this is a local infection he completed 14 days quarantine 3 tests neg and has been out in the community  since aug 27th,arrived the 13th aug ,so when did he get the covid the day before he got on the plane?if thats the case its been over a month.first such transmission worldwide wow.one in 28.5 mill.so if you swallow this your a fool. enough said

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