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Messages for sick Trump split between "get well" and "told you so"


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33 minutes ago, donnacha said:

I'm not sure if that was @Opl's point.

I would say that China clearly took steps to restrict the spread of the virus within China while continuing to allow it to spread out of China, specifically pressuring the W.H.O. to echo China's official line rather than what the W.H.O.'s own people in China were reporting to it.

I don't think they were targeting particular people, just competing economies in general.


Sure because as everyone knows, exports are not a vitally important contributor to the Chinese economy.

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20 minutes ago, serenedion said:

Some psychologist did an experiment where he played a recording of a basketball game to viewers. Afterwards, he asked them if they noticed anything out of the ordinary. Most didn't. It turns out that during the game someone in a gorilla suit ran out onto the court. But the viewers were blind to that gorilla. Much in the same way that they are apparently blind to Trump's appalling behavior. The same behavior that they denounce in others.

This is the problem. i have come to the conclusion maybe it's because Trump is the first White President  while Obama was the exception.   

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29 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

And let’s not forget that Hitler built the autobahn. 


and developed the jet engine and rockets and a lot of their human experimentation info was  sought  out by the  allies also

Edited by bodga
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1 hour ago, serenedion said:

Most didn't. It turns out that during the game someone in a gorilla suit ran out onto the court.

that happens all the time, they used to run across the field naked years ago, hardly unusual.

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8 minutes ago, candide said:

Ok. However he could have fulfilled his duty while respecting the rules and advices from the CDC, instead of weakening the country by contributing to infect not only himself but also likely other WH members.

The official advice has been in flux, at times knowingly misleading (initially advising the public against masks despite knowing they helped), and aspects of the current advice has been legitimately disputed.

The president's power is largely illusory. The main story here is that the apparatus of state, which spent billions preparing for an event such as this, would have utterly failed regardless of who was supposedly in charge.


8 minutes ago, candide said:

BTW, as for his "duties", it was mainly about campaigning for the elections.

Yes. All elected officials must be elected. What is your point?


Edited by donnacha
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4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Misleading statement, he could have stayed in the White House and tweeted to his heart's content. He's traveling because his  method is to hold rallies of his adherents. No one has asked him to travel, except perhaps his campaign managers.  If he stayed at home like Biden has, his re-election campaign would have no oxygen.

I don't know if the Democrats would have handled things better, that's a red herring. The fact remains he deliberately downplayed the virus and sidelined the scientists who were trying to get control of the situation. Refused to wear a mask, setting an example for the cognitively impaired to follow. End result over 200,000 deaths and 2.5 million active cases, the worst by far of any nation.

After the first presidential debate, the opinion Trump is trying to improve American morale is one of the funniest I have read on TV in a long time.


The fact that he allowed people to go maskless at indoor settings is bad enough. His family want maskless at the debate! The fact that  he himself wasn't feeling well  and still attended an indoor maskless meeting,  even though he knew that Hope Hicks was already ill, says it all. 

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4 hours ago, torturedsole said:

I'm surprised a positive Covid test result is deemed international news. I had a short bout of common cold in October 2019 followed by a dose of Covid in February 2020. 


There's not much else to say or get excited about. 

Are you the chief executive of a major nation? How did your stay in the hospital go? Did you flout the standards set by scientists? Scientists you appointed for this very purpose?

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