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American expat charged with defamation after leaving multiple negative reviews online


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15 hours ago, Don Mega said:

several members of TVF have said in this thread they would not stay at this resort based upon these events, so yes the place has suffured a loss.

but that  may be because of the way they thought the resort  handled the situation rather than down to any  comments  made by its patrons whether true  or  false

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4 minutes ago, LiamB80 said:

Story landed in the New York Times today. This hotel might as well close down, who would ever want to stay there now?

I would. Any hotel that takes a stand against a deranged guy trying to ruin their business because he couldn't drink his own booze in their restaurant is ok by me. 

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3 hours ago, torturedsole said:

TripAdvisor should have also added the reminder to read up on local laws before you <deleted> off to La La Land for your holidays or teaching exploits.


Im not sure about T/A but airbnb remind host and guest to take note of local laws

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1 hour ago, LiamB80 said:

Story landed in the New York Times today. This hotel might as well close down, who would ever want to stay there now? Word will get around about this place. 

How many scams in Thailand? jet ski's and tuk tuk's to name a couple but it doesn't stop people coming to Thailand

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1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

Yeah they should have repeatedly attempted contact over the period of a few weeks/month to try and come to an amicable resolution.


Ohhh, wait. They did try to do that but this moron ignored their contacts attempts and just kept on posting malicious reviews over varies websites.


He submitted 4 comments which only 3 were published online. 

The story is now in the New York Times. And all the outside world will see is that a tourist was jailed for making 3 negative reviews online. 

Bravo, hotel! Way to save face. 

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all posts on the internet should be done with cornea and fingerprint scan first.


then if you say something bad all your money from bank....gone.   police come.  house gone.  jail, 10-years.   


are there places in the world where you can say what you like?????  and why are you not there??   ok, then you want to be the sheep....time to be 100% sheep.  

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The news is spreading.





"We chose to file a complaint to serve as a deterrent, as we understood he may continue to write negative reviews week after week for the foreseeable future," the hotel said.

^ Obviously a dumb idea that has backfired. 




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15 hours ago, NY2Thailand said:

It amazes me that some would like to equate the law as being bad because it can be used by the authorities, and others, to intimidate or surpress freedom of speech. The issue isn't the law itself, so stop with all that. Any law can be mis-applied (or even disregarded altogether, given the country, and circumstances in question). I simply don't understand how anyone can find fault with the resort in this instance. This is a clear case of the law being used exactly how it was intended. Had the guest simply left a review about his experience (the corkage fee) and not set out on a campaign to harm the business in question, he would not be in prison today. The resort has received bad reveiws in the past and accepted them - as they accurately point out. But we can not have a world where anyone and everyone is entitled to say (or post) whatever they want - wherever they want and whenever they want - even if the information being presented is false. And if you read the entirety of this guest's reviews, he clearly crosses the line more than once. No one should not be able to defame or slander a person, or business, and exepct to get away with it. And those terms aren't open to interpetation to the degree some would like to imply. Using that logic everything is open to interpretaion, a nice viewpoint if you want to abuse the law, or others. I have seen many other instances where someone was clearly on a vendetta against some entity or another in a public forum, and wondered why action wasn't being taken. I'm very happy to see it was in this case.

Unfortunately, you are making the same mistake that many other businesses make every day, around the world. It doesn't matter who is "right" and who is "wrong." It doesn't matter what the "law" says. I've worked with Fortune 100 companies that lost 5 billion dollars in market share in one day because they confused courts of law with the court of public opinion. This resort made a grievous and costly error long before the customer left the restaurant. They should have waived the corkage fee, given him a free dessert, shook his hand and said, "hope to see you again soon." They will suffer irreparable loss for not having done so. And the rude customer - you think he's going to do "hard time?" If he's not out already, he will be soon (as well he should be) and, now driven by revenge as well as indignation, will no doubt continue to do more damage once he's left Thailand far behind. Everybody was wrong in this silly episode, but no one more so that the owner of the hotel, who ignored the Prime Directive of crisis communication in the modern world: LET THE STORY DIE.

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23 hours ago, sncoem said:

Hotel owner and managers are liar and cheaters. They push google and tripadvisor to delete all reviews.

Sue me if you want, and if you can find me ????

Maybe, but Google and TripAdvisor don't do that. They only remove the reviews that breach their terms of service.


This is clearly seen from the fact that one of the negative reviews from the guy in question is still there on the TripAdvisor website. Only the one talking about "modern slavery" was removed. (Apparently some others that were evidently not based on personal experience were also removed).


Also, as others have mentioned, almost every hotel has at least some 1-star reviews. How could that be if the review sites were deleting them all?

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39 minutes ago, Alex25 said:

Unfortunately, you are making the same mistake that many other businesses make every day, around the world. It doesn't matter who is "right" and who is "wrong." It doesn't matter what the "law" says. I've worked with Fortune 100 companies that lost 5 billion dollars in market share in one day because they confused courts of law with the court of public opinion. This resort made a grievous and costly error long before the customer left the restaurant. They should have waived the corkage fee, given him a free dessert, shook his hand and said, "hope to see you again soon." They will suffer irreparable loss for not having done so. And the rude customer - you think he's going to do "hard time?" If he's not out already, he will be soon (as well he should be) and, now driven by revenge as well as indignation, will no doubt continue to do more damage once he's left Thailand far behind. Everybody was wrong in this silly episode, but no one more so that the owner of the hotel, who ignored the Prime Directive of crisis communication in the modern world: LET THE STORY DIE.

Good post. In a few weeks the comments will be on page 10 of their reviews and who looks back that far. Just request Trip Advisor to remove it as well. The fact that he mentioned someone by nationality could be grounds for that. 

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