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Here they come! 120+ Chinese from Guangzhou set to arrive at Bangkok airport on TUESDAY


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19 minutes ago, Mavideol said:

it's not over until the fat lady sings.... meaning until they are physically Here I wouldn't believe anything TAT says, first was Oct 8, then Oct 26 now Oct 20 and as you said, TAT previously indicated that NOT  1 Chinese had applied for the STV. I do think this post/news it's just to distract us from the other news about Thai people manifestations against government going on

A very shrewd observation.


One is best served by viewing TAT "facts" as a kind of Escher print...

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15 minutes ago, Christie Paul said:

1957 - H2N2


1968 - H3N2


1997 - H5N1


2003 - SARS


2006 - Bird Flu


2009 - Swine Flu


2013 - Porcine Pestivirus 


2019 - COVID 


All originating from China.

Are you sure that list would pass a fact check ????

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We need TV reader detectives on this one !! Will they really come, to where ?

( I thought it was Phuket?) Will they really do 14 days quarantine locked in their rooms? And are they really staying long stay conditions ? The financial side we will never know the truth.  So get your masks and dark sunglasses out everyone and stalk them !!!!

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1 minute ago, Virt said:

Are you sure that list would pass a fact check ????

2016...ThaiVisa virus..

2017..Redbull virus

2018..Presidential virus..leading to untreatable twittering..

2020..General Paranoia virus...very difficult to control and contain..in fact ineradicable.

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Here it comes the second wave?  Who really believe China is telling the truth that they are virus free?

Just a few days ago they reported that no one has even apply for the STV, now all of a sudden they got a plane load in a few days, in a few days they were able to apply and jump through all the requirements they want all the rest of us to do which takes from what I'm hearing a minimum of a month.

God helps us all if there is even a God!????

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1 hour ago, Cake Monster said:

Just follow the trail of Phlegm on the Floor.

That reminds me of those ominous "No Spitting on the Floor" signs that you find in the elevators of many hotels in the region that accommodate large numbers of Chinese tourists. I first thought it was sheer bias -- until one day I witnessed an elderly Chinese bloke doing exactly that while he shared the same elevator with me. It didn't faze him at all as I stared at him in bewilderment and disgust.

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12 minutes ago, raccos21 said:

No worries; the 120 Chinese are all equipped with the brand new wearable biometric sensors, which can be printed on to their skins to track the symptoms of the virus, so Thailand’s gonna be the testing grounds.



Good for real-time tracking of the convi .. ermh tourists. The future of hospitality is coming.



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6 hours ago, mehrdad said:

The rest of the world ( all Europe and America and Middle East and many place in asia example ( india ... ) are fighting with second and third wave of this virus ????
but thailand ( covid free ???? ) worry only tourist and will do a big risk by opening border now 

Could be the perfect foil to blame the new second wave on dirty foreigners. ????

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6 hours ago, TSF said:

Actually it's a positive step forward. Slowly opening up to selected countries and doing rapid covid tests upon arrival at the airport. My guess is in 2021 there will be lots more freeing up, allowing hassle-free entry to people from certain countries, who have been vaccinated and do a rapid covid test at the airport. It's the best we can hope for at the present time. 

Nice to read a positive post on this forum of naysayers and decrepit aged expats with nothing but a computer keyboard to play with.  I LIKE an optimistic expat with brain cells still functioning.  ????

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6 hours ago, UB40 said:

Yesterday I read, that exactly "0" Chinese applied for the STV. And now they're coming? Seems as if all media have a serious truth-problem

I don't think that it's the media that have the problem - they are only reporting what they have been told by???????????!

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If they bought their trips in China, and are on Chinese tour buses and eating in Chinese restaurants and staying in Chinese owned hotels. And if they are all lining up to fill their water bottles at the public water dispensers instead of buying 7/11 water. How will they save the Thai tourism industry.

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6 hours ago, mehrdad said:

The rest of the world ( all Europe and America and Middle East and many place in asia example ( india ... ) are fighting with second and third wave of this virus ????
but thailand ( covid free ???? ) worry only tourist and will do a big risk by opening border now 

"Third wave", eh? You must have a special crystal ball. Either that or you like to make up stuff.

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2 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Bring enough plates. Or better still: crates, baskets and shovels!

Surely any Chinese will have to be kept away from any festival that has a buffet. That wouldn't be an "all you can eat" buffet would it? Oh! Gawd!

Edited by possum1931
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7 hours ago, UB40 said:

Yesterday I read, that exactly "0" Chinese applied for the STV. And now they're coming? Seems as if all media have a serious truth-problem

This time they are sure to be coming as the Chinese army are transporting the 120 militant Uighurs from Xinjiang to Guangzhou right now.

Edited by SunsetT
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I would have thought they would be tested for COVID before leaving China, that country has enough criticism coming its way for spreading the virus initially.

Having said that, 120 is a drop in the bucket. Thailand needs millions to restart its tourist economy.

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10 minutes ago, Strongheart said:

"Third wave", eh? You must have a special crystal ball. Either that or you like to make up stuff.

I sincerely hope not, the first is a ripple, the second a wave, the third total destruction, a bit like ww1, ww2, ww3 goodbye everybody.

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I agree with mehrdad , many european countries are handling a second or third wave at this very moment ,as are american and brazile and india never stopped and had one big wave that's still going on . But thailand is worrying about the arrival of 120 tourists that will not even make a dent in a pack of butter . Also german and Uk Elite visa holders will arrive on private jets one of these days ?? Germany is one of the countries where the second wave is hitting . As i said before , i know the economy is getting hit hard by this pandemic ,but it's better to keep the country closed then opening it up and having to close it down again when the virus is being brought into the country . Many european countries are going back into a lockdown as the nr's are rising rappidly and the hospitals are getting full again . These countries where very quick opening up again to get tourisme going again and now need to close back down and having a big virus problem while before they had it under controle . So better keep thailand closed until people are being vaccinated here and in different parts of the world . Opening up and having to go back into lockdown with the virus then inside the country in big nr's will not help much and will only make it worse as will it be worse for the economy . 

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So of a couple of covid case people are on the 6  hour flight   and then they wait where for the  2 hour test  results that are 95% accurate? Then bused to where? I hope there is a 2 week quarantine.  

You wonder if these are some special group that were isolated from a low risk building or town in China?   Because surely China big boys who owns many investments in Thailand have an interest in seeing the tourist flow starting.  Maybe these are business buying  scouts.  I hope it works out but no way is this a good idea when you look at WWide case number trends going up.  

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