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French Woman Contracted COVID after Quarantine


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6 minutes ago, connda said:

Again, media misinformation for the purposes of sowing fear as well as anti-foreigner sentiments?
A Thai national married to a French man who is a Thai-French dual citizen.  But!  For the purposes of fear-mongering she's labelled as a "French women" instead of more accurately calling her a Thai citizen with dual citizenship.  Shame!

As another poster said, if she had been a Thai national married to a Thai-Chinese dual citizen, wouild they have called her "Chinese"?

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1 hour ago, polpott said:

In the UK currently 141 deaths/day. Thats over 51000 deaths/year. Try those numbers for Thailand.

About double the number of people they kill on the Thai roads each year and nobody give a hoot.
And compared against the global population of 7.8 billion people, those numbers are in the noise.

And the Covid-faithful keep singing the Song of Fear as they celebrate the destruction of our economies and our societies for a flu that has infected 0.05% of the globe or 1 out of every 2000 people.


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So please whats the point of wasting so much time getting to Thailand, going into 14 day ASQ and spending so much money to do so...etc when your just going to get the lurgy from a local... kinda blows the STV out the water really and all the statements from TAT and the government now is clearly tosh.

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10 minutes ago, mrmrmred said:

So please whats the point of wasting so much time getting to Thailand, going into 14 day ASQ and spending so much money to do so...etc when your just going to get the lurgy from a local... kinda blows the STV out the water really and all the statements from TAT and the government now is clearly tosh.

The woman is a Thai, so she would not be coming on a STV.

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6 hours ago, SomchaiCNX said:

Can she now legally sue the health department for not protecting her? That would make my day.


Zip chance of achieving that, however if someone has tested negative and later it is confirmed that they were infected in an asq then they should be fully compensated, full refund and ongoing support, the asq then should be blacklisted.

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12 hours ago, daveAustin said:

What happens when 7 billion people have covid and Thailand is still saying zero cases? What would that mean? 

There has been a massive earth structural slip and now Thailand is in North Korea, that's what it would mean

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1 hour ago, connda said:

About double the number of people they kill on the Thai roads each year and nobody give a hoot.
And compared against the global population of 7.8 billion people, those numbers are in the noise.

And the Covid-faithful keep singing the Song of Fear as they celebrate the destruction of our economies and our societies for a flu that has infected 0.05% of the globe or 1 out of every 2000 people.


yes, but in UK, people right now, only die because of COVID...

Ask yourself good question please and don't be so naive.

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3 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

The PCR test was never recommended to be used to test for viruses and is always giving false positives. Are people dying from it? No, they are not. The worst you can say is that people are dying from pre-existing conditions that 'MAY BE' exacerbated by COVID. This is not the deadly disease that it was touted to be in the media so cases are meaningless. 

Agree....Further, certainly in UK, anyone who tests positive for CV is regarded as a "case" This Is an emotive description, implying, as it does, a possible worst-case scenario.

IMO...a  "case" is a person who is sick: ie has symptoms, needs medical attention or worse. They deserve our care and attention.


If the definition of "case" was reserved for truly sick people, and those who test positive but are asymptomatic were referred to as (say) "tested and healthy individuals" then the number of "cases" would possibly be far, far lower. 


Yes, I agree, such individuals can still potentially pass CV on, but that's another issue.


But what do I know...I'm not a Scientist sponsored by Government  ????

Edited by VBF
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12 hours ago, daveAustin said:

It is Fking EVERYWHERE!!! Of course. What's the big deal. Why do these little countries that purportedly display a '0' get up all in arms when it pops up? It was always China, but who cares where it came from thereafter? Stroll on!!

I agree it doesn't matter where it came from, but I like living in Thailand, where we've had 59 deaths, as compared to, say, Indonesia, which has had 13,299 deaths, or the U.S., with 220,000 and climbing. That's a big deal to me. If Thailand has another 10 deaths this year from social transmission, that's a really big deal.

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15 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

No thanks.


I'm sure the vast majority of people inside Thailand would not want that.

The majority of Thai people are Buddhist as Thailand is a Buddhist country.

So they have to accept the life as it is and do themselves the best as they can to go with, as all Buddhist is doing.

Also COVID doesn't kill much enough to kill a country economy (and just look at fake numbers indications everywhere around with positive tests, or no test or all people dead only from COVID what ever they had before, etc...). It is the first time in the world we see a kind of economy killer for this kind of powerless virus killer. There is some vaccine big pharma industry and businessmen want to sale wildly (big money).

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2 minutes ago, Acharn said:

I agree it doesn't matter where it came from, but I like living in Thailand, where we've had 59 deaths, as compared to, say, Indonesia, which has had 13,299 deaths, or the U.S., with 220,000 and climbing. That's a big deal to me. If Thailand has another 10 deaths this year from social transmission, that's a really big deal.

Why don't you go To Lao... they said only 2 die from COVID.

Are you serious ? can you really trust this number ? Ho come on...

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3 minutes ago, VBF said:

Agree....Further, certainly in UK, anyone who tests positive for CV is regarded as a "case" This Is an emotive description, implying, as it does, a possible worst-case scenario.

IMO...a  "case" is a person who is sick: ie has symptoms, needs medical attention or worse. They deserve our care and attention.


If the definition of "case" was reserved for truly sick people, and those who test positive but are asymptomatic were referred to as (say) "tested and healthy individuals" then the number of "cases" would possibly be far, far lower.


But what do I know...I'm not a Scientist sponsored by Government  ????

I agree, too. We're never told about the number of false negatives, which is a real possibility in this case (she tested negative twice). The way they treat the current news false positives aren't really important, except to the poor schlubs who have to spend the next two weeks in quarantine. It would be helpful if they showed how many of the positive tests are people who show symptoms and how many don't. Of course, I'm trying to deny that she caught the virus in Thailand.

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4 minutes ago, VBF said:

Agree....Further, certainly in UK, anyone who tests positive for CV is regarded as a "case" This Is an emotive description, implying, as it does, a possible worst-case scenario.

IMO...a  "case" is a person who is sick: ie has symptoms, needs medical attention or worse. They deserve our care and attention.


If the definition of "case" was reserved for truly sick people, and those who test positive but are asymptomatic were referred to as (say) "tested and healthy individuals" then the number of "cases" would possibly be far, far lower.


But what do I know...I'm not a Scientist sponsored by Government  ????

the scientists are not sponsored by government, in this liberal wild free market world, scientists AND government AND representative population politics are, majority of them (70% of deputy in self and illegal situation of interest conflicts in EU assembly place), sponsored by industries. And that is the very precise crucial point who imply corrupted decisions and fakes/fear communications.

You should read a book titled: "Propaganda" who was writing in USA by capitalists around year 1930 and describe how start the job of "president advisor" and use commercial communication technique (who is based on rhetoric and manipulation knowledge) to be influential with an image of a leader who finally deserve, not a country really, but his own clients who paid for his candidature and propaganda (expensive).

So, definitely no: the scientists are not sponsored by government, but by business (and so the corrupted governments), the government authorize them to speak in TV shows... it is very different.

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1 hour ago, mrmrmred said:

So please whats the point of wasting so much time getting to Thailand, going into 14 day ASQ and spending so much money to do so...etc when your just going to get the lurgy from a local... kinda blows the STV out the water really and all the statements from TAT and the government now is clearly tosh.

no logic world wide with COVID there, but just a full free market industrial monopoly business free world who propagate fear to sale vaccine and cover an economic crash due to world wide corruption with 55 fiscal paradises area and economic exploded bubble with not enough liquidity in banks around the world.

The fear was and is and will be always the best communication practice to manipulate public opinion. It is not new.

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The Covid tests are so sensitive they will detect  a very low viral load. Such a low level of infection may result in no, or relatively minor, symptoms and little risk of passing on the infection.


For the future, there may need to be a guideline to better categorise the risk even if someone is detected with the virus (e.g. the % who are actually symptomatic versus asymptomatic, viral loads above a certain level etc).

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13 hours ago, mr mr said:

no thailand no have covis. thailand number 1. wear mask ride alone on motorcye. thai not do same stupid farang country. not follow rule. not together fight covis. why farang not want stop covis.


What the heck are you ranting on about? 

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38 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

The Covid tests are so sensitive they will detect  a very low viral load. Such a low level of infection may result in no, or relatively minor, symptoms and little risk of passing on the infection.


For the future, there may need to be a guideline to better categorise the risk even if someone is detected with the virus (e.g. the % who are actually symptomatic versus asymptomatic, viral loads above a certain level etc).

It seems that some airports in Europe are doing antigen tests at checkin. In 15 minutes these detect, at up the 85% reliability, infectious cases of Covid, even if asymptomatic. PCR is overkill by detecting cases that are no longer a danger to others and takes too long for results.

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18 minutes ago, Blumpie said:


So she's been in quarantine for 14 days and now another 14.

28 days quarantined.

How is your month going?  

She is in the hospital now getting treatment, and her son and husband are sequestered in the hospital as well it seems.

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