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Tourists coming to Thailand - they must have enough funds to support themselves, says business leader


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29 minutes ago, orlov said:

Tourists cannot open a Thai bank account. You have to prove some form of residency before a Thai bank will consider your application. 


They will more likely request proof of funds in country of residence when visa is applied for...as I think was usually done in the past for METV.


That and proof of insurance that covers you while in Thailand.



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44 minutes ago, Sheryl said:


Other than hospital bills, shiort stay tourists are not usually a problem in terms of burden but issues occur regularly with resident expats growing old, being unable to care for themselves anymore/pay their rent etc. Usually end in deportation but often with outstanding bills left behind and having to hit up relatives back home to pay for the return flight.


Many old retired expats can't get a health insurance. So better to increase for uninsured people the 800.000 Baht deposit amount. And they also need to go after immigration officers and visa agents who help people that don't fulfill the financial requirements.

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2 minutes ago, ThomasThBKK said:


Disagree, all economic data points in the exact opposite direction.

You cannot judge the situation on a single failed broke begpacker or a broke retiree that can't pay his hospital bills - you HAVE to look at the net off all tourists coming here and on AVERAGE spend way more money then they cost thailand.


Tourism is 20% of the GDP for a reason, and that's the only thing that matters here. One guy not paying his hospital bill is so absolutely irrelevant for the economy as he will ALWAYS be outnumbers by 10 guys paying their hospital bills. 

There's always bad apples, no matter where people come from and they will always be outnumbered by paying guests.

The damage to the economy is so absolutely minimal that a bunch of non-paying guests can cause and absolutely outnumbered by the benefits the rest of tourists are bringing.


This is just the usual thai blame game...  


Great approach. If one doesn't pay the bill no problem because others pay their bill. The same can be applied to restaurants, hotels and whatever? 

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1 hour ago, Poet said:

I take your word for it but, honestly, I have no idea how that is actually happening. Anytime I have gone to a hospital, paying has not been optional.

I have a good idea, having witnessed exactly that at a local public hospital. 


Yep, there's an easy way to leave a hospital w/o bothering to with the cashier. Not only the hospital, but Thailand itself without paying so much as a satang in airfares, overstay charges, or exit tax; without, in fact, even bothering to wave your passport at Thai Immigration.


Flip off all those brown uniforms and soar directly to that great beer bar in the sky, to music, balloons, colored lights, a cold beer Chang, and lovely smiling  birds, not to mention a cheerful crowd of hail-fellow-well-met farang who'd earlier also met their fates in Thailand. It's what many an old expat dreams of!????


1 hour ago, Banana7 said:

Some foreigners die here, after being in the hospital for numerous days. I know one guy in Pattaya, had a bill of over 1,000,000 baht from the Bangkok Pattaya hospital, when he died. The hospital tried to locate his friends to pay the bill. Needless to say, no one admitted being his friend. I imagine he isn't the only foreigner who has left a hospital with an outstanding debt.



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My annual insurer has completely removed Covid from its coverage. There no £50,000 coverage or £100,000 etc etc to show any immigration official up front

What they've added is coverage should you have to cancel in advance from Covid or curtail once on holiday but no "up front coverage" and certainly no indication what they'll cover for "curtailment in resort"


Big reinsurer as well so it will be affecting at least 50% of policies underwritten out of the UK


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2 hours ago, ezzra said:

Would love to see true and untwisted statistics showing the "burden" foreigners putting on local health authorities

There were some stats published a year or two ago that showed the amount owed by farangs who didn't/couldn't pay their hospital bills.......must be on the net somewhere.

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